Sextudy Group Chapter 18 Summary

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[Image: cGqVn3.png]
Douche is walking outside of campus thinking about Teacher’s face.

”I made you do it with him… I was going to make you feel the difference with me…”. Then he remembered what blonde said to him about MC’s dick.

“Naaah… this is impossible… isn’t it?”

Switch scenes to MC fucking Teacher.

[Image: dlwz6S.png]

Teacher Thoughts: “My insides… are all full… I can’t feel it from Levi.” MC came inside her, she removes the ball gag and kisses him.

Teacher: “There’s still time…. And you aren’t satisfied with only one time.” She lets her hair down and begs for one more

[Image: MQ6nxc.png]

He puts inside and she asks him to kiss her otherwise people might hear her moans. He kisses her, more panels of sex, she starts to lick his chest and he came inside again.

After the sex, MC got a message from Childhood Friend asking him to come for a drink he didn’t answer her but he looks tired and says to himself “Busy… I’m busy….”

[Image: qzjKit.png]

Chapter End.

(This chapter have a lot of sex panels so that’s why the summary is short.)
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