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[Image: YNsKYF.png]

It starts with fmc and mc chatting on the bed, the mc tells him that she came multiple times, while he only came once, she tells him to shut up and adds that it wasn't such a bad experience.

The mc says: -I didn't know back then how important sex would be to her.

[Image: B4vG3N.png]
Spring has passed, it's midsummer. The mc is in a library, in his mind, he begins to comment that the development of the manuscript is quite fluid, the experience gained with Na-Hye and Hani was very helpful, however he has certain concerns, because he does not know how to express certain ideas.

[Image: Zh9kmD.png]

As he walks through the library he comes across short hair.

Outside the library, the short hair and the mc are in a park, sitting next to a fountain drinking something. The mc asks her if the selfies are related to her work, to which she says yes, then the mc begins to remember that he had sex with her. She asks him how the manuscript is going and he replies that relationships are quite difficult to write.

She asks him if he wasn't dating someone named Na-Hye, the mc tells her that they weren't dating and even had sex under the guise of the novel, however they reacted and had a cool head and went back to their old relationship, she told him explains that he had two options, return to his old relationship or continue with the relationship they had

After her talk the mc asks her if she would like to see her manuscript, she replies that she would be delighted.

At night she finishes reading it and comments that it is quite interesting.

She stands up and pulls the mc by the arm, asks him, what would happen if they shared their love in front of all those people?, she tells him to kiss her.

The mc is stunned as he thinks: I'm completely taken by her.


[Image: cxjh8Y.jpg]
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