The Owner of the building 54 raw

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by steve

My Landlady Noona short sum by Steve (No TL, sorry)
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El capítulo comienza con Nari entrando a Hari y Minwoo. Él se baja rápidamente la camisa, diciéndole que no pasa nada. En la mesa del desayuno, Hari no está de buen humor. Comen y Nari intenta conversar con su hermana sin éxito. Yuhee (Fox noona) entra, con bolsas, volviendo de las compras. Nari y Foxy tienen una pequeña discusión. Hari mira con cara de enfado. Ella abraza a Minwoo y luego a Hari (Nari está molesta). Fox noona pide algo de comida. Hari coge un plato con una sola judía y lo pone delante de Yuhee, para que coma. LOL
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Yuhee suspira, se levanta y hace un kabedon (mano en la pared) de pie sobre Hari. Antes de que se pueda decir nada, o de que Nari se meta, Minwoo se levanta, calma la situación y abraza a Hari. Luego echa a Yuhee. Ella no se enfada, sino que piensa en lo guapo que es Minwoo (smh)
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MInwoo tiene un breve flashback en el que intenta reprender a Hari y aliviar su estrés después de echar a Yuhee en su trabajo. Bada (compañera de trabajo del dragón) se da cuenta de que está decaído, se acerca a él y le ofrece lo que parece ser un cigarrillo. El panel final es ella con el cigarrillo o lo que sea.
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by Steve

My Landlady Noona short sum by Steve (No TL, sorry)
[Image: 86bd26e2d591ff2c02d7cf8d183b58d5.jpg]
Chapter starts with Nari walking in on Hari and Minwoo. He quickly pulls his shirt down, telling her nothing is going on. At the breakfast table, Hari is not in a good mood. They eat, and Nari attempts conversation with her sister to no avail. Yuhee (Fox noona) walks in, with bags, coming back from shopping. Nari and Foxy have a little spat. Hari is looking on, with an angry look. She hugs Minwoo and then Hari (Nari is annoyed). Fox noona asks for some food. Hari gets a plate with a single bean and puts it in front of Yuhee, for her food. LOL
[Image: 2a2d328f0a5a73c17187759ffa217a5d.jpg]
Yuhee sighs, gets up and does a kabedon (hand on wall) standing over Hari. Before anything can be said, or for Nari to jump in, Minwoo gets up, quells the situation and hugs Hari. He then throws Yuhee out. She isn't angry, she thinks how cute Minwoo is (smh)
[Image: 964b3e8658d5e35a876486de1d157c1c.jpg]
MInwoo has a brief flashback to him trying to chide Hari and ease her stress after kicking out Yuhee at his job. Bada (dragon co-worker) notices him all down, approaches him and offers him what looks to be a cigarette. Ending panel is her with the cigarette or whatever that is.
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[Image: 6d86f099e4fd3587b104aac3637516b3.jpg]
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