Childhood Chum 9

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by Break

Continuando con el cap anterior, el mc con la milf, follando en la ducha.
Durante el folle la milf que el mc es bastante rudo, pero sin embargo no puede rechazarlo, además de que nunca se había sentido así. 
Muchos paneles de sexo después el mc se viene dentro de ella, ella cae al suelo y se queda pensando en que es lo que debería de hacer. 
Días después.
Aparece en escena la noona de el mc, esta buceando junto a un grupo de gente, sale del agua y logra ver a lo lejos al mc, ella va a saludarlo. 
La noona lleva el sierre del traje un poco bajo, por lo que se ve el escote, el mc le dice que si hace eso, todos los hombres la estarán viendo, ella le pregunta si lo está haciendo y el mc le responde que si, le dice que luce bastante sexy. La noona se sonroja y se tapa, entonces el mc se da la vuelta y se va. 
Ya en casa, el mc está con la milf, está le pide su ropa para que vaya a lavarla, la milf se da la vuelta y el mc se le queda viendo decaído. 
Flashback de lo que paso después en el baño.
El mc se estaba disculpando con la milf por lo que acaba de hacer, pero la milf no le respondio nada, solo le dijo que si podía salir del baño ya que iba a bañarse. 
Fin del flashback. 
El mc está preocupado porque la milf actúa como si nada hubiera pasado. El mc entonces se da la vuelta, mientras camina, el mc se pregunta si podrán volver a tener la relación de antes. 
Sin embargo la milf, mientras se da un toque de olor con al ropa del mc y se pone la mano en la entrepierna, dice que ya no pueden volver a su antigua relación.

By Break

Continuing from the previous chapter, the mc with the milf, fucking in the shower.

During the fuck the milf that the mc is pretty rough, but nevertheless she can't refuse him, plus she's never felt like this before.

Many panels of sex later the mc comes inside her, she falls to the floor and is left wondering what she should do.


Days later.

The mc's noona appears on the scene, she is diving with a group of people, she comes out of the water and manages to see the mc in the distance, she goes to greet him.

The noona wears her suit zipper a little low, so her cleavage is visible, the mc tells her that if she does that, all the men will be watching her, she asks him if she is doing it and the mc says yes, he tells her that she looks quite sexy. The noona blushes and covers up, then the mc turns around and leaves.

Back at home, the mc is with the milf, she asks him for her clothes so she can go wash them, the milf turns around and the mc looks at her with a depressed look on his face.

Flashback to what happened later in the bathroom.

The mc was apologizing to the milf for what he just did, but the milf didn't say anything back, she just told him if he could leave the bathroom since she was going to take a bath.

End of flashback.

The mc is worried because the milf is acting like nothing happened. The mc then turns around, as he walks, the mc wonders if they can go back to the relationship they had before.

However the milf, while giving herself a whiff of smell with the mc's clothes and putting her hand on her crotch, says that they can't go back to their old relationship.
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