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El capítulo comienza con la fmc preguntándole al mc que si este estuvo con la rubia, el mc se pone a pensar, “si ella vio algo (FMC)” también piensa que debe estar tranquilo que si ella los hubiera visto, no lo preguntaría así.

Mc: “E-Estar con ella… ¿qué quieres decir?”
Fmc: “Senior… ¿te acostaste con ella (rubia)?”
Mc: “…¿qué?”
Mc: “¿acostarme con ella?... ¿Qué tontería es esa?”
Mc: “Por qué yo…”
Fmc: “entonces… ¿por qué tu cara está tan roja?

El mc se pone a pensar que va a ser difícil lidiar con esto.

Mc, nervioso: “¿tú?... ¿tú también tienes la cara roja?”
Fmc: “…¿Qué?”
Mc: “si.?”
Mc: “pensé que no lo recordarías, pasamos por aquí (lugar donde tuvieron sexo) y se me pasó por la cabeza”
Mc: “¿pero no es lo mismo para ti?!
Fmc: “....”
[Image: IMG_2395.png]
Ella mira el lugar y acelera el paso.

Fmc: “Ah, está bien, finjamos que no escuchaste lo que acabo de decir.”
Mc: Fiuu

Siguen caminando

Mc: “¿Cómo te va con Suchang estos días?”
Fmc: “¿cómo me va?”
Fmc: “Excepto por mi oppa que llega tarde a casa todos los días… Nada especial…”
Mc: “...eso no”
Mc: “¿Han estado haciendo algo últimamente (sexo)?”
Fmc: “!!”
Fmc: “A-Ambos… lo estamos intentando… está mejorando poco a poco…”
Mc: “¿Si? eso es genial”
Mc: “Sí, no hay nada de malo en intentarlo.”
Mc: “de todos modos, me alegro de que ustedes dos estén bien…”
Fmc: “...No”
Fmc: “La verdad es, Senior…”
Fmc: “No lo estamos haciendo bien”
[Image: 3B86CAB5-09D9-42B6-90E7-FE7494FDECCB.jpg]
Mc la mira.

Mc, pensando: “..¿qué? ... Tu cara de repente se oscureció”

Empieza a llover, corren y llegan a una tienda.

Fmc: “Ah… ¿Es este un lugar adecuado?”
Fmc: “senior, esto no se va a caer, ¿verdad?”
Mc: “Es mejor que mojarse.”
Fmc: “¿Cuánto más tengo que mojarme?” (Lo dice porque caen gotas)
[Image: 7E7CF98D-3F01-4C8E-B8B5-27EE72CF0B98.jpg]
Mc: “toma” (le pasa un abrigo)”
Mc: “cúbrete con esto”
Fmc: “¿De dónde sacaste eso?”
Mc: “estaba colgando… Supongo que lo dejé allí.”
Fmc: “¿Y tú?”
Mc: “Estoy bien…”
Mc: “Ahora, háblame.”
Fmc: “!”
Mc: “¿Qué está pasando con Suchang…?
Mc: “…Bueno, fue incómodo sacarlo.
Fmc: “...No”
Fmc: “Estoy avergonzada de decirlo yo misma”
Mc, pensando: Es muy probable que sea problema de Suchang. 

La fmc le cuenta al mc.

Mc, pensando: ”Sólo que el problema era muy diferente de lo que pensaba.”
[Image: 253EE8D3-2102-48D9-8C87-304D03554A47.jpg]
Fmc: “Eso significa que él ya no me quiere... Es la prueba de que no me vé como una mujer.
Mc: “!!”
Mc, pensando: “¿No era solo disfunción eréctil?”
Mc: “¿Suchang, no tiene una ereccion cuando está contigo?”
Mc: “Bueno, ¿es eso posible?”
Fmc: “De hecho...”
Fmc: “No quiero creerlo, pero…”
Fmc: “Quizás tendré que vivir así por el resto de mi vida”
Mc, pensando: “¿por el resto de tu vida? …Eso es”
Fmc: ¿Soy lamentable?
Mc: “…”
Mc: ”... ¿Por qué hablas de ello con una sonrisa...?”
Mc, pensando: “No puedo... No puedo hacerlo por ti, ¡pero estás haciendo que la gente se sienta complicada!”
Fmc: “sólo... sigo teniendo pensamientos raros...”
Fmc: “Con esto…”
Fmc: “¿Puedo ser consolado por mi senior?”
[Image: 5113D65F-59E5-40D9-8CCA-0D2ECA80EEB0.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2392.png]
Continuara en el proximo capitulo


The chapter begins with the fmc asking the mc if he was with the blonde, the mc starts to think, "if she saw something (FMC)" he also thinks that he should be calm that if she had seen them, she wouldn't have asked like that.

Mc: "E-Esta with her... what do you mean?"
Fmc: "Senior...did you sleep with her (blonde)?"
Mc: "...what?"
Mc: "slept with her?...what nonsense is that?"
Mc: "Why me..."
Fmc: "then... why is your face so red?

Mc gets to thinking it's going to be hard to deal with this.

Mc, nervous: "you....you have a red face too?"
Fmc: "...what?"
Mc: "yes, I do.?"
Mc: "I thought you wouldn't remember, we passed by here (place where they had sex) and it crossed my mind."
Mc: "but isn't it the same for you?!
Fmc: "...."

She looks at the place and picks up the pace.

Fmc: "Ah, okay, let's pretend you didn't hear what I just said."
Mc: Phew.

They keep walking

Mc: "How are you doing with Suchang these days?"
Fmc: "How am I doing?"
Fmc: "Except for my oppa coming home late every day... Nothing special..."
Mc: "...not that"
Mc: "Have you guys been doing anything lately (sex)?"
Fmc: "!!!"
Fmc: "B-Both of us...we're trying...it's slowly getting better..."
Mc: "Yeah? that's great."
Mc: "Yeah, there's nothing wrong with trying."
Mc: "anyway, I'm glad you two are doing well..."
Fmc: "...No."
Fmc: "The truth is, Senior..."
Fmc: "We're not doing well."

Mc looks at her.

Mc, thinking: "...what? ... Your face suddenly went dark."

It starts to rain, they run and arrive at a store.

Fmc: "Ah... Is this a suitable place?"
Fmc: "senior, this isn't going to fall down, is it?"
Mc: "It's better than getting wet."
Fmc: "How much more do I have to get wet?" (He says it because drops are falling).
Mc: "here" (hands him a coat)"
Mc: "cover yourself with this."
Fmc: "where did you get that?"
Mc: "it was hanging... I guess I left it there."
Fmc: "How about you?"
Mc: "I'm fine..."
Mc: "Now, talk to me."
Fmc: "!"
Mc: "What's going on with Suchang...?
Mc: "...Well, it was awkward to take him out.
Fmc: "...No."
Fmc: "I'm embarrassed to say it myself."
Mc, thinking: It's most likely Suchang's problem.

Fmc tells mc.

Mc, thinking, "Only the problem was very different from what I thought."

Fmc: "That means he doesn't love me anymore? It's proof that he doesn't see me as a woman.
Mc: "!!!"
Mc, thinking, "Wasn't it just erectile dysfunction?"
Mc: "Yoojung, doesn't he have an erection when he's with you?"
Mc: "Well, is that possible?"
Fmc: "As a matter of fact..."
Fmc: "I don't want to believe it, but..."
Fmc: "Maybe I'll have to live like this for the rest of my life."
Mc, thinking, "For the rest of your life? ...That's it."
Fmc: I'm pitiful?
Mc: "..."
Mc: "...Why do you talk about it with a smile...?"
Mc, thinking, "I can't.... I can't do it for you, but you're making people feel complicated!"
Fmc: "I just... I keep having weird thoughts..."
Fmc: "With this..."
Fmc: "Can I be comforted by my senior?"

To be continued in the next chapter
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