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New Town 38 raw

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UchihaKanon, 05-09-2022, 06:07 PM

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by Han sunwoo

MC se folla a Mihee por vía anal.

Mihee siendo follada por el culo al estilo perrito. Ella piensa "Es diferente de lo que pensaba. Siento como si me empujara el bajo vientre"

MC le pregunta si está bien y si está llorando. Ella dice que no y que no es tan doloroso. Dice que no es dolor lo que siente y que sólo es una sensación extraña.
Dice que podría volverse adicta. El MC le agarra el culo y la folla todavía.

Ella piensa "Aunque es la misma polla, es diferente. Me gusta más que cuando lo hice con Himchan la primera vez".

MC dice que también es adicto a su culo.  Dice que esta vez quiere subir. Se pone encima de MC y se lo folla todavía con el culo. MC dice mientras mira su culo que es una vista maravillosa.

"Estás moviendo el culo mientras te follan por el culo ..."

Ella dice que es su primera vez que le dio a MC su vagina anal.
MC es feliz de escuchar eso.

Más folladas y MC se corre en su culo.

MC pregunta si ella es realmente una pervertida anal y pregunta por qué no lo hizo con su marido.

Ella dice que su marido es muy duro y no le importa lo que ella siente. Y dice que MC lo hace suavemente. Ella nunca pensó que sería real que un hombre lo hiciera suave.

Mientras tanto, Jumi llama a MC.

Ella está en el ascensor subiendo al apartamento de MC.

Consiguió la dirección de la empresa de MC.

MC y Mihee siguen follando.

Ella llama a la puerta y luego entra porque la puerta está abierta. Les pilla follando. Ella dice "¿Qué estáis haciendo ahora?". Ellos se dan la vuelta y la miran con pánico. Fin del capítulo

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by Han sun woo

MC fucks Mihee anal. 
Mihee getting fucked in her ass doggy style. She thinks "It's different from what I thought. I feel like it's being pushed by my lower abdomen"
MC asks if she is okay and if she is weeping. She says no and says not that painful. She says it's not pain that she is feeling and it's just weird feeling. 
She says she might get addicted. MC grabbing her ass and fucking her still.
She thinks "Even though it's the same cock, it's different. I like it more than when I did with Himchan first time."
MC says he is also addicted to her asshole.  She says she wants to go up this time. She gets on top of MC and fucks him still with her ass. MC says while looking at her ass that it's a wonderful sight.
"You are shaking your booty while getting fucked in the ass ..."
She says it's her first time that she gave MC her vagina anal. 
MC is happy to hear that. 
More fuckings and MC cummed in her ass. 
MC asks if she is really an anal pervert and asks why she didn't do it with her husband. 
She says her husband is just rough and doesn't care about how she feels. And says MC do it softly. She never thought it would be real that a man would do it soft.
meanwhile Jumi calling MC. 
She is in the elevator coming up to MC's apartment.
She got the address from MC's company.
MC and Mihee continue fucking. 
She knocks the door and then enters because the door is open. She caught them fucking. She says "What are you two doing now?" They turn around and look at her in panic. End chap

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Sextudy Group Chapter 19 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 05-09-2022, 01:29 PM

Sextudy Group Chapter 19 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Starts in a bar with Childhood Friend and their friends (the three girls from chapter 17). MC thinking about his life right now. Exercises with gym dude, training with blonde and the sex with teacher. The girls ask if they. (MC and Childhood Friend) really aren’t dating. She denies saying she only see him like a brother and the new female character asks:

“So are you okay if (MC’s Name) has a girlfriend?”. Right after this question, CF (Childhood Friend) do an angry look to the new girl but she still plays. 

New girl grabs MC’s arm and asks if he could go out with her. CF says “REJECT IT, DIDNT YOU SAY YOU LIKE (Crush’s Name)”.

New girl just stop this, says it was a joke and suggests a drink games. Someone says a statement and if anyone there did it, person needs to fold the finger. Nothing really interesting here, just a question the new girl asked if someone there did had sex in that week. MC thinks since the group is a secret, he doesn’t need to say it.

Switch scenes to CF’s room, she is completely drunk. 

MC and the new girl puts her in her bed and the new girl asks to use the bathroom but since the owner is sleeping, she feels bad to use it. They go to MC’s room. New girl says she lied cause she wanted to talk with MC, and asks:

“During the game, did you lie?”

MC gets worried cause he thinks everyone heard him having sex but she just says she knows about the group cause she was a member.

Chapter end. 

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Mother Hunting 81 raw

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UchihaKanon, 05-08-2022, 06:51 PM

[Image: IMG_0719.png?width=1025&height=363]

by Toptoon

Sang-hyeon le pregunta a Jun-beom qué va a hacer ahora.
Junbeom sólo dijo que quería ver a Yoon-hee y lo dejó
Y dice que no sea como el (Junbeom)
Y después de que todo haya terminado, Sang-hyeon lo está haciendo bien en el nuevo trabajo que le ha presentado el director de la academia.
Jun-beom estaba preocupado por su familia, así que le llamó, pero después de ese día, nadie se enteró de más noticias sobre el douche.
Me pregunto si me llevo bien con Yoon-hee, o tal vez sea una catástrofe. Se rumorea que Junbeom se convirtió en una molestia.
Mientras pensaba así, Sang-hyeon juró no ocultar más su corazón a Min-seo (madrastra). Le cuenta a Min-seo lo de Junbeom
Min-seo dijo que estaba conmocionado por lo de Junbeom, y el protagonista dijo que podía entenderlo.
Y, como Jun-beom, temiendo la catástrofe, Confiesa que te amo, Min-seo.

Siguiente cap se viene seudoincesto violento de Mc y Minseo, con impregnation para luego pasar a lactation y sexo con Minseo preñada (con la barriga grande). Ufff ricura al limite!!!   :V

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Imagenes para recordar el pasado//Images to remember the past

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[Image: XD_6.jpg?width=265&height=473]

Imagenes para saber como será el futuro////Images to know how the future will look like

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Gracias por todo Minseo Supremacy //// Thanks for everything Minseo Supremacy

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by Toptoon

Sang-hyeon asks Jun-beom what he is going to do now.
Junbeom just said that he wanted to see Yoon-hee and left him
And he says not to be like him (Junbeom).
And after it's all over, Sang-hyeon is doing well in the new job introduced to him by the academy principal.
Jun-beom was worried about his family, so he called him, but after that day, no one heard any more news about the douche.
I wonder if I get along well with Yoon-hee, or maybe it's a catastrophe. Rumor has it that Junbeom became a nuisance.
While thinking so, Sang-hyeon vows not to hide her heart from Min-seo (stepmother) anymore. She tells Min-seo about Junbeom.
Min-seo said he was shocked about Junbeom, and the protagonist said he could understand.
And, as Jun-beom, fearing catastrophe, Confess that I love you, Min-seo.

Next chap comes violent pseudo-incest of Mc and Minseo, with impregnation and then move on to lactation and sex with pregnant Minseo (with big belly). Ufff, cutie to the limit!!!!   :V

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UchihaKanon, 05-08-2022, 05:04 PM

By larazzy

Continuando donde terminó el capítulo anterior, el Mc está acorralado, así que para escapar de ahí usa el grupo de billetes que tiene en su mano, lo arroja al aire debido a esa acción que la gente empieza a recogerlos que le permite escapar, fuera del lugar que encontró TL, ve al Mc saliendo con su hija en sus brazos, pregunta: "¿Qué está pasando? ¿Le pasó algo malo?

Cambiamos de escenas con FMC, ella está en un auto.
Algunas escenas de flashback: Resulta que en la fiesta antes de que se tomara la droga, apareció una de las personas que trabaja con el vicepresidente, que la impidió beber del vaso, le comenta algo al tipo que estaba con ella y luego toma FMC dejando sólo a la hija de TL en ese lugar.

En el presente, ella (FMC) está en el auto al lado del vicepresidente, pregunta adónde van, el vicepresidente pregunta si primero deberían ir a un hotel.

En el hospital, un médico le dice a TL que su hija ha sido drogada, sin embargo no debería haber ningún problema, así que sólo necesita dejarla descansar, camina por la cortina y ve al médico dormido y a su hija también.
TL empieza a recordar cosas de su pasado, piensa en lo ingenua que era cuando tenía la edad de su hija.
Estaba muy enamorada de alguien, pero en cuanto se embarazó la echaron, pero decidió criar a su hija, sin importar el dolor que tuvo que sufrir, intento darle una familia normal, sin embargo, una relación sin amor no podría durar mucho tiempo.  Desde entonces su vida se complicó más y que proteger a su hija estaba por encima de su cuerpo y su propio orgullo (escenas del jefe en orgías con el dueño de la compañía y todo ese desastre).
Después de esa triste escena, regresamos al presente que está en el hospital, llorando, preguntándose qué hizo mal, además de preguntarnos si algo malo le había pasado a su hija, ¿podría seguir viviendo? En eso el Mc se despierta y le dice que el problema es que nunca ha parado a mirar atrás, así que debería parar un momento desde que ha estado huyendo todo este tiempo.
Al final, TL está llorando y se apoya en la suya y pregunta si puede quedarse así un momento.


by larazi

Continuing where the previous chapter ended, the Mc is cornered, so to escape from there he uses the group of bills he has in his hand, he throws it into the air because of that action that people start picking it up that allows him to escape, outside the place he found TL, sees the Mc going out with his daughter in his arms, asks, "What's going on? Did something bad happen to him?

 We switch scenes with FMC, she's in a car.
 Some Flashback scenes: It turns out that at the party before the drink that brought the drug was taken, one of those who works with the VP appeared, preventing her from drinking from the glass, he comments something to the guy in the mask who was with her and then he takes FMC leaving only TL's daughter in that place.

 Back in the present she (FMC) is in the car next to the VP, she asks where they are going, the VP asks if they should go to a hotel first.

 In the hospital, a doctor is telling TL that her daughter has been drugged, however there shouldn't be any problem, so she just needs to let her rest, she walks the curtain and sees the sleeping mc and her daughter too .
 TL begins to remember things from her past, she thinks about how naive she was when she was her daughter's age.
 She was very much in love with someone, however as soon as she got pregnant they threw her out, but she decided to raise her daughter, regardless of the pain she had to go through, I try to give her a normal family, however a relationship without love is not it could last a long time.  Since then her life became more complicated, and that protecting her daughter was above her body and her own pride (scenes of the boss in orgies with the owner of the company and all that mess).
 After that sad scene, we return to the present she is in the hospital, crying, wondering what she did wrong, in addition to wondering if something bad had happened to her daughter, could she continue living? In that the mc wakes up and he tells her that the problem is that he has never stopped to look back, so he should stop for a moment since he has been running all this time.
 At the end, TL is crying and leans on hers and asks if she can stay like this for a moment.

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Boarding Diary 91 raw

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UchihaKanon, 05-08-2022, 03:07 AM

by Break

El capitulo comienza justo dónde termino el anterior, el mc dándole duro a Mikyang.
Ella pensando dice: ¿Mi corazón late más rápido de lo usual?, es debido a que he bebido o...
El mc le dice: Eres hermosa, la forma en la que luces ahora, es como si fuera un sueño, ella avergonzada le dice que no hay forma, es una señora mayor, el mc le dice: No, nunca he pensado en ti de esa manera, siempre he pensado que eres hermosa. 
Después de esa charla el mc le dice que le gustaría echarle todo dentro de ella, después de unos paneles le hace un creampie para al final abrazarse.  
Acaba el folle el mc y Mikyang se encuentran sentados mientras ella lo abraza, el mc le dice que se siente feliz por el viaje, se siente triste porque este es el ultimo día, independiente de lo corto que fue un montón de cosas pasaron. El mc comienza a hablar respecto a todo lo que hizo durante el viaje, al final el mc dice que le gustaría que el tiempo fuera más lento, Mikyang en un pensamiento dice: También me gustaría que fuera más lento, porque hoy....
En eso el mc se levanta y le pregunta si pueden tomarse una foto juntos, el mc la levanta del brazo y la acomoda para la foto, el mc la toma y le dice que sale muy bonita debido a su expresión tímida, además le dice que gracias a el es que salió tan linda y que destaca más porque esta junto a el. Ella se queda en silencio, a lo que el mc le pregunta: En qué estás pensando, ella responde que en nada, solo cree que estaba comenzando a hacer un poco de frío, el mc le dice que no puede permitirlo así que la carga y le dice que la llevará a un lugar cálido.
El mc la lleva a la piscina, le dice que ahí ya no tendrá tanto frío, cuando la esta bajando de sus brazos, le pregunta si se quedaría con el toda la noche, ella le responde que si, se quedará junto a el toda la noche y comienzan a besarse. 
Al final los paneles se van acercando al teléfono del mc para mostrar la foto que se tomo junto a Mikyang

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by Break

The chapter starts right where the previous one ended, the mc giving Mikyang a hard time.

She thinks to herself and says: Is my heart beating faster than usual, is it because I've been drinking or...?

The mc tells her: You are beautiful, the way you look now, it's like a dream, she embarrassed tells him there is no way, she is an old lady, the mc tells her: No, I have never thought of you that way, I have always thought you are beautiful.

After that talk the mc tells her that he would like to throw everything inside her, after a few panels he makes her a creampie and at the end they embrace. 

After the fuck the mc and Mikyang are sitting while she hugs him, the mc tells her that he feels happy for the trip, he feels sad because this is the last day, regardless of how short it was a lot of things happened. The mc starts to talk about everything he did during the trip, at the end the mc says that he wishes the time was slower, Mikyang in a thought says: I also wish it was slower, because today....

At that moment the mc stands up and asks her if they can take a picture together, the mc lifts her by the arm and arranges her for the picture, the mc takes it and tells her that she looks very pretty because of her shy expression, he also tells her that thanks to him is that she looks so pretty and that she stands out more because she is next to him. She remains silent, to which the mc asks her: what are you thinking about, she replies that she is thinking nothing, she just thinks that it was starting to get a little cold, the mc tells her that he can't allow it so he carries her and tells her that he will take her to a warm place.

The mc takes her to the pool, he tells her that she won't be so cold there, when he is taking her down from his arms, he asks her if she will stay with him all night, she says yes, she will stay with him all night and they start kissing.

At the end the panels are approaching the mc's phone to show the picture he took with Mikyang.


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Staying With Ajumma 15 raw

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UchihaKanon, 05-07-2022, 08:07 PM

by Flat

Continuando con el capítulo anterior, desde que los labios de Ajumma tocan la polla de Jeong-Hoo (a través de sus pantalones), Ajumma le pregunta a MC si tardará mucho en terminar de mover la caja, MC piensa para sí mismo que su cálido aliento en esa zona es demasiado, entonces responde a la pregunta de Ajumma con un "no, ya casi he terminado". MC piensa para sí mismo que cada vez que la silla en la que está parado se sacude, los labios de Ajumma rozan su área. Entonces piensa que no puede aguantar mucho más y que se está volviendo loco.
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Cambiando a los pensamientos de Ajumma, ella piensa, "¿por qué Jeong-hoo es así? Se avergonzará si le hago saber que lo sé". Así que finge que no le importa la erección, entonces le pregunta si MC está bien ahí arriba, no quiere que se lastime ni nada por el estilo. Entonces MC responde "sí, Ajumma" pero Ajumma se da cuenta de que cada vez es más grande (su erección). MC dice que casi lo tiene (moviendo la caja) y empuja la caja a su sitio. Entonces le dice a Ajumma que ya ha terminado.
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Ajumma le dice entonces que ha hecho un buen trabajo y que ahora deberían empezar a limpiar, MC le dice entonces que su erección no baja. Ajumma piensa que, para empezar, fue culpa suya y MC le pregunta si, por casualidad, podrían volver a hacer lo que hicieron en la habitación aquel día (podría ser masturbarlo, no tener sexo, no lo especifica) para calmar su erección. Él dice que si ella hace eso, lo calmará.

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Ajumma se pregunta qué debe hacer en este caso. La escena cambia y Ajumma está cerrando la tienda, pone el cartel de cerrado y cierra la puerta. Ajumma se acerca a MC y le dice que realmente no hay otra forma de calmarlo... Piensa para sí misma que sabe que esto les pasa a los chicos y que MC no está equivocado en esto. MC entonces le dice "sí, no hay otra manera pero si te parece poco razonable, no tienes que hacerlo". Ella se pone de rodillas y le cuenta a MC la promesa que habían hecho ese día. Entonces MC le dice que se olvidó de mencionarle que había estado estudiando mucho desde ese día porque quiere cumplir su promesa con Ajumma.
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Ella le pregunta si es verdad y el MC le responde que sí. Ajumma empieza a bajarle la cremallera de los pantalones y piensa para sí misma "no es que esté rompiendo la promesa ni nada", entonces ve la polla de Jeong-Hoo y comenta que parece aún más grande que ese día. Ajumma empieza a inclinarse hacia su polla y empieza a lamerla.
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Ajumma sigue lamiendo alrededor de su polla y MC le pregunta si puede lamer la parte superior también, entonces ella pasa a la parte superior y comienza a lamer un poco más, se pregunta si su polla realmente se está haciendo más pequeña y no más grande (también estaba pensando en cómo su polla se siente caliente y tiembla cuando ella lame). MC le pregunta si puede ir más allá y metérsela en la boca, entonces ella piensa que lo hará porque Jeong-Hoo se lo pidió.


by Flat

Continuing last chapter, from Ajumma's lips touching Jeong-Hoo's dick (through his pants), Ajumma asks MC if it'll take long before he's done moving the box, MC thinks to himself that her warm breath on that area is too much, he then replies to Ajumma's question with, "no, I'm almost done". MC thinks to himself that every time the chair he is standing on shakes, Ajumma's lips rub against his area. He then thinks he can't hold it for much longer and that he's going crazy.
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Switch to Ajumma's thoughts, she thinks, "why Is Jeong-hoo like this? He will get embarrassed if I let him know that I know." So she pretends not to care about the boner, she then asks if MC is doing good up there, she doesn't want him to get hurt or anything. Then MC replies with "yes, Ajumma" but Ajumma notices that it just keeps getting bigger and bigger (his boner). MC says he almost has it (moving the box) and pushes the box into place. He then tells Ajumma that he is done.
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Ajumma then tells him that he did a good job and now they should start cleaning up, MC then tells her that his boner won't go down. Ajumma thinks to herself that this was her fault to begin with and MC asks her if by any chance, they could do what they did in the room that day (might be jack him off, not sex, doesn't specify) again to calm down his boner. He says if she does that, it'll calm it down.
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Ajumma asks herself, what she should do in this case. Scene change and Ajumma is closing up the store, she puts up the closed sign and locks the door. Ajumma walks over to MC and says that there's really no other way to calm it down? She thinks to herself that she knows this happens to guys and MC isn't in the wrong here. MC then tells her "yeah, there's no other way but if you find it unreasonable, you don't have to do it". She gets down on her knees and tells MC about the promise they had made that day. Then MC tells her how he forgot to mention to her that he'd been studying hard since that day bc he wants to fulfill his promise to Ajumma.
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She asks if it's true and MC replies with yes. Ajumma then starts unzipping his pants and thinks to herself "it's not like it's breaking the promise or anything", she then sees Jeong-Hoo's dick and comments that it looks even bigger than that day. Ajumma then starts leaning towards his dick and starts licking it. 
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Ajumma keeps licking around his dick and MC asks if she can lick the top part as well, she then moves on to the top and starts licking some more, she asks herself if his dick really is getting smaller and not bigger (she was also thinking on how his dick feels hot and trembles when she licks). MC then asks her if she could go further and put it in her mouth, then she thinks to herself that she'll do it bc Jeong-Hoo asked.

Chapter Ends....

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My stepmother is my girlfriend 46 raw

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UchihaKanon, 05-07-2022, 02:11 PM

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By Sodapop

El capítulo comienza con el tipo del chantaje (ese que tomo fotos de la fmc y su jefe teniendo sexo en el parque) entrando en su apartamento.
Muestra el teléfono (¿fotos de como tenian sexo?, fmc se sonroja.
El chantajista le pide que se deje follar a cambio de borrar la evidencia, ella accede nerviosa.
Fmc empieza a desnudarse. Lleva ropa interior de encaje. Y se desnuda en la cama. Douche lame su coño y ella lo siente. Se le pone dura, ponen a follar y ella empieza a gemir. Luego el hombre hace la posición de misionero y luego el abrazo de espalda(cucharita), luego el estilo perrito y luego le  lame el cuello a la fmc.
La fmc disfrita del sexo (aunque estaba nerviosa)
Siguen un rato hasta que terminan. Creampie por supuesto. (Rico)

El douche se va después de decir algo que hizo que fmc se sorprendiera y confundiera. El capítulo termina con la cara de fmc de "qué me va a pasar ahora".


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By Sodapop

The chapter starts with the blackmail guy (the one who took pictures of fmc and her boss having sex in the park) entering her apartment.

He shows the phone (pictures of how they had sex?, fmc blushes.
The blackmailer asks her to let him fuck her in exchange for erasing the evidence, she nervously agrees.
Fmc starts to undress. She wears lacy underwear. And she undresses on the bed. Douche licks her pussy and she feels it. She gets hard, they start fucking and she starts moaning. Then the man does the missionary position and then the back hug(spooning), then doggy style and then licks the fmc's neck.
The fmc enjoys the sex (although she was nervous).
They go on for a while until they finish. Creampie of course. (Yummy)

The douche leaves after saying something that made fmc shocked and confused. The chapter ends with fmc's "what's going to happen to me now" face.


SMOM GF SUMMS: Chapter starts with blackmail dude coming inside her apartment. He shows phone (pics?) smom blushes. Smom starts stripping. She’s wearing peak underwear. And goes naked on the bed. bm dude licks her pussy and she feels it. They go hard and she starts moaning. Then bm dude does the mating press position and then back hug, then doggy style then licking smom neck. They go on for a while until they’re done. Creampie of course. BM dude leaves after saying something that made smom shocked and confused. Chapter ends with smom’s “wtf is going to happen to me now” face

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Today’s Dinner Chapter 26 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 05-07-2022, 01:45 PM

Today’s Dinner Chapter 26 Summary 

Title Drop

Starts with a flashback of Minjae (Douche) in his car thinking about Suho (MC). “You hit on my shoulder and what was that expression?”

He starts to think what Suho said to him:

“I have to go, i have an appointment with Sieun.”
(He literally repeats this phrase in his mind 7 times). (Notes: Bro, you don’t even know what happened between them xD)

Yeseul (Crush) is there with Minjae in his car too. She asks if he is still thinking about Suho and asks “Why you care so much?”.

Minjae: “You should have seen that annoying look to me. And you haven’t actually seen him now, right? You would be surprised, i still am.”

Yeseul: “How much weight did he lost? I won’t believe until i see it. I can’t imagine Suho not a pig.” (Notes: Hey girl…. i have bad news…)

Yeseul: “I will meet Suho on monday and press him. Human nature doesn’t change like this. No matter how much weight he lost, how different he looks, that pathetic self esteem less will remain the same” (Notes: I have bad news again…)

Yeseul: “Especially in front of someone like me, you can’t hide it.” 

Change to present and with a shocked Yeseul.  Suho says: “Stop looking, is it that good?” (Notes: xDDDD). 

Yeseul: “Minjae said i would be surprised to see you… but i didn’t know would be like this… Now it’s looks so cool. I liked Suho before, when he was cute and reliable…” (Notes: OH NO YOU DIDNT SAY THIS)

Yeseul: “Do you remember when i shown you the teddy bear in my room? You looked like him, it was so cute…”

Suho: “Oh… really?” (He is smirking)

Yeseul thinks: “What? What is this smile?” and says “While you were in army, sometimes i looked to that doll and remembered you.”

Suho: “Oh nice, thank you Yeseul. When i was in the army, i was able to overcome the hard training thinking in you..”

Yeseul: “Oh really? I’m glad that i was your strength.”

Suho: “Yeah, thank to you… whenever i thought in give up i remembered you face and overcame it.”

Yeseul thinks: “As expected, this punk still only thinks about me. See? Only the shelll changed…”

Suho with a smirk on, remembers of his hard training. Yeseul looks the same smile and got shocked again but still thinks everything is under control and says “What i told you that day in Minjae’s garden still is true, i will help your trauma.”

Suho thought: “She thinks she can still control me with this…”. Some flashback of that day with Yeseul letting Suho touch her boobs. Yeseul asks if he still thinks about his mom, what he denies and says he stopped with the milk powder. 

Yeseul: “Really? This is kinda sad, i would like to support you more…”. She says this putting her boobs on the table, and Suho remembers some advices Marie (noona) gave to him.

Suho: “Well, it’s not my mom’s chest anymore, now i only think about yours”. He remembers again another Marie’s advice… “If she does a signal, don’t hesite..” and asks to Yeseul:

“Do you want to help me? Will it be today?”

Switch scenes to Minjae taking a shower… He still thinking about Suho’s eyes… He still mad as fuck and remembers Yeseul would meet Suho today, and calls to her. Switch scenes and Suho is kissing her while the phone rings.

MC thinks: “Yeseul, look forward to it, i will eat you like a dog…”

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All About Bestfriends 54 raw

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UchihaKanon, 05-07-2022, 04:16 AM

by RJ

El capitulo comienza con la Tía escuchando a MC y Saebom follando. La tía incluso se dio cuenta de cómo MC se está follando a Saeboom.

Salta la escena a la Tía caminando a casa. La tía sigue sorprendida por ver a Saebom y MC follando. Ella se pregunta cuándo él y Saeboom se convirtieron en algo, aunque MC lo negó antes. Pero él se ha estado follando a Saebom en el restaurante todo el tiempo. Y para rematar, la tía está confundida porque MC está haciendo un movimiento en ella.

Cambia la escena a MC llegando a casa. MC le dice a la tía que se va a duchar.

Cambio de escena: la tía se levanta a última hora de la tarde (¿quizás para ir a la bañera?). La tía está un poco disgustada por lo que ha visto antes. Pero la tía acaba reconociendo que MC ya es un adulto, sólo tiene curiosidad por saber por qué le oculta esto. El pensamiento de MC y Saebom aparece de nuevo en su mente.

Mientras la tía duerme, una figura oscura (de MC) entra en la habitación y le baja las bragas a la tía. La tía se despierta siendo follada por MC. La tía grita y luego se revela que es un sueño (clásico de Tharchog ?). La tía se lamenta de su sueño y se pregunta si fue por lo que vio en el restaurante. La tía se va a la cocina mientras ella coge un vaso de agua. MC se despierta y va a la cocina también (sin camiseta).  La tía le pregunta a MC por qué está despierto, MC responde que es porque ha oído un grito. La tía se encoge de hombros y le dice que tal vez haya sido su sueño o su imaginación. Mientras la tía se dirige a su habitación, MC se queda mirando el culo de la tía (la tía sólo lleva bragas en la parte inferior). Mientras la tía se sonroja y se retuerce porque MC la ve sólo en bragas, MC llega desde las sombras. Le pregunta directamente a la tía si puede quitársela (¿o chupársela?) (no estoy seguro de esta parte).

Fin del capítulo

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by RJ

Chap starts off with Auntie eavesdropping on MC and Saebom banging. Auntie even took good notice of how MC is fucking Saeboom.

Skip scene to Auntie walking home. Auntie is still shocked about seeing Saebom and MC fucking. She wonders when did he and Saeboom become a thing even tho MC denied about it before. But he's been banging Saebom in the Restaurant all the time. And to top it off, Auntie is confused why MC is making a move on her.

Change scene to MC arriving home. MC says to Auntie he's going to shower.

Change scene to late in the evening as Auntie gets up (maybe to go to the toiler?). Auntie is a bit disgruntled on what she saw earlier. But Auntie eventually acknowledges that MC is already a grownup, she's just curious why would he hide this to her. The thought of MC and Saebom pop again in to her mine.

As Auntie sleeps, a dark figure (of MC) enters the room and pulls down auntie's pantie. Auntie wakes up being fucked by MC. Auntie screams then it's revealed to be a dream (classic Tharchog ?). Auntie laments on her dream and wonders if it was because of what she saw in the restaurant. Auntie goes to the kitchen as he gets a glass of water. MC woke up and goes to the kitchen as well (with his shirt off).  Auntie asks MC why he's awake, MC answers that it's because he heard a scream. Auntie shrugs it off saying that it might have just been his dream or imagination. As Auntie heads off back to her room, MC stares at Auntie's ass (Auntie is only wearing panties on the bottom). As Auntie is blushing and essentially squirming about MC seeing her just on panties, MC arrives from the shadows. He directly asks Auntie if she can get him off (or to suck him off?) (not sure about this part).

End Chap

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Madam 14 raw

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UchihaKanon, 05-06-2022, 02:22 PM

by EMT

Después de la caída del título, vemos al niño pequeño asomarse de nuevo por el hueco. Se da cuenta de que es MC y se pregunta por qué tiene los pantalones bajados y por qué respira con tanta fuerza. Entonces empieza a ir hacia Sohee para informar de sus descubrimientos. (Creo que Sohee pensará que se está masturbando).

El panel cambia de nuevo a MC y Yeoreum. MC se corre en la cara de ella, porque no pudo aguantar más (bueno, ¿quién podría?)

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Yeoreum entonces narra que por qué este aroma es tan tentador para ella, siente que su mente se queda en blanco y su estómago siente un cosquilleo (como Sohee, su útero se saltó un latido lol)
Entonces se dice a sí misma que no puede ceder, y quiere volver al trabajo, ya que MC "ya se ha calmado", pero MC la tira hacia atrás, y dice que todavía está levantada (lol), Yeoreum se asombra de que MC esté levantado y que su polla parezca aún más grande ahora.

El panel cambia de nuevo a FMC con el chico, el chico informa de que está en el granero, y que está respirando con fuerza con los pantalones bajados, FMC piensa en el momento en que se estaba masturbando y se avergüenza. (lol llamó).

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El capítulo cambia de nuevo a MC, ahora está manoseando a Yeoreum y se están besando.
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MC la empuja sobre el heno y comienza a desvestirse.
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Yeoreum intenta decir que "No...Dolsoe", mientras tanto MC narra que ella está tan mojada, así que probablemente quería hacerlo igual que él.
Yeoreum ahora narra que han estado aquí demasiado tiempo, podrían ser atrapados en cualquier momento de esta manera.
MC entonces la embiste, y piensa en lo diferente que es la sensación de esta posición, ella no está demasiado apretada, y a él le gusta aún más de esta manera. Entonces la levanta y empiezan a besarse.

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El panel cambia de nuevo a FMC buscando a Dolsoe (la pobre chica siempre está buscando a Dolsoe o Yeoreum lol, yo llamo cliffhanger a su apertura de la puerta del granero...)

Sohee piensa en la frecuencia con la que MC podría hacerlo, y si es a diario, entonces está pensando en compartir su amor y entrar en ella todos los días... (ahhh mi pobre alma....)

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Aquí está su respuesta.
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El panel cambia de nuevo a MC y Yeoreum, ella está narrando que por qué se siente tan bien ahora, después de su primera experiencia, y que nunca experimentó nada como esto antes, también piensa en estar aquí por mucho tiempo de nuevo, y que no le importa si alguien abre la puerta, pero al mismo tiempo quiere terminarlo, le encanta esta sensación tanto y la hace realmente feliz...
MC entonces le pregunta si ya no se siente mal hoy, y la besa.

El panel vuelve a FMC, ella comienza a narrar que no debería asustar a MC y ponerlo nervioso, así que tal vez debería gritar su nombre, para que él pudiera vestirse a tiempo, pero también piensa en su polla/varilla de hierro (lol) y comienza a empujar la puerta del granero.

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El capítulo termina con los MCs y Yeoreum sorprendidos (más o menos).

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También recibimos una tarjeta de identificación sobre el MC:
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Un esclavo que de niño fue vendido por un bajo precio al general Kwak.

A pesar de su bajo estatus, tuvo una buena fortuna y una infancia despreocupada bajo el mando del general y su esposa.

Desde pequeño aprendió a manejar la espada con Surim y Sohee, y tiene una gran densidad muscular, aunque sólo es un esclavo.

Cuando Sohee y Yeoreum comienzan a expresar sus sentimientos hacia Dolsoe, sus preocupaciones comienzan a profundizarse.

by EMT

After a title drop we see the little kid peaking again through the gap. She notices that its MC and is asking herself that why are his pants down and why is he breathing so heavily. Then she starts going back to Sohee to report his findings. (I feel that Sohee will think that he is masturbating).

Panel switches back to MC and Yeoreum. MC cums on her face, bc he couldn't hold it in anymore (well, who could?)

Yeoreum then narrates that why is this scent so tempting for her, she feels her mind going blank and her stomach felt a tingling feeling (kinda like Sohee, their uterus skipped a beat lol)
Then she says to herself that she cannot give in, and wants to go back to work, since MC has "calmed down already", but MC pulls her back, and says that its still up (lol), Yeoreum is amazed that MC is up and that his dick looks even bigger now. 
Panel switches back to FMC with the kid, the kid reports back that he is in the barn, and that he is breathing heavily with pants down, FMC thinks back at the time when he was masturbating and gets embarrassed. (lol called it).

Chapter switches back to MC, he is groping Yeoreum now and they are kissing.

MC pushes her down on the hay, and starts undressing.

Yeoreum tries to say that "No...Dolsoe", meanwhile MC narrates that she is so wet, so probably she wanted to do it just as he wanted to.
Yeoreum now narrates that they've been here too long, they could get caught any second this way.
MC then rams it in, and thinks how different the feeling is from this position, she is not too tight, and he likes it even more this way. Then he pulls her up and start kissing.

Panel switches back to FMC looking for Dolsoe (poor girl is always looking for Dolsoe or Yeoreum lol, I call cliffhanger her opening the barn door?)
Sohee thinks about how often MC could do it, and if its daily, then he is thinking about sharing his love and coming inside her every day? (ahhh my poor soul....)

Here is your answer.

Panel switches back to MC and Yeoreum, she is narrating that why does it feel so good now, after her first experience, and that she never experienced anything like this before, she also thinks about being here for too long again, and that she doesn't care if someone opens the door, but at the same time she wants to finish it, she loves this feeling so much and makes her really happy...
MC then asks her if she doesn't feel sick today anymore, and kisses her.

Panel goes back to FMC, she starts to narrate that she shouldnt scare MC and make him flustered, so maybe she should call out his name, so he could get dressed in time, but also she thinks back of his dick/iron rod (lol) and starts to push on the barn door.

(Called it).
Chapter ends with MCs and Yeoreum's shocked (kinda).

We get also a card about MC:

A slave who as a kid was sold for a low price to general Kwak.
Despite of his low status, he met a good fortune and had a carefree childhood under the general and his wife.
Since he was a kid he learned swordsmanship from Surim and Sohee, and has a high muscle density, although he is just a slave.
As Sohee and Yeoreum begin the express their feelings towards Dolsoe, his worries start to deepen.

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