Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 25 Summary (English)

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Elf Who Likes to be Humiliated Chapter 25 Summary 

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Starts with MC and his knight talking, he asks why MC didn’t call him to help buying what MC wanted. MC says he doesn’t need help to buy things. More conversation about this. Then they talk about Dremes and the product MC bought that day for the sex with elf.

Title Drop

Arriving in MC’s home, MC sees “Alfred” (The Butler) outside and asks why he is there. 

Alfred: I’m going to talk with the heretic judge and convince her to help about the incident in your father’s statue. 

MC thinks about the judge, he is worried because if she appears she will know about the truth but he thinks if he neutralizes Elf everything will be ok. 

MC’s then starts his plan, putting the bomb on the floor. Basically Elf will walk though there cause the chef of the mansion would say to her MC was eating, then she would go there but in reality MC is in the office waiting and seeing the floor with the bomb. 

Elf appears and is walking to the bomb’s spot. MC press the button and the bomb explodes. Elf COMPLETELY fine just without her clothes. Elf then arrives where MC is, on the restaurant. He is basically in shock.

MC: “Why are you naked? What’s happened?”

Elf with a terrifying face: “I think someone planted a bad joke in Master’s floor.. Who in the world made this kind of joke?”

Chapter End
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