Workplace Manager Privileges 20 raw

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by Monky D. vanilla

El capitulo empieza donde termino el anterior con Jin-ha en vestido provocativo llegando a la habitacion del motel donde el MC la espera, Jin-ha piensa "Volver a este momento..." mientras el MC abre la puerta y le dice "Te estuve esperando"


Vemos al MC con la FMC sentados en la cama , la FMC se pregunta " Señor Lee, ¿Cual es el motivo de la reunion de hoy?.  Ambos en silencio se miran mutuamente, el MC en su mente piensa "Es increible Seo Jin, asi es como vas al trabajo  ¿Como pudiste venir al motel y sentarte a mi lado", luego menciona en su mente "El contrato de trabajo es un desastre, De hecho si quieres hacer lo que quieras hay una manera mas facil del contrato de trabajo "
Vemos los paneles de control de Administrador como empieza a hacer efecto el control sobre Jin-ha mientras le sirve un trago (no trae droga el trago), el MC le dice que tomen un trago mientras hablan. El MC empieza a preguntarle Sobre su luna de miel con Byungja y como va su vida sexual junto a el, este le pregunta si Byungja no hace bien el sexo con ella, a lo cual ella reacciona y el mc dice que es muy sensible a ese tema, luego cambia y empieza a preguntarle como se siente al haber estado vestida tan provocativa en todo el dia, este mismo le dice si ella sabe lo que los empleados varones dicen de ella en la empresa lo cual son cosas como de cogerla, comerla y eso, Jin-ha se imagina todo eso como teniendo 2 penes frente a ella, esta le pide que no diga eso exaltada y el MC la besa de golpe mientras empieza a manosearla hasta hacerla moja mientras le pregunta como es la vida sexual con byungja, ella le pide que no pregunte eso, el mc se detiene dejandola casi por venirse, se pone de pie y limpieza sus manos mientras piensa "Esta casi al borde, pero quiero escucharla pedir por ello".
El MC le dice que la reunion acabo ya que ella no quiere hablar, vemos a Jin-ha con muchas ganas, el MC piensa que ella esta casi al borde, Jin-ha empieza a tocarse sola, mientras el MC sabe que esta muy exitada, ella empieza a hablar entre cortada y finalmente le pide al MC que quiere hacerlo, EL MC sorprendido dice que estuvo bien como lo pidio, La toma de uno de sus hombros mientras sube su vestido para proceder al acto asi finaliza el capitulo.

by Monky D. vanilla

The chapter starts where the previous one ended with Jin-ha in a provocative dress arriving to the motel room where the MC is waiting for her, Jin-ha thinks "Back to this moment..." while the MC opens the door and says "I've been waiting for you".


We see the MC and FMC sitting on the bed, FMC asks "Mr. Lee, what is the reason for today's meeting?  Both of them silently look at each other, the MC in his mind thinks "It's amazing Seo Jin, this is how you go to work, how could you come to the motel and sit next to me", then he mentions in his mind "The employment contract is a mess, in fact if you want to do what you want there is an easier way of the employment contract".
We see the MC's control panels as the control begins to take effect on Jin-ha as he pours him a drink (no drugs in the drink), the MC tells him to have a drink while they talk. The MC starts to ask her about her honeymoon with Byungja and how is her sex life with him, he asks her if Byungja doesn't do sex with her well, to which she reacts and the MC says that she is very sensitive to that topic, then he changes and starts to ask her how she feels about being dressed so provocatively all day, he tells her if she knows what the male employees say about her in the company which are things like fucking her, Jin-ha imagines all that as having 2 penises in front of her, she asks him not to say that in excitement and the MC kisses her all at once while he starts to grope her until she gets wet while he asks her how is the sex life with byungja, she asks him not to ask that, the MC stops, leaving her almost to come, she stands up and cleans her hands while thinking "She is almost on the verge, but I want to hear her ask for it".
The MC tells her that the meeting is over as she doesn't want to talk, we see Jin-ha with a lot of desire, the MC thinks that she is almost on the verge, Jin-ha starts to touch herself, while the MC knows that she is very excited, she starts to talk between cut and finally she asks the MC that she wants to do it, the MC surprised says that it was good as she asked, he takes her by one of her shoulders while he pulls up her dress to proceed to the act so the chapter ends.
(This post was last modified: 05-13-2022, 09:01 PM by UchihaKanon.)
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