Staying With Ajumma 17 raw

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By Flat

El capítulo comienza con un amigo de MC esperando a alguien en un restaurante. Dice que la persona llega tarde y que debería irse. De repente llega la rubia (Seon Kyung). Él dice que la vio antes de entrar, le pareció raro que una chica llevara gafas de sol siendo de noche fuera. Ella hace un berrinche chibi y dice que eso es lo que hacen los famosos. Dice que siente llegar tarde, que tenía la agenda un poco desordenada. Entonces él dice que está bien, ella le pregunta si va a hacer lo que le pidió, entonces saca un bolso Gucci y lo pone sobre la mesa.

Él entonces dice que lo hará, ella entonces le dice que esto es sólo el pago inicial y que ella pagará la otra mitad más tarde. Él mira la caja y dice que siempre ha querido esto y que está agradecido. Ella le dice que mientras haga lo que le dijo, le dará la otra mitad. Entonces él le dice que debería confesarse con Jeong-hoo en lugar de hacer esto. Entonces ella dice que se confesará pero con el poder del dinero (planea demostrar que puede comprar cosas para MC).

Dice que esta confesión compensará lo que pasó entonces. Flashback a la escuela secundaria, Seon-kyung y MC sentados en un banco. Seon está enfadada porque alguien le ha confesado y odia recibir tantas confesiones. MC la mira y le pregunta si seguiría enfadada si fuera él quien se confesara en su lugar. Ella se sobresalta y se sonroja, dice que no lo sabe y que si él confiesa- el diálogo se corta ahí volviendo al presente.

El amigo de MC dice entonces que su relación (MC y Seon) es demasiado complicada. Ella dice que lo sabe y se levanta para irse. Ella le agradece la idea que le propuso (para lo que es el intercambio que están haciendo aquí). Luego se levanta y se va, el amigo de MC abre la bolsa de Gucci y revela 1 zapato de Gucci. Él se molesta (chibi) porque ella realmente le dio sólo la mitad.

La escena cambia a Ajumma y MC besándose. Se besan aún más (parece que Ajumma no está en contra). Ella aparta la mano de MC de su coño y se retira para decirle que hicieron la promesa. MC le dice la promesa que hicieron, 1- estudiar mucho, 2- no enfrentarse mientras lo hacen. El dice que ella nunca dijo nada de besarse sin sexo. Ella entonces dice que no se equivoca, él entonces empieza a bajarle la ropa y Ajumma está ahora desnuda, MC entonces la mete dentro y luego le dice que ella dijo que sólo podía hacerlo por la espalda pero él no quiere sólo eso.

Entonces le pregunta si también podrían besarse mientras lo hacen y Ajumma piensa para sí misma que tiene que rechazarlo porque besarse mientras se tiene sexo es sólo para los amantes (mientras piensa esto se inclina hacia adelante para besarlo). Entonces ella lo besa (acción de lengua woohoo!) y después de un rato, se retira. MC le dice que ha hecho una petición poco razonable y que le preocupaba que ella le odiara por pedir eso. Ella dice que no lo odia y que está bien.

El capítulo termina...

El sexo acaba de empezar, más por venir, finalmente.

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Scene change to Ajumma and MC kissing. They kiss even more (seems Ajumma is not against it). She pulls MCs hand away from her pussy and pulls back to tell him that they made the promise. MC tells her the promise they made, 1- to study hard, 2- to not face each other while doing it. He says she never said anything about kissing without sex. She then says he's not wrong, he then starts pulling down her clothes and Ajumma is now naked, MC then puts it inside and then tells her that she said she could only do it from the back but he doesn't want just that.
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by Flat

Ch.17 Summary by Flat
Chapter starts off with MC friend waiting for someone at a restaurant. He says the person is running late and that he should just go. Suddenly blonde arrives (Seon Kyung). He says he saw her before coming in, he found it weird some chick was wearing sunglasses while it being night outside. She does a chibi tantrum and says that's what celebs do. She says she's sorry she's late, she had her schedule a bit over the place. Then he says it's fine, she asks if he's gonna do what she asked him to, she then pulls out a Gucci bag and puts it on the table. 

He then says he will, she then tells him this is just the down-payment and that she will pay the other half later. He looks at the box and says he's always wanted these and that he's thankful. She says as long as he does what she told him to, she will give him the other half. Then he tells her that she should just confess to Jeong-hoo instead of doing this. She then says she will confess but with the power of money (she plans on showing off she can buy things for MC).

She says this confession will make up for what happened back then. Flashback to high school Seon-kyung and MC sitting on a bench. Seon Is angry bc someone confessed to her and she hates getting so many confessions. MC looks at her and asks her if she'd still be mad if he was the one who confessed to her instead. She gets startled and blushes, she says she doesn't know and that if he confesses- the dialogue cuts off there back to present.

MC friend then says that their relationship (MC and Seon) is too complicated. She says she knows, then she gets up to leave. She thanks him for the idea he proposed (what the exchange they're doing here is for). She then gets up and leaves, mc friend opens the Gucci bag and reveals 1 Gucci shoe. He gets annoyed (chibi) that she really did give him only half.

Scene change to Ajumma and MC kissing. They kiss even more (seems Ajumma is not against it). She pulls MCs hand away from her pussy and pulls back to tell him that they made the promise. MC tells her the promise they made, 1- to study hard, 2- to not face each other while doing it. He says she never said anything about kissing without sex. She then says he's not wrong, he then starts pulling down her clothes and Ajumma is now naked, MC then puts it inside and then tells her that she said she could only do it from the back but he doesn't want just that.

He then asks her if they could also kiss while doing it and Ajumma thinks to herself that she needs to reject him because kissing while having sex is just for lovers (while thinking this she's leaning forward to kiss him). She then kisses him (tongue action woohoo!) and after a bit, pulls back. MC tells her that he made an unreasonable request and that he was worried she'd hate him for asking that. She says she doesn't hate him and that it's okay.
Chapter Ends...
Sex is just getting started, more to come, finally.
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Plz escape loser ch-58 summary
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