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by EMT

Bueno, resumiendo, Oyakodon XD

Yejin se cabrea de que haya tenido sexo sin ella y dice que viendo esto no puede aguantar más, lo hizo por el bebé, pero está al límite.

Sus ojos arden de pasión (MC va a ser ordeñado, necesitarán a Marina con esa droga potenciadora lol)
Comienza a hacer una garganta profunda a MC, MC quiere que se calme, pero ella no escucha. Ella se esfuerza por ordeñar a MC, MC la recompensa con una corrida en su boca.
Yejin dice que ha esperado tanto tiempo por este sabor y que es tan dulce ( claro).

Ella quiere continuar, MC quiere descansar, así que como siempre, Yejin se lanza sobre MC, dice que por el bebé deben hacer anal, y empieza a montar a MC.

Yejin la dice que debería haber hecho esto desde el principio, haciéndolo analmente todos los días, porque echaba mucho de menos la polla de MC. Mientras cabalga a MC en seco, la madre se une al espectáculo.

Empieza a lamer el cuello de Yejin, a morderle las orejas y a pellizcarle los pezones. Dice que su pecho ha crecido mucho, que alimentará mucho a su nieto.

MC se dará cuenta del espectáculo del oyakodon, y se pondrá cachondo por ello.

Y se corre tan fuerte como nunca antes. Después del clímax la mamá le pregunta a Yejin si ya se siente tranquila/satisfecha y ella dice que no ha terminado ni la mitad. Luego dice con una sonrisa de satisfacción que debe ser una buena hija para su madre también... (básicamente permite que la madre se folle a MC con ella).

MC se pone cachondo de nuevo, empiezan a tener sexo, Yejin grita omg que no puede creer que esté teniendo sexo/anual en la espalda de su madre, la madre se pone jaleosa diciendo que al escuchar este golpeteo no puede aguantar más y dice "Métemela yerno". MC le pregunta a Yejin si puede metérsela a ella. Ella dice que sí, pero sólo en su culo (lol)

El MC dice que se está volviendo loco, que nunca pensó que tendría un combo madre/hija y se corre:

El siguiente panel es el MC tumbado en la cama, despertando de un sueño con una cara de puchero (lo llamó el último capítulo lol)

Narra lo vívido que fue ese sueño, probablemente por no hacerlo, pero en la puerta vemos a la madre, asomándose y lamiéndose los labios (sí, quiere saltar sobre MC lol)
El capítulo termina aquí...

by EMT

Well, long story short, Oyakodon XD

Yejin gets pissed of that he had sex without her and says that seeing this she cannot hold it in anymore, she did it for the baby, but she is at her limit.

Her eyes are burning with passion (MC gonna get milked, they will need Marina with that enhancing drug lol)
She starts deepthroating MC, MC wants her to calm down, but she is not listening. She is working really hard to milk MC, MC rewards her with a cumshot in her mouth.
Yejin says she waited so long for this taste and its so sweet (...yeah sure).

She wants to continue, MC wants to rest, so as usual, Yejin will jump MC, she says that because of the baby they should do anal, and starts riding MC.

Yejin the says that she should have done this from the start, doing it anally every day, because she missed MC's dick so much. As she rides MC dry, the mom joins the show.

She will start licking Yejin's neck, biting her ears and pinching her nipples. She says her chest grew much bigger, it will feed her grandkid plenty.

MC will notice the oyakodon show, and will get horny for it.

And cums as hard as he never did before. After the climax the mom asks Yejin if she feels calm/satisfied yet and she says she is not even half-way done. She then says with a smirk that she should be a good daughter for her mom as well...(basically she allows the mom to fuck MC with her).

MC gets horny again, they'll start having sex, Yejin yells out omg she cannot believe she is having anal/sex on her mothers back, the mom gets jelly saying that hearing this pounding she cannot take it anymore and says "Put it in me son-in-law". MC asks Yejin if he can put it in her? She says yes, but only in her butthole (lol)

MC then narrates he is losing his mind, he never thought he'll have a mother/daughter combo ever and cums a fountain load:

The next panel is MC laying in bed, waking up from a dream with a pouting face (called it last chapter lol)

He narrates how vivid was that dream, prolly from not doing it, but at the door we see the mom, peeking in a licking her lips (yeah, she wants to jump MC lol)
Chapter ends here...

Yejin gets pissed of that he had sex without her and says that seeing this she cannot hold it in anymore, she did it for the baby, but she is at her limit.

Her eyes are burning with passion (MC gonna get milked, they will need Marina with that enhancing drug lol)
She starts deepthroating MC, MC wants her to calm down, but she is not listening. She is working really hard to milk MC, MC rewards her with a cumshot in her mouth.
Yejin says she waited so long for this taste and its so sweet (...yeah sure).

She wants to continue, MC wants to rest, so as usual, Yejin will jump MC, she says that because of the baby they should do anal, and starts riding MC.

Yejin the says that she should have done this from the start, doing it anally every day, because she missed MC's dick so much. As she rides MC dry, the mom joins the show.

She will start licking Yejin's neck, biting her ears and pinching her nipples. She says her chest grew much bigger, it will feed her grandkid plenty.

MC will notice the oyakodon show, and will get horny for it.

And cums as hard as he never did before. After the climax the mom asks Yejin if she feels calm/satisfied yet and she says she is not even half-way done. She then says with a smirk that she should be a good daughter for her mom as well...(basically she allows the mom to fuck MC with her).

MC gets horny again, they'll start having sex, Yejin yells out omg she cannot believe she is having anal/sex on her mothers back, the mom gets jelly saying that hearing this pounding she cannot take it anymore and says "Put it in me son-in-law". MC asks Yejin if he can put it in her? She says yes, but only in her butthole (lol)

MC then narrates he is losing his mind, he never thought he'll have a mother/daughter combo ever and cums a fountain load:

The next panel is MC laying in bed, waking up from a dream with a pouting face (called it last chapter lol)

He narrates how vivid was that dream, prolly from not doing it, but at the door we see the mom, peeking in a licking her lips (yeah, she wants to jump MC lol)
Chapter ends here...
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