Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 21 Summary (English)

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Elf who likes to be Humiliated Chapter 21 Summary 
(Chapter translated with MTL)

[I won’t do a summary for chapter 20 because today (3.19.22) will be released the translated version on toptoon plus. But basically is a chapter with Dremes explaining about the elixir, some panels of elf thinking about the sex that will happen. More happened but not worth for a summary]
Starts with elf blowing MC and she asking if is good enough. MC thinking “This elf with this pervert nature is no joke, she must have did this a lot of times…”
Elf’s thought: “It’s painful… disgusting but i can’t stop here…” “ I’m sure you will think i’m a pushover… It’s not me who’s volunteering right now but you”
She starts doing a paizuri. He cums inside her mouth and she shallows..
Elf’s thought: “Don’t leave you think this is a reason to think i’m an easy!”
MC thinks he couldn’t handle enough, he was planing to make her suffering not ejaculating this fast but he already did just with a blowjob.
He says it was good enough for a slave like her and said “Now go to bed…” Thinks: “I will satisfy you, Elf.”
Title Drops
A little flashback of MC talking with Dremes (the other witch), she gave him a gift (Is something to increased the excitement of the person u put it on, u need to put in her nipple).
He puts the tool in her nipple and “humiliates” her. “Now let’s see if you are ready” (fingering her). He was about to put his D inside her but he didn’t know how to do it.
Chapter ends.
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2022, 09:18 PM by Beatz.)
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