Today’s Dinner Chapter 26 Summary (English)

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Today’s Dinner Chapter 26 Summary 

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Starts with a flashback of Minjae (Douche) in his car thinking about Suho (MC). “You hit on my shoulder and what was that expression?”

He starts to think what Suho said to him:

“I have to go, i have an appointment with Sieun.”
(He literally repeats this phrase in his mind 7 times). (Notes: Bro, you don’t even know what happened between them xD)

Yeseul (Crush) is there with Minjae in his car too. She asks if he is still thinking about Suho and asks “Why you care so much?”.

Minjae: “You should have seen that annoying look to me. And you haven’t actually seen him now, right? You would be surprised, i still am.”

Yeseul: “How much weight did he lost? I won’t believe until i see it. I can’t imagine Suho not a pig.” (Notes: Hey girl…. i have bad news…)

Yeseul: “I will meet Suho on monday and press him. Human nature doesn’t change like this. No matter how much weight he lost, how different he looks, that pathetic self esteem less will remain the same” (Notes: I have bad news again…)

Yeseul: “Especially in front of someone like me, you can’t hide it.” 

Change to present and with a shocked Yeseul.  Suho says: “Stop looking, is it that good?” (Notes: xDDDD). 

Yeseul: “Minjae said i would be surprised to see you… but i didn’t know would be like this… Now it’s looks so cool. I liked Suho before, when he was cute and reliable…” (Notes: OH NO YOU DIDNT SAY THIS)

Yeseul: “Do you remember when i shown you the teddy bear in my room? You looked like him, it was so cute…”

Suho: “Oh… really?” (He is smirking)

Yeseul thinks: “What? What is this smile?” and says “While you were in army, sometimes i looked to that doll and remembered you.”

Suho: “Oh nice, thank you Yeseul. When i was in the army, i was able to overcome the hard training thinking in you..”

Yeseul: “Oh really? I’m glad that i was your strength.”

Suho: “Yeah, thank to you… whenever i thought in give up i remembered you face and overcame it.”

Yeseul thinks: “As expected, this punk still only thinks about me. See? Only the shelll changed…”

Suho with a smirk on, remembers of his hard training. Yeseul looks the same smile and got shocked again but still thinks everything is under control and says “What i told you that day in Minjae’s garden still is true, i will help your trauma.”

Suho thought: “She thinks she can still control me with this…”. Some flashback of that day with Yeseul letting Suho touch her boobs. Yeseul asks if he still thinks about his mom, what he denies and says he stopped with the milk powder. 

Yeseul: “Really? This is kinda sad, i would like to support you more…”. She says this putting her boobs on the table, and Suho remembers some advices Marie (noona) gave to him.

Suho: “Well, it’s not my mom’s chest anymore, now i only think about yours”. He remembers again another Marie’s advice… “If she does a signal, don’t hesite..” and asks to Yeseul:

“Do you want to help me? Will it be today?”

Switch scenes to Minjae taking a shower… He still thinking about Suho’s eyes… He still mad as fuck and remembers Yeseul would meet Suho today, and calls to her. Switch scenes and Suho is kissing her while the phone rings.

MC thinks: “Yeseul, look forward to it, i will eat you like a dog…”
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Today’s Dinner Chapter 26 Summary (English) - by Beatz - 05-07-2022, 01:45 PM
RE: Today’s Dinner Chapter 26 Summary (English) - by UchihaKanon - 05-07-2022, 01:50 PM

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