Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 23 Summary (English)

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Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 23 Summary
(Chapter translated with MTL)
Second round starts. Elf saying that needs to stop cause she just came.
Title drops
Some elf thoughts about her being smart since her birth, she learns stuff quickly, she knows about a lot of things. She completed her first job in a day so it was supposed to be the upper hand in sex too. More sex panels.
Elf’s thoughts: “An insolent toy… just a toy… Is because is my first time, it’s natural that women’s first is more disadvantageous than men’s first… So next time.. I won’t lose.”
Now MC looking to elf moaning and thinking he liked it (Or thinking she is liking it, i don’t know exactly). He cumms inside her again. She is completely wasted lol.
He says to her: “I’m still not satisfied with my toy..” Elf looks mad to him after that. He would put inside her again for a third round but elf stops him.
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Elf trembling: “Don’t do it and i said don’t touch me anymore.”
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Elf go away and while walking thinks about what happened and what Theodor said to her “Who likes a bitch like you?”
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Elf thinks: “He is just a toy, doesn’t matter if he likes or not. But why i feel so uncomfortable then?”. Elf with a sad face “I look like a fool.” Elf kinda crying.
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Chapter ends.
(This post was last modified: 03-20-2022, 06:54 PM by Beatz.)
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