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All About Bestfriends 53 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-29-2022, 02:42 PM

[Image: IMG_9982.png?width=1025&height=364]

by FatimaG

El capítulo empieza con Roy diciendole a la tia… “Lo vi tia, mi tia se lo chupo a Paul”, la tia dice “No, tú… Como?” Roy: “Fui a la tienda por casualidad y lo vi todo”

Roy empieza a contar detalles… “Mi tia se arrodillo y Paul…” La tia le pega y dice ¡Detente! No digas nada, La tia se está yendo, pero Roy dice “Tia, ¡detente ahi!” La tia le dice que no la Siga, Roy le dice que no huya

Roy sigue con la confrontación y le dice, “Háblame tia, que diablos hiciste?” A la tia le cuesta hablar y no le da una respuesta a Roy, se sientan para hablar mejor y Roy le pregunta de nuevo por que hizo eso? La tia le dice “Hay cosas que no puedo decir” Roy le pregunta “Tuviste sexo con Paul?” La tia grita ¡Queee!, Roy grita ¡Te acostaste con el?!... Roy sigue gritando mas fuerte ¡Hasta donde has ido con el hijo de put* de Paul! La tia le dice “A donde? Ni hablar”

Roy le vuelve a preguntar, “Entonces que hiciste?” la tia le dice que solo lo hizo con la boca

La tia dice, que relación, no somos nada
Tia: “Asi que lo que paso es que…”
Se muestran Flashback de la mamada de tia a paul**
“Paul me dijo que no podía tener sexo con su novia por qué no tenía una erección… Lo eh probado para ver si es verdad. Para ayudar”

Roy: “Por que lo ayuda mi tia?” Tia: “Era porque Paul estaba preocupado por eso, no es lo que mas importa para un hombre?”
Roy: “Entonces si me preocupo por eso… ¿Mi tia me ayudara?” Tia: “Que quieres decir?, ¿Roy tu también tienes erecciones?”
Roy: JAJAJAJAJA, sisi…
La tia dice si se le paro esta mañana, roy le dice que se para automáticamente por las mañanas, pero que nunca se le paro frente a una mujer.
La tia esta confundida, no entiende por que son asi los jóvenes… “Pero no puedo, ¿Cómo puedo hacerte eso?”

Roy: “Hazmelo a mi también tia”… La tia se va

Se cambia de escena, estamos en la noche, en el restaurante

Roy esta punteando (¿) Por atrás a Sae, ella dice, detente acaso quieres que te despidan?, La tia dice que se va primero, y que terminen el trabajo
Roy dice “¿Señorita Sae, deberíamos hacer eso otra ves? Tu sabes” eso (hace signos de coger jasjasaj)

La tia esta afuera y empieza a buscar algo en su bolso, dice “Ah lo deje en la tienda” (eran unos audífonos creo)

Se muestra panales de Sae y Roy teniendo sexo… Sae gime muy fuerte y en eso…

Nooo cuckshow a la tia ;(( ella ve todo

La tia los ve y dice “Ese hijo de put*, a solas paras bien”

Fin del capitulo

by FatimaG

Summary all about my best friend ch 53. By FatimaG

The chapter starts with Roy telling the aunt... "I saw it aunt, my aunt sucked Paul", the aunt says "No, you... How?" Roy: "I went to the store by chance and I saw it all".

Roy starts telling details... "My aunt got down on her knees and Paul..." The aunt hits him and says Stop! Don't say anything, The tia is leaving, but Roy says "Tia, stop right there!" Tia tells him not to follow her, Roy tells her not to run away.

Roy continues with the confrontation and says, "Talk to me tia, what the hell did you do?" Aunty has a hard time talking and doesn't give Roy an answer, they sit down to talk better and Roy asks her again why did she do that? The tia says "There are things I can't say" Roy asks "Did you have sex with Paul?" The aunt yells "Whaaaat, Roy yells "Did you have sex with him?! Roy keeps yelling louder, "How far have you gone with that son of a bitch Paul! The aunt says "Where? No way!"

Roy asks again, "So what did you do?" the aunt says she only did it with her mouth.

The tia says, what relationship, we are nothing.
Tia: "So what happened is that..."
Flashback of tia's blowjob to paul** shown.
"Paul told me he couldn't have sex with his girlfriend because he didn't have an erection... I tested it to see if it's true. To help."

Roy: "Why is my aunt helping him?" Tia: "It was because Paul was worried about it, isn't that the most important thing for a man?"
Roy: "So if I worry about it... Will my aunt help me?" Tia: "What do you mean, Roy you get erections too?"
Tia says if he got a boner this morning, roy tells her that he gets a boner automatically in the morning, but he never got a boner in front of a woman.
The tia is confused, she doesn't understand why young people are like that... "But I can't, how can I do that to you?"

Roy: "Do it to me too aunty"... The aunty leaves....

The scene changes, we are in the night, in the restaurant.

Roy is tapping (?) Sae from behind, she says, stop, do you want to get fired, Aunty says she is leaving first, and finish the job.
Roy says "Miss Sae, should we do that again? You know" that (makes signs of fucking jasjasaj).

Aunty is outside and starts looking for something in her purse, she says "Ah I left it at the store" (it was a headset I think).

It shows honeycombs of Sae and Roy having sex... Sae moans very loudly and at that....

Nooo cuckshow to the aunt ;(( she sees everything.

The aunt sees them and says "That son of a bitch, you stop well alone".

End of chapter

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UchihaKanon, 04-28-2022, 04:04 PM

by Larazy

El capítulo comienza como antes, el MC desesperado y/o nervioso intentando contactar con la FMC.
MC: Sook-Young..contesta el teléfono...
MC: Te dije que lo intentaras...
Pequeños flashbacks del MC y la FMC:
MC: ¡Claro que debes intentarlo! -¡No lo dudes!

Presente :
MC: ¡Si algo le pasa a Sook-Young...!

Cambio de panel a la FMC en el evento
FMC: Ugh.. Estoy nerviosa. ¿Seré capaz de hacerlo bien?
FMC revisa su bolsa (bolso y/o cartera) y se sonroja al ver que el MC la está llamando
FMC: Oh, es Ho-Seung (nombre del MC)
FMC responde a su teléfono
FMC: Señor, ¿qué pasa? (se refiere a él)
FMC: ¡No has respondido a mis llamadas en todo el día!
MC: ¡¿Dónde estás ahora?!
FMC: Vine a una audición... ¿Qué te pasa...?
MC: ¡Y dónde estás ahora!
MC: ¡¡La ubicación, la ubicación...!!
FMC: Es... Halton... ¿Hotel...? Es un club...
FMC: ¿Pero por qué lo preguntas? ¿Qué está pasando?
MC: ¡Srta. Sook Young!
MC: ¡No vayas a esa audición sola! ¡Salga de ahí!
FMC: -¿Qué? No puedo escuchar bien ya que hay mucho ruido por aquí...
Es empujada por una joven al azar del evento y accidentalmente se le cae el móvil
El teléfono de FMC cae a los pies del ejecutivo que la invitó a la audición (tipo de la máscara).
Ejecutivo: Ya estás aquí...
Le coge el teléfono y termina la llamada.
Ejecutivo: He estado esperando
Cambia de panel a MC
MC: Maldita sea...
TL: ¿Qué pasa con el Hotel Halton?
MC: ¡Te lo diré más tarde!
MC sale de la oficina
Cambio de panel a la FMC con el ejecutivo y dos al azar
FMC: Hmm... ¿Cuándo tendrá lugar la audición?
Ejecutivo: Hablar de ello podría ser incómodo, así que charlemos un poco y vayamos despacio.
Ejecutivo: Sra. Sook, tengo grandes expectativas sobre el tipo de actuación que mostrará.
FMC: ...
Random1: -Hey, como se esperaba, el director es diferente... -Donde consiguió una chica así...
Random1: ¿Puedo pedirte un bocado?
Random2: -Hey jaja -Me lo voy a comer igual. Espera un momento
Random1: ¿Pero por qué no viene la nuestra? (Probablemente se refiere a otra chica)
Otro chico abre la puerta.
Random: Lleváis mucho tiempo esperando~
Random1: Creo que acaba de llegar...
Random1: Nuestra lonchera..
Aparece la hija del TL
Hija: -Hola~ -Soy Joo Hyo-Min ¡Seré la que audicione esta vez~!
Cambio de panel al MC llegando al Hotel Halton
MC: Sook-Young...
MC: Supongo que no puedo entrar...
Cambio de panel a un concierto en el Hotel Halton...
Unos guardias agarran a la profesora de la hija de TL
Profesora: No, no estoy aquí para tocar. ¡Hay una fiesta dentro!
Guardia: No entiendo lo que dices. ¡Este no es un lugar donde entren los perros! (Probablemente quiere decir que los perdedores no entran... ¿Pobrecitos?)
Guardia: Oye, llévalo a un lugar/parte para que se calme
Guardia: Ven conmigo, hijo de puta, ¿a qué esperas?
Profesor: Ugh... ¡Suéltame!
Guardia: Suéltala...
El profesor coge una piedra y se lanza a golpear a uno de los guardias
Profesor: ¡¡Hijo de puta!!
El profesor golpea al guardia en medio de la cara con la piedra
Guardia: ¡Ah!
Cambio de panel en el interior del Hotel Halton
Algunas personas murmuran que hay una pelea afuera mientras tenemos un panel del profesor dentro del Hotel Halton.
Mientras la gente sigue murmurando tenemos un panel del profesor y más tarde del MC estando dentro del Hotel
Cambio de panel al MC corriendo dentro del Hotel buscando a la FMC mientras se da cuenta de cómo una waifu al azar está follando
Cambio de panel al FMC y a la hija de la milf
FMC: -Pero... ¿Realmente estás audicionando aquí...? (Está hablando con la ejecutiva)
Hija de la milf: Claro; tampoco creo que haya cámaras...
FMC: Eso es lo que creo
Ejecutivo: Los actores que no son fieles a sí mismos no pueden conmover al público
Ejecutivo: Sobre todo cuando hago audiciones, creo que la crudeza en sí misma es importante
FMC: ¿Cómo se puede comprobar eso...?
Ejecutivo: Uy~ Eres más impaciente de lo que pareces, empecemos despacio con una copa
FMC: -Lo siento, no sabía que estaba en un sitio así... Creo que es mejor que me vaya.
Ejecutivo: Si te vas así...
El ejecutivo saca un fajo de dinero
Ejecutivo: No tiene sentido preparar el pago inicial.
Ejecutivo: No me malinterpretes, no estoy pensando en nada más, puedes beber un poco mientras trabajas.
Al azar: Sí, porque no es habitual que el director haga una audición en persona.
Al azar: Seguro que también has preparado algo para nosotros... ¿no vale la pena?
Mientras el ejecutivo pone algo en la bebida del FMC
El FMC se sienta
El ejecutivo le pasa la bebida que tenía algo dentro
FMC se dispone a beberla

by Larazzy

The chapter begins as it had been previously, MC desperate and/or nervous trying to contact the FMC.
 MC: Sook-Young..answer the phone…
 MC: I told you to try...
 Little flashbacks of the MC and FMC:
 MC: Of course you should try it! -Do not hesitate!
 Present :
 MC: If something happens to Sook-Young...!
 Change of panel to the FMC at the event
 FMC: Ugh.. I'm nervous. Will I be able to do it well?
 FMC checks her bag (purse and/or purse) and blushes when she sees that the MC is calling her
 FMC: Oh, it's Ho-Seung (name MC)
 FMC answers your phone
 FMC: Sir, what's up?! (refers to him)
 FMC: You didn't answer my calls all day!
 MC: Where are you now??!!
 FMC: I came to an audition… What's wrong with you…?
 MC: So where are you now!
 MC: The location, location…!!
 FMC: Is it... Halton... Hotel...? it's a club...
 FMC: But why do you ask? What is happening?
 MC: Ms. Sook Young!
 MC: Don't go to that audition alone! Get out of there!
 FMC: -What? I can't hear well since it's so noisy around here...
 She is pushed by a random young woman from the event and accidentally drops her cell phone
 FMC's phone lands at the feet of the executive who invited her to audition (mask guy).
 Executive: You're already here..
 He grabs her phone and ends the call.
 Executive: I've been waiting
 Switch from panel to MC
 MC: Damn…
 TL: What's wrong with the Halton Hotel?
 MC: I'll tell you later!
 MC leaves the office
 Change of panel to the FMC with the executive and two random
 FMC: Hmm… When will the audition take place?
 Executive: Talking about it could be awkward, so let's have a little chat and move slowly.
 Executive: Ms. Sook, I have high expectations for the kind of acting he will show.
 FMC: …
 Random1: -Hey, as expected, the director is different… -Where did he get a girl like that…
 Random1: Can I ask you for a bite?
 Random2: -Hey haha -I'm going to eat it anyway. Hang on a minute
 Random1: But why doesn't ours come? (He probably means another girl)
 Another guy opens the door.
 Random: You guys have been waiting for a long time~
 Random1: I think she just got here?
 Random1: Our lunch box..
 The daughter of the TL appears
 Daughter: -Hello~ -I'm Joo Hyo-Min I'll be the one auditioning this time~!
 Panel change to the MC arriving at the Halton Hotel
 MC: Sook-Young…
 MC: I guess I can't get in...
 Change of panel to a concert at the Halton Hotel?
 Some guards grab the teacher of TL's daughter
 Teacher: No, I'm not here to play. There's a party inside!
 Guard: I don't understand what you're saying. This is not a place where dogs enter! (He probably means that losers don't get in? Poor people?)
 Guard: Hey, take him somewhere/place so he can calm down
 Guard: Come with me, you son of a bitch, what are you waiting for?
 Teacher: Ugh… Let go of me…!
 Guard: Drop it...
 The professor grabs a stone and launches to hit one of the guards
 Teacher: Son of a bitch!!
 The teacher hits the guard in the middle of the face with the stone
 Guard: Ah!
 Change of panel inside the Halton Hotel
 Some people are muttering about there being a fight outside while we have a panel from the professor inside the Halton Hotel.
 While the people continue murmuring we have a panel of the professor and later the MC being inside the Hotel
 Change of panel to the MC running inside the Hotel looking for the FMC while he realizes how a random waifu is fucking
 Change of panel to the FMC and daughter of the milf
 FMC: -But… Are you really auditioning here…? (She is talking to the executive)
 Daughter of the milf: Right; I don't think there are cameras either...
 FMC: That's what I think
 Executive: Actors who are not true to themselves cannot move the public
 Executive: Especially when I do auditions, I think rawness itself is important
 FMC: How can you verify that…?
 Executive: Oops~ You're more impatient than you seem, let's start slowly with a drink
 FMC: -I'm sorry, I didn't know I was in such a place… I think it's better that I leave.
 Executive: If you leave like this…
 The executive takes out a wad of money
 Executive: There is no point in preparing the initial payment.
 Executive: Don't get me wrong, I'm not thinking of anything else, you can drink a little while you work.
 Random: Yes, because it is not a common opportunity for the director to audition in person.
 Random: I'm sure you've also prepared something for us... isn't it worth it?
 While the exec puts something in the FMC's drink
 FMC sits back
 The executive passes him the drink that he had something inside
 FMC is about to drink it
 To be continue…
*this time there are no images, excuse me friends*

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The owner of the building 45 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-28-2022, 03:13 PM

by FatimaG

El capítulo empieza con imágenes de Nari, que sigue pasmada con lo que esta viendo (HarixMc) dice “No pude dormir ni una noche”

Nari tiene un resfriado, cambian de panel, con Nari echada, Mc y Hari obersandola, ella esta enferma, Nari dice “Ya está, no es gran cosa” el Mc la toca y dice que esta caliente como el Sol, Hari dice que ira a comprar algunos ingredientes para una receta, Mc le dice que la acompañara, pero Hari le dice que no, que se quede a cuidar a Nari. Mc se despide de Hari.

Nari dice por que hacen tanto alboroto si ella les dice que esta bien, Mc vuelve a tocar a Nari y le dice que tiene que dormir bien, ella suda mucho.

Nari le quita las manos de su cuerpo, ella dice en su mente “Lo que paso ayer, no lo paro de recordar” En eso el MC con un trapo empieza a secar el cuerpo de Nari, después de secarle la espalda le dice que se de la vuelta, el MC dice “déjame tocarte los pies” y empieza a presionarle, Nari le patea en la cara diciendole que no lo haga, Nari dice “Tu tocas a una mujer tan tranquilamente, es increíble” Mc dice “Que es esa forma de hablar?” Mc sigue tocando sus pies, ella se rie fuerte ¡Puahahaha! Me hace cosquillas.

Mc dice “Ahora otra vez, acuéstate” Nari dice “A donde vas?” Mc dice “Ire a recoger a Hari”
Se muestra un panel de Hari en el supermercado, el MC dice “La recogeré, obvio el carro estará muy pesado”
Nari pone cara de enojada, Mc dice que volverá rápido y que descanse.
El MC está a punto de salir de la casa y Nari grita de dolor (obviamente finjiendo) ¡Oh dios mio!
El mc vuelve y salta encima de Nari, diciendo te tengo, Nari dice “Hermano mayor, no te vayas” “No te vayaas!” ella salta encima del MC y lo abraza
Mc dice, “Ya veo, vale me quedare, no me ire” Nari dice “Traeme la medicina, dame la comida”
Ella se acuesta y el mc dice “Vale te lo prometi, no me ire”
Nari se queda dormida y dice “Tienes que quererme”

Se muestra un flashback del MC cuando estaba chiquito y enfermo, y se muestra a la Mama del mc cuidándolo (Los que aman a las milfs se van a volver locos jsajsaj)
Hari llega a casa y los ve a los dos abrazados en la cama, Hari dice “Que monos, recuerdo cuando eran niños”

Termina el cap

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by FatimaG

The chapter begins with images of Nari, who is still stunned with what she is seeing (HarixMc) says "I couldn't sleep a night".

Nari has a cold, they switch panels, with Nari lying down, Mc and Hari obersandola, she is sick, Nari says "There, no big deal" the Mc touches her and says she is hot as the Sun, Hari says he will go to buy some ingredients for a recipe, Mc says he will accompany her, but Hari says no, to stay and take care of Nari. Mc says goodbye to Hari.

Nari says why are they making such a fuss if she tells them she is fine, Mc touches Nari again and tells her that she has to sleep well, she sweats a lot.

Nari removes his hands from her body, she says in her mind "What happened yesterday, I keep remembering it" At that the MC with a cloth starts to dry Nari's body, after drying her back he tells her to turn around, the MC says "let me touch your feet" and starts to press him, Nari kicks him in the face telling him not to do it, Nari says "You touch a woman so calmly, it's unbelievable" Mc says "What's that way of talking?" Mc keeps touching her feet, she laughs loudly Puahahahaha! It tickles me.

Mc says "Now again, lie down" Nari says "Where are you going?" Mc says "I'm going to go pick up Hari."
A panel of Hari in the supermarket is shown, MC says "I'll pick her up, obviously the cart will be too heavy."
Nari makes an angry face, Mc says he'll be back quickly and rest.
The MC is about to leave the house and Nari screams in pain (obviously faking it) Oh my god!
The mc comes back and jumps on top of Nari, saying gotcha, Nari says "Big bro, don't go" "Don't go!" she jumps on top of the MC and hugs him.
Mc says, "I see, ok I'll stay, I won't leave" Nari says "Bring me the medicine, give me the food".
She lies down and mc says "Ok I promised you, I won't leave".
Nari falls asleep and says "You have to love me".

A flashback of the MC when he was little and sick is shown, and the mc's Mom is shown taking care of him (Those who love milfs are going to go crazy jsajsaj).
Hari comes home and sees the two of them cuddling in bed, Hari says "How cute, I remember when they were kids".

End of chapter

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Secret Friend 101

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UchihaKanon, 04-27-2022, 03:17 PM

by UchihaKanon

The brother of the mc goes out early in the morning and the sister with glasses rebukes him: why is he going out so early?
The brother replies that he has something urgent to tell her but he will do it later. (I guess he is referring to the pills his sister takes).
Then the brother of the mc asks her what is that suitcase to which she answers that it is nothing important.
The sister with glasses goes to the mc's room and starts to unpack and put all the mc's clothes in the closet.
Then she says that she will cancel everything and that she will give her reward to the mc for saving her sister (I imagine she is referring to the relationship she had with the married man from previous chapters).

At the hospital.

The brother of the mc arrives at the hospital bringing medicine for the fmc but he doesn't find her in her bed.
In another bed is the fmc with the mc lying sleeping. An hour has passed and it is dawn; the fmc wakes up and with the mc they go to the bathroom to have sex. While a nurse listens to them on the side while she is talking to a friend on the phone.
Then the nurse leaves the bathroom saying: They went crazy (for having sex in a hospital bathroom).

The mc and fmc continue having sex which ends with a creampie in the fmc.
Then they both enlist and go their separate ways .

The mc's brother is waiting by the fmc's bedside and she is surprised to see him there.
The husband mentions that he was waiting for an hour.
She tells him she was in the bathroom for over an hour. Then the husband asks her if she is okay. After being locked in a small space for so long.
She replies that she feels fine, then the husband leaves.
It turns out that the medicine the husband brought was anxiety pills. And she says it's been 4 days since she didn't take the pills and she feels fine.

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Sextudy Group Chapter 17 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 04-25-2022, 02:52 PM

Sextudy Group Chapter 17 Summary

(Chapter Translated with MTL)

Title Drop.

Next Day. MC narrating what happened. He and teacher gave the report to Crush, for some reason she was happy reading the reports and MC thought “Why does (Crush’s Name) wants to know about our sex?”

Switch scenes to college. Levi grabs teacher ass and asks “Did you have sex with that guy?”, teacher confirms and Levi says:

“Well done, do you still have that vulgar clothes with you? After class, i’ll give you a reward.”

Teacher REJECTS him saying “I need to rest a bit today, let’s do it next time.” She leaves douche with a loser face. (Notes: Well Levi, now you found a titan that you can’t defeat and it’s not Isayama.) 
[Image: toptoon-20220425-081840-000.jpg]
Switch scenes again to MC and Childhood Friend together. Three random girls appear (They are Childhood Friend’s friends, 2 of them are randoms but the other one is a new character), they invite CF to eat together but she rejects cause she would eat with MC. But he got a call from teacher. MC leaves the class, CF with a “mad” face and the new girl smirking.

Switch scenes, now to Teacher’s OFFICE. 

MC: “Teacher, it’s me. You said you have an urgent business.”

Teacher grabs MC inside her office and starts to strip, she is wearing the same clothes she wear to Levi. MC asks why she is doing it.

Teacher: “Because of you, i can’t stop thinking about yesterday. I’m getting wetter every minute. I want to be crushed by yours… You need to take responsibility”

MC: “Ok but there are many people in the college at this time… And your voice is really loud.” 

She says it’s not a problem, she already thought about it. Then she uses a ball gag. She says “Hurry up and put it fast, i’m already wet.” He puts his dick inside and starts to fuck her.
[Image: toptoon-20220425-080811-000.jpg]
Teacher thoughts: “That’s it, i can’t… if it’s not with this guy, i cannot be satisfied by anyone.” Even with the ball gag, teacher still moans loud as fuck. 

Outside, the new girl is hearing them fuck and thinks:

“You’re using a lot of strength.”
[Image: toptoon-20220425-080814-001.jpg]
Chapter End.

(Notes: It’s it guys. We find the new Super Douche but this time is a good guy in a good toon.)

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Sister Friend 18 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-24-2022, 03:40 PM

by Float

Rubia sigue arreglando su ordenador
Mc erecto pica el culo de la rubia
''pervertido min-woo''


Mc no puede concentrarse en el estudio y pensar que por qué rubia tan diferente cuando ella fuera
No es como ella cuando ella en la casa mc
Tattoo douche caminar y chocar con mc silla
Ducha decir lo siento a mc y decir que él no sabe que está aquí
Mc sigue mirando a douche con cara de susto y recuerda que fue él quien se ligó a la rubia antes (capítulo anterior)
Douche se burla de mc y le dice que lo siente, que por qué me fastidia
Ducha y sus 2 amigos burlándose de mc dicen ¿quién coño estudia en el internet-café eres un nerd? bla bla

Mc dark-mode a punto de lanzar un puñetazo pero recuerda algo

"¿Domin-woo tuvo una pelea otra vez?
Flashback a Mc en la escuela secundaria
La hermana de Mc (pelirroja) regaña a mc por pelearse de nuevo con un chico
SIs : Escucha min-woo, no empieces una pelea a menos que el oponente te golpee primero.
      No importa lo que pase, el puño tiene que ser lo último.
MC : Pero tú también solías lanzar un puñetazo primero
Sis se enfada con mc y dice que no quiere que mc salga herido y recuerda que ella siempre está de su lado

Volvemos al presente
La rubia pregunta que pasa y el mc dice que no es nada
Alguien pedir rubia una bebida
Mientras que el amigo de la ducha saca un pie y hace que la rubia se caiga y la bebida salpique la camisa de la ducha
Ducha finge enfadarse
Mc entra y le dice a la rubia que no ha hecho nada malo y que no le pida perdón
Ducha le dice a Mc que hable con él fuera de la cafetería

Fuera de la cafetería, el idiota se queja de que la rubia es su novia y que hacer algo así le enfada, bla, bla.
La rubia se acerca y le dice a la ducha que no intimide al mc y le pega a la ducha en la espalda
Ducha bofetada rubia caer en el suelo

Mc se enoja
"Pero hermana
Hay un momento en el que tienes que luchar
Es cuando alguien toca al que es precioso para ti"

Mc punch douche stomach one shot
Mc : Levántate bastardo te voy a matar hoy
Fin de la vida.

by Float Float

Blonde continue fixing his computer
Mc erect poke blonde ass
''you perverted min-woo''


Mc cant focus on study and think that why blonde so different when she outside
Its not like her when she in mc house
Tattoo douche walk and bump into mc chair
Douche say sorry to mc and say he dont know he's here
Mc keep looking at douche with scary face and remember he's the one who hit on blonde b4 (prev.chap)
Douche taunting mc say im say sorry why u nagging on me
Douche and his 2 friends mocking mc say who the fck study in internet-cafe are u a nerd? bla bla

Mc dark-mode about to thrown a punch but he remember something

''Domin-woo did u have a fight again??''
Flashback to mc in highschool
Mc sis (Red hair) scold mc for fighting with some kid again
SIs : Listen min-woo dont start a fight unless opponent hit u first
      What ever happens The fist has to be the last thing
MC : But u also used to thrown a punch first too
Sis angry at mc and say she dont want mc to get hurt and remember that she always on his side

Back to present
Blonde ask what happens and mc say its nothing
Someone order blonde a drink
While waling douche friend take a foot out and make blonde fall and the drink splash to douche shirt
Douche pretend to get angry
Mc come in and say to blonde she do nothing wrong and not to say sorry to him
Douche say to mc to talk to him outside cafe

Outside douche complain that blonde's his gf and doing thing like this make him angry bla bla
Blonde come and say to douche not to bully mc and hitting douche on his back
Douche slap blonde fall on the ground

Mc snap
"But sister
There're time when you have to fight
Its when someone touch the one precious to you"

Mc punch douche stomach one shot
Mc : Stand up u bastard I'll kill u today
End chap

SummaryBlonde continue fixing his computer Mc erect poke blonde ass ''you perverted min-woo'' Title Mc cant focus on study and think that why blonde so different when she outside Its not like her when she in mc house Tattoo douche walk and bump into mc chair Douche say sorry to mc and say he dont know he's here Mc keep looking at douche with scary face and remember he's the one who hit on blonde b4 (prev.chap) Douche taunting mc say im say sorry why u nagging on me Douche and his 2 friends mocking mc say who the fck study in internet-cafe are u a nerd? bla bla Mc dark-mode about to thrown a punch but he remember something ''Domin-woo did u have a fight again??'' Flashback to mc in highschool Mc sis (Red hair) scold mc for fighting with some kid again SIs : Listen min-woo dont start a fight unless opponent hit u first What ever happens The fist has to be the last thing MC : But u also used to thrown a punch first too Sis angry at mc and say she dont want mc to get hurt and remember that she always on his side Back to present Blonde ask what happens and mc say its nothing Someone order blonde a drink While waling douche friend take a foot out and make blonde fall and the drink splash to douche shirt Douche pretend to get angry Mc come in and say to blonde she do nothing wrong and not to say sorry to him Douche say to mc to talk to him outside cafe Outside douche complain that blonde's his gf and doing thing like this make him angry bla bla Blonde come and say to douche not to bully mc and hitting douche on his back Douche slap blonde fall on the ground Mc snap "But sister There're time when you have to fight Its when soasdmeone touch the one precious to you" Mc punch douche stomach one shot Mc : Stand up u bastard I'll kill u today End chap

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Mother hunting 79 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-24-2022, 03:34 PM

by FatimaG

El cap empieza con el mc llegando al encuentro con el douche, el douche esta encapuchado pero el mc lo reconoce, el mc se tranquiliza ya que pensaba que era algún acosador, mientras el mc esta distraido el douche saca un bate y lo golpea, y le empieza a hablar “No te eh visto en mucho tiempo… tengo mucho que decir” le empieza a contar lo mal que lo ah estado pasando, el douche se pone sarcastico diciendo por que no lo ayuda, dice que le devolverá todo lo que le han hecho “Empezemos con la mujer del motel”

~El douche le quita la tarjeta del motel al mc~ “estoy deseando saber quién será”

Mc: “Oh no! No puedes entrar a la habitación no te vayas”

Douche “Te gusta?” (haciendo referencia a la mujer) “Eso esta mejor, sera un buen comienzo”

Mc: “No es asi porfavor”
*Dan a entender que el douche golpea de nuevo al mc

El douche llega a la habitación del motel, el douche ve a Yonhee amarrada, y tapada de los ojos
(El douche no reconoce a yonhee)
El douche alucina con la mujer, mientras ve juguetes sexuales, y no puede creer que una mujer como ella este con el MC y dice “Vamos a divertirnos”
Yonhee: “Que es esto?”
El douche le pone un vibrador a la mujer (yonhee) y ella dice que la vibración es lo máximo, por fin lo haces (Obvio Yonhee no sabe que es el douche, piensa que es el MC ya que tiene los ojos tapados).
El douche empieza a tocar mas a yonhee y le jala los pezones y dice “Vamos a empezar a comer”
Douche se la mete a Yonhee y dice que es la mejor mujer con la que ha estado “Te voy a dar una paliza” el douche sigue haciendolo y Yonhee grita SI!
Yonhee dice “Sanghyun (mc) eres mucho más violento, me estas usando como una herramienta… eres como otra persona”
El mc pone en 4 a yonhee y dice que se la clavara bien
Cambio de escena, el MC llega a la habitación, empieza a golpear la puerta diciendo “¡Oye sal de ahí!! Ya basta”
Douche dice “Me encanta, no puedo creer que hayas conocido a una mujer asi es una perra”
Yonhee empieza a preguntar que es esto que es esto?, en su mente… el douche le destapa la boca “Mas mas muy bien por favor hazlo mas violento, golpéame mi trasero hazlo más fuerte”
El douche se queda paralizado, reconoció la voz de Yonhee “No, no me lo creo, esta voz…”
Mc entra a la habitación y dice “Tu al final… no?” ¡Es tu madre! Le dice al mc


Fin del capitulo.

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by FatimaG

The chapter starts with the mc arriving to meet the douche, the douche is hooded but the mc recognizes him, the mc calms down as he thought it was some stalker, while the mc is distracted the douche pulls out a bat and hits him, and starts talking to him "I haven't seen you in a long time... I have a lot to say..." he starts telling him how bad he's been having a hard time, the douche gets sarcastic saying why doesn't he help him, he says he'll pay him back for everything they've done to him. I've got a lot to say" he starts telling him how bad he's been having a hard time, the douche gets sarcastic saying why won't he help him, he says he'll pay him back for everything that's been done to him "Let's start with the woman at the motel."

~Douche takes the motel card from the mc~ "I can't wait to find out who it's going to be."

Mc: "Oh no! You can't go in the room don't go!"

Douche "You like her?" (referring to the woman) "That's better, that'll be a good start."

Mc: "It's not like that please."
*Douche implies the douche hits the mc again.

The douche arrives at the motel room, the douche sees Yonhee tied up, and blindfolded.
(douche doesn't recognize yonhee)
The douche hallucinates the woman, as he sees sex toys, and can't believe a woman like her is with the MC and says "Let's have some fun."
Yonhee: "What is this?"
The douche puts a vibrator on the woman (yonhee) and she says the vibration is the ultimate, you finally do it (Obviously Yonhee doesn't know it's the douche, she thinks it's the MC since she's blindfolded).
The douche starts touching yonhee more and pulls her nipples and says "Let's start eating".
Douche puts it in Yonhee and says she's the best woman he's ever been with "I'm going to kick your ass" douche keeps doing it and Yonhee screams YES!
Yonhee says "Sanghyun (mc) you are much more violent, you are using me as a tool... you are like another person".
The mc puts yonhee in 4 and says he will nail her good.
Change of scene, mc comes to the room, starts banging on the door saying "Hey get out of there!!!! Knock it off!"
Douche says "I love it, I can't believe you met a woman like that she's a bitch!"
Yonhee starts asking what is this what is this, in her mind... douche unclogs her mouth "Mas mas mas very well please make it more violent, hit me my ass make it harder"
The douche freezes, he recognized Yonhee's voice "No, I don't believe it, this voice..."
Mc enters the room and says "You finally... no?" it's your mother! He says to mc


End of chapter.

El cap empieza con el mc llegando al encuentro con el douche, el douche esta encapuchado pero el mc lo reconoce, el mc se tranquiliza ya que pensaba que era algún acosador, mientras el mc esta distraido el douche saca un bate y lo golpea, y le empieza a hablar “No te eh visto en mucho tiempo… tengo mucho que decir” le empieza a contar lo mal que lo ah estado pasando, el douche se pone sarcastico diciendo por que no lo ayuda, dice que le devolverá todo lo que le han hecho “Empezemos con la mujer del motel” ~El douche le quita la tarjeta del motel al mc~ “estoy deseando saber quién será” Mc: “Oh no! No puedes entrar a la habitación no te vayas” Douche “Te gusta?” (haciendo referencia a la mujer) “Eso esta mejor, sera un buen comienzo” Mc: “No es asi porfavor” *Dan a entender que el douche golpea de nuevo al mc El douche llega a la habitación del motel, el douche ve a Yonhee amarrada, y tapada de los ojos (El douche no reconoce a yonhee) El douche alucina con la mujer, mientras ve juguetes sexuales, y no puede creer que una mujer como ella este con el MC y dice “Vamos a divertirnos” Yonhee: “Que es esto?” El douche le pone un vibrador a la mujer (yonhee) y ella dice que la vibración es lo máximo, por fin lo haces (Obvio Yonhee no sabe que es el douche, piensa que es el MC ya que tiene los ojos tapados). El douche empieza a tocar mas a yonhee y le jala los pezones y dice “Vamos a empezar a comer”

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Sister Duty 110 END

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UchihaKanon, 04-24-2022, 01:21 PM

by Ragnar

El cap comienza con el MC yendo donde está Yebín (la sargento) y le declara su amor con un “me gustas” ella se sorprende y le dice que por qué hace eso, a lo que él responde con un abrazo. Al final ambos aceptan sus sentimientos y van a una habitación creo que es el hotel y comienzan a follar.
Cambio de escena pasan unos y se ve al MC con Yebin juntos en el aeropuerto buscando a la FMC, ella los sorprende por detrás y les dicen que sí están buscando a una modelo que pronto actuara en el extranjero, ellos responden diciendo el nombre de ella. Yebin comienza hablar sobre lo sorprendida de la noticia de que la FMC se va al extranjero a trabajar. La FMC cuenta sobre que tuvo que dejar la anterior agencia y que no fue fácil dejarla que hubo todo un gran problema pero que ahora trabajara solo con su manager (rubia follada por el douche) y hará todo lo que siempre ha querido. En ese instante aparece una escena corta de la manager hablando con su chofer/asistente y este le dice que recibe una llamada de la FMC que no vayan donde ella. La manager le dice que tal vez está con el MC y sus amigos. Termina diciendo que no sabe cómo les irá en ese viaje.
De nuevo en el aeropuerto, el MC le dice a la FMC que ahora piense en ella misma. En ese momento la FMC comienza a bromearle al MC que él ahora estará más relajado, que ya cumplió con su deseo (tener una mujer que lo cuide) le dice que lo ha estado cuidando hasta el día que pasó el examen para ser policía, el MC responde que también se ha esforzado. La FMC le dice que ha estado recibiendo mucha ayuda de los demás y que ha tenido mucha suerte por eso. Le dice que tal como él dijo que ahora ella pensará en sí misma. El MC le dice que está seguro que le irá bien.
En ese instante llega la rubia muy molesta diciendo que apenas se distrajo un segundo y por eso tuvo que buscarla. La FMC le dice que justo la iba a llamar. El MC la reconoce asombrado diciendo su nombre “Hanna”, ella responde diciendo quien es este ya que el MC tiene el cabello crecido. Hanna va y lo abraza haciendo que la FMC se incomode y Yebin se ponga furiosa. Hanna solo llega a decir que era solo un tipo de saludo extranjero y que era un lindo reencuentro pero que realmente no tienen tiempo y que solo tomará unas fotos y se despedirán del MC. La FMC responde que ella tomará las fotos ya que la rubia no sabe cómo tomarlas. La rubia molesta no quiere que le tomen fotos pero aun así es incluida en la foto grupal.
La FMC se despide de Yebin agradeciéndole y a la vez diciendo que cuide de su oppa ya que Yebin pronto será parte de la familia, Yebin responde que lo intentará. FMC y MC se despiden, ella empieza a decir en sus pensamientos que es su única familia, que siempre ha estado cerca de ella, que siempre se mantuvo preocupado por ella y que fue a quien amo primero, pero ahora quiere mostrarle al MC que puede valerse por sí misma. Se despide con un “¡me voy, oppa!”  La FMC caminado comienza a decir en pensamientos que “volveré, oppa.”
La rubia empieza a decir que no pensó que iba a conseguir un trabajo y que ahora encima va ir de viaje al extranjero pero que tendrán un largo camino por recorrer. La FMC viendo la foto que se tomaron los 4 responde que así será y en pensamientos dice que lo hará bien. La rubia dice que no sabe qué tan lejos llegarán. La FMC responde que por qué dice esas cosas delante de la persona que la ayudó cuando se encontraba mal.  La rubia le dice que ahora se siente triste, así que le pregunta a la FMC que si desea ir con ella a salir con extranjeros. La FMC responde con un “no, gracias”.
Palabras del autor agradeciendo su preferencia y a la vez avisando con un “nos vemos la próxima semana” ¿será un epilogo?  La fe.


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by Ragnar

The chapter begins with the MC going to Yebin (the sergeant) and declares his love with a "I like you" she is surprised and tells him why he does that, to which he responds with a hug. In the end they both accept their feelings and go to a room I think it's the hotel and start fucking.
Scene change a few pass by and the MC is seen with Yebin together at the airport looking for FMC, she surprises them from behind and they tell them yes they are looking for a model who will soon be performing overseas, they respond by saying her name. Yebin starts talking about how surprised she was by the news that FMC is going abroad to work. FMC tells about how she had to leave the previous agency and that it was not easy to leave that there was all a big problem but now she will work alone with her manager (blonde fucked by the douche) and will do everything she has always wanted. At that moment a short scene appears of the manager talking to her driver/assistant and he tells her that he got a call from the FMC not to go to her. The manager tells him that maybe she is with the MC and his friends. She ends up saying that she doesn't know how they will do on that trip.
Back at the airport, the MC tells FMC to think about herself now. At that moment the FMC starts joking to the MC that he will be more relaxed now, that he already fulfilled his wish (to have a woman to take care of him) she tells him that she has been taking care of him until the day he passed the exam to become a policeman, the MC replies that he has also made an effort. The FMC tells him that he has been getting a lot of help from others and that he has been very lucky because of that. She tells him that just as he said that now she will think of herself. The MC tells her that he is sure she will do well.
At that instant the blonde arrives very upset saying that she was barely distracted for a second and that's why he had to look for her. The FMC tells her that she was just going to call her. The MC recognizes her in astonishment saying her name "Hanna", she responds saying who is this since the MC has grown hair. Hanna goes and hugs him making FMC uncomfortable and Yebin furious. Hanna only goes as far as to say that it was just some kind of foreign greeting and that it was a nice reunion but they really don't have time and will just take some pictures and say goodbye to the MC. FMC replies that she will take the pictures as the blonde doesn't know how to take them. The annoyed blonde doesn't want her picture taken but is still included in the group photo.
FMC says goodbye to Yebin thanking her and at the same time telling her to take care of her oppa as Yebin will soon be part of the family, Yebin replies that she will try. FMC and MC say goodbye, she starts to say in her thoughts that she is his only family, that he has always been close to her, that he always kept worrying about her and that he was the one she loved first, but now she wants to show MC that she can stand on her own. She says goodbye with a "I'm leaving, oppa!"  The walking FMC starts to say in thoughts that "I'll be back, oppa."
The blonde starts to say that she didn't think she was going to get a job and now on top of that she is going on a trip abroad but they will have a long way to go. FMC seeing the picture the 4 of them took replies that they will and in thoughts says she will do well. Blondie says she doesn't know how far they will go. FMC replies why is she saying those things in front of the person who helped her when she was bad.  Blondie tells her that she feels sad now, so she asks FMC if she wants to go with her to go out with foreigners. FMC responds with "no, thank you".
Words from the author thanking her for her preference and at the same time warning with a "see you next week" will it be an epilogue?  Faith.

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Staying With Ajumma 13 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-23-2022, 11:03 PM

by Flat

Después de que el shota le diera el regalo a Ajumma, ella se queda sorprendida por lo que dijo el shota, entonces el MC le quita el regalo de las manos a Ajumma. Shota le dice a Jeong-Hoo que no debe tocar las cosas de los demás, entonces MC se lo da al shota. MC se pone de pie con los brazos cruzados y lanza una mirada amenazante al shota. Shota pregunta si MC es el novio de Ajumma pero en lugar de responder, MC empieza a actuar como un gay para asustar al shota y dice cosas como "¿dónde está mi regalo?". (No estoy 100% seguro de esto) El shota, asqueado, le da el regalo a MC y le dice que se lo dé a la noona de pelo rubio que trabaja aquí entonces.
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Shota dice que volverá más tarde para asegurarse de que se lo ha dado a Seon (rubia). MC se imagina a Seon, (con cara fea en su imaginación) y piensa, "sólo hay 1 rubia con cara de perro que trabaja aquí" (aquí sólo la está insultando). La escena cambia a Seon, lleva gafas de sol y parece que ahora es una modelo famosa, el fotógrafo de hace un par de capítulos la abanica con un abanico portátil en el pelo mientras ella se desplaza por su teléfono. Hay un panel de Seon con un montón de comentarios positivos sobre su condición de modelo.
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Entonces aparece la amiga de Seon y empieza a hablar con el fotógrafo sobre cómo Seon ha crecido tanto en el negocio del modelaje. Ella le da a Seon una bebida y Seon empieza a sorber con la pajita, entonces el fotógrafo dice que es incluso linda cuando bebe con una pajita. Luego hablan de vender algunas cosas para el negocio pero necesitan que Seon ayude. Seon acepta ayudar, entonces abrazan a Seon y le dan las gracias. La escena cambia a MC comiendo los chocolates de la shota mientras estudia.
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MC dice que está bien que se coma estos chocolates ya que shota no se enterará nunca, luego mientras estudia, habla con su amigo por teléfono (el tipo que envió a Seon a MC cuando estaba borracho en un bar), sobre cómo está solo ahora ya que no está en casa. Entonces el amigo le pregunta si MC se enteró de lo que le pasó a Seon. MC responde que no ha escuchado mucho sobre ella, el amigo le dice a MC como se convirtió en una modelo superestrella y que debería revisar los msgs que le envió. MC mira los msgs y ve un perfil de Instagram. Ve toneladas de fotos de Seon. MC pone cara de asco, entonces su amigo dice que Seon siempre fue popular, incluso en la escuela tenía una cara bonita. Entonces la novia del amigo se enfada y le pega.
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El amigo cuelga y el maestro de ceremonias mira su papel y se da cuenta de que ha sacado una puntuación perfecta. Entonces sonríe y dice que se lo enseñará a Ajumma más tarde para que le felicite. MC se va y vuelve a su casa, llega y ve a Ajumma acostada en la cama durmiendo sólo con sus bragas y una camisa. MC dice "tía, he sacado una puntuación perfecta en el examen de prueba, he cumplido mi promesa así que debería recibir un premio", se acerca y le agarra el culo, entonces ella se despierta pero resulta ser Yebin (hermana mayor). MC se sorprende y Yebin le pregunta a MC por qué le ha agarrado el culo, MC se queda helado.
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by Flat

Picking up from shota giving the gift to Ajumma, she's standing there shocked at what the shota said, then MC grabs the gift from Ajumma's hands. Shota tells Jeong-Hoo that he's not supposed to touch other people's things, then mc gives it to the shota. MC stands with arms crossed and gives shota a menacing look. Shota asks if MC is Ajumma's bf but instead of replying, MC starts acting gay to scare off the shota and says things like "where's my present?" (Not 100% sure on this) The shota, grossed out, gives MC the gift and said to give it to the blonde haired noona who works here then.

Shota says he will be back later to make sure he gave it to Seon (blonde). MC imagines Seon, (ugly faced in his imagination) and thinks, "there's only 1 dog looking blonde who works here" (he's just insulting her here). Scene change to Seon, she's wearing sunglasses and it seems she's now a famous model, the photographer from a couple chaps back is fanning her with a portable fan on her hair while she's scrolling through her phone. There's a panel of Seon with a lot of positive comments on her being a model.

Then Seon's friend shows up and starts talking with the photographer on how Seon has grown so much in the modeling business. She gives Seon a drink and Seon starts sipping through the straw, then photographer says how she's even cute when drinking through a straw. Then they talk about selling some things for the business but they need Seon to help. Seon agrees to help, they then hug Seon and thank her. Scene change to MC eating the chocolates from the shota while studying.

MC says it's fine that he's eating these chocolates since shota wont ever find out, then while studying, he talks with his friend over the phone (the guy that sent Seon to MC when he was drunk at a bar), about how he's alone right now since he isn't home. Then friend asks if MC heard of what happened to Seon. MC replies that he hasn't heard much on her, friend tells MC how she became a superstar model and that he should check out the msgs he sent. MC looks at the msgs and sees an Instagram profile. He sees tons of pictures of Seon. MC grossed out face, then friend says how Seon was always popular, even in school she had a cute face. Then friends gf gets angry and beats him up.

Friend hangs up and MC looks at his paper to then realize he got a perfect score. He then smiles and says he will show Ajumma later so she can compliment him. MC then leaves and returns back home, he arrives and sees Ajumma laying in bed sleeping with just her panties and a shirt. MC says "aunty, I got a perfect score on the mock exam, I kept my promise so I should get a prize", he reaches over and grabs her ass, then she wakes up but it turns out to be Yebin (older sister). MC is shocked and Yebin asks MC why he grabbed her ass, MC freezes up.

[url=][/url]Chapter Ends....

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UchihaKanon, 04-23-2022, 10:58 PM

by Larazy

El capítulo comienza con el mc pidiéndole a la noona que le hable del FMC y del FB

Noona está en la nevera cogiendo una cerveza, le pregunta al mc si quiere una, el mc la rechaza diciendo que aún no está sobrio, noona se interesa por su opinión y le lanza una cerveza.

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Se sienta en la cama, le dice al mc que no puede huir de la realidad (además no puede creer que sea un hombre así °referencia sexual° y no está segura de dejarle ir a casa después de hacerlo dos veces)
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Él le pregunta si le está tendiendo una trampa en caso de que les toque la realidad, a lo que ella le dice que no tiene nada de qué preocuparse.

Él destapa su cerveza y la noona comienza a contar la historia:

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(se nota la ansiedad del mc y en sí se esperaba cualquier cosa, sin embargo, para su sorpresa
lo único que nació después de su partida al ejército fue una rivalidad en la cocina (FB vs FMC) se sorprende un poco ya que siempre pensó que el fmc no le daba tanta
importancia a la cocina, su noona le corrige y le dice que ella es bastante competitiva, sin embargo el foco de atención siempre fueron ambos (MC vs FB).

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* Flashback de cuando el mc era gordo de cocina ganando el primer puesto junto al ducho; el fmc en su mente dice que realmente quiere ganarles a los dos y se pregunta si es capaz de hacerlo.
[Image: 1214290353e7fde821ff12531cd1ffb0.png]

De vuelta con el mc, él sigue sorprendido por lo que le acaban de contar, la noona vuelve a recalcar que el fmc se sentía inferior a ellos.
Continúa relatando los hechos cuando el mc se fue al ejército ambos bebieron mucho (FMC - NONA) en una de esas tantas noches el fmc le dijo lo que sentía por él y el FB, ella se sorprendió al escuchar eso porque para ella, el fmc, no tenía nada que envidiarle a ninguno de los dos, así que le pregunto por qué se sentía así, a lo que ella respondió que era porque quería ser la mejor, sin embargo, en algún momento le empezó a molestar la idea de seguir perdiendo con ellos.

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De vuelta con el mc y la noona, él dice que se siente bastante mal por la fmc, creía que lo sabía todo de ella pero, sin embargo, la realidad es otra.

La noona intenta animarlo diciéndole que no sea tan duro consigo mismo, también le dice que intentaba ser considerada con él y que por eso se lo ocultó.

[Image: 3e8bfea4313109115c24c62de9084c76.png]
Comienza a bajar la mano y la pone sobre su pene antes de comenzar el MC. Le pregunta a su noona si la fmc tiene novio, a lo que ella responde que no, aunque ha recibido innumerables propuestas, todas ellas las ha rechazado por estar concentrada únicamente en la cocina ( PANEL DE ELLA PRACTICANDO EN LA COCINA )
[Image: 8673c3308648565b23d915937d9462a1.png]
para terminar el diálogo sobre el fmc se pone a chuparle el pene mientras le dice que ahora, ya no le interesa nada más que cocinar y que ni siquiera él, su mejor amigo, le daría importancia a lo que dice que cuando la vio durante el día se veía bastante feliz, sin embargo, si decide actuar con indiferencia al estar centrada en la cocina no tendrá ningún problema y lo que sentirá es agradecimiento a que su amigo se convierta en su mayor rival.

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Al final el fmc aparece en la cocina algo pensativo diciendo:
No puedo concentrarme. ¿Por qué sigo pensando en ello?
Es molesto que me hayas ignorado durante más de un año y medio. ¿Por qué has cambiado así?
Shin Suho hijo de puta.

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By Larazy

The chapter starts with the mc asking the noona to tell him about the FMC and FB
 Noona is at the fridge picking up a beer, she asks the mc if she wants one, the mc turns her down saying he's not sober yet, noona is interested in her opinion and throws a beer at her.

She sits on the bed, tells the mc that she can't run away from reality (plus she can't believe he's a man like that °sexual reference° and she's not sure if she'll let him go home after doing it twice)

He asks her if she's setting him up in case they get a reality check to which she says she has nothing to worry about.
He uncaps her beer and the noona begins to tell the story:

(the mc's anxiety is noticeable and in itself anything was expected, however, to his surprise
the only thing that was born after his departure to the army was a rivalry in the kitchen (FB vs FMC) he is a little surprised since he always thought that the fmc did not give him that much
importance to the kitchen, his noona corrects him and tells him that she is quite competitive, however the focus of attention was always both (MC vs FB).

* Flashback of when the mc was fat kitchen winning the first place next to the douche; the fmc in her mind says that she really wants to beat them both and asks herself if she is capable of doing it.

Back with the mc, he is still surprised by what they just told him, the noona emphasizes again that the fmc felt inferior to them.
She continues recounting the events when the mc went to the army they both drank a lot (FMC - NONA) on one of those many nights the fmc told her how she felt about him and the FB, she was surprised to hear that because for she, the fmc, had nothing to envy either of them, so I asked her why she felt that way, to which she replied that it was because she wanted to be the best, however, at some point the idea began to bother her to keep losing to them.

Back with the mc and the noona, he says that he feels pretty bad for the fmc, he thought he knew everything about her but, however, the reality is different.
 The noona tries to cheer him up by telling him not to be so hard on himself, she also tells him that she was trying to be considerate of him and that's why she hid it from him.

She begins to lower her hand and put it on his penis before starting the MC. She asks her noona if the fmc has a boyfriend, to which she replies that she does not, although she has received countless proposals, all of them she has rejected because she is concentrating solely on cooking ( PANEL OF HER PRACTICING IN THE KITCHEN )

to end the dialogue about the fmc she starts to suck his penis while telling him that now, she is no longer interested in anything other than cooking and that even he, his best friend, would not give importance to what he says that when he saw her during the day she looked quite happy, however, if she decides to act indifferent to being focused on the kitchen she will have no problem and what will she feel grateful that her friend becomes her biggest rival.

At the end the fmc appears in the kitchen somewhat thoughtfully saying:
I can not concentrate. Why do I keep thinking about it?
It's annoying that you've been ignoring me for over a year and a half. Why did you change like that?
Shin Suho son of a bitch.


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