Circles 73 raw

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[Image: IMG_2852.jpg?width=358&height=473]
By Kizher
El capítulo comienza con Gain sugiriendo al grupo de chicas que han ido de viaje que salgan a dar un paseo, unas salen y otras se quedan mirando las habitaciones.  Eunhee le dice que está cansada y que quiere dormir.

Cuando las chicas se van, acostadas, Eunhee recibe un mensaje de Jeon invitándola a ver el mar.

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Ya en la playa empiezan a jugar a la pelota, luego piden algo de beber y se sientan a hablar.
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Ahí Eunhee le comenta a Jeon sobre la actuación que hicieron y como se puso celosa al verlo con la fmc, entonces Jeon le dice que le gustaría verla actuar también y ella le dice que si fuera la protagonista te agarraría y te besaría de inmediato.
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Luego se toman de la mano y regresan.
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Cuando Eunhee vuelve con las chicas a la habitación, Gain está hablando de la carne que han comprado y de dónde asarla.  Entonces la chica de pelo corto comenta sobre Gaeul y que ella es de una familia rica y que no debería saber eso.  (sobre asar la carne).

Al final llegan Nari, Dayoung y el profesor y les dicen que se preparen para ir a comer.

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By Kizher
The chapter begins with Gain suggesting to the group of girls who went on the trip that they go for a walk, some go out and others stay looking at the rooms.  Eunhee tells him that she is tired and wants to sleep.
After the girls leave, lying down, Eunhee receives a message from Jeon inviting her to see the sea.

Already on the beach they begin to play catch, then they ask for something to drink and sit down to talk.

There Eunhee comments to Jeon about the performance they did and how she got jealous seeing him with the fmc, then Jeon tells her that he would like to see her act too and she tells him if I were the protagonist I would just grab you and kiss you right away.

Then they hold hands and walk back.

When Eunhee is back with the girls in the room, Gain is talking about the meat they bought and where to roast it.  Then girl  shorthair comments about Gaeul and that she is from a rich family and that she shouldn't even know that.  (about roasting the meat).
 In the end Nari, Dayoung and the teacher arrive and tell them to get ready to go eat.

(This post was last modified: 04-05-2022, 02:28 PM by UchihaKanon.)
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