My stepmother is my Girlfriend - Chapter 38

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My stepmother is my Girlfriend  - Chapter 38

[Image: xmhUIG.png]
(Chapter translated using MTL)

Starts with call still ongoing, MC asks if she is with a man, crying. FMC doesn’t answer  trying to don’t moan load. She turns off the call thinking:
“I will avoid this for a moment. I just want to enjoy this happy moment with this man. “
Sex scene continues, they go to doggy style, Boss was about to cum and FMC swallows it saying: “It’s a pity, precious boss semen”. FMC thinks: “ Yeah maybe I have been waiting for a guy like him. To raise my status.”
Next day, they woke up and boss was ready to job: “ Are you up? Team leader needs to go to work on time”
Boss going out and MC arriving seeing both. He asks: “ Who is him? Right, if that is the case I can forgive you”
“No, don’t forgive me. You don’t have pride? Forgiving your cheating lover.”
“You said you hate cheating each other.”
“Right, it’s terrible. So break up with me. We can’t marry or have a future anyway, can we?”
“I got a job as soon as I gratuated. You and I planned to do this together!”
“Then, let’s talk about it again after you getting a job”.
MC begging her to don’t go. Scene ends and switch to her working. She get a message from boss to have a lunch together.
There boss says:
“I didn’t think you wouldn’t have a boyfriend with an attractive girl like you”
FMC: “We are not ex-boyfriends. We’re dating now…” (This translation is confusing so sorry)
“Is that so? Who should you date? You can decide..”
FMC says: “ You…”
Chapter ends.
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(03-12-2022, 03:07 PM)Zahard Wrote:
My stepmother is my Girlfriend  - Chapter 38

[Image: xmhUIG.png]

Comienza con la llamada aún en curso, MC pregunta si está con un hombre, llorando. FMC no contesta tratando de no gemir la carga. Apaga la llamada pensando:
"Voy a evitar esto por un momento. Sólo quiero disfrutar de este momento feliz con este hombre. "
La escena de sexo continúa, pasan al estilo perrito, el Jefe estaba a punto de correrse y FMC se lo traga diciendo: "Es una pena, precioso semen del jefe". FMC piensa: "Sí, tal vez he estado esperando a un tipo como él. Para elevar mi estatus".
Al día siguiente, se despertaron y el jefe estaba listo para trabajar: " ¿Están despiertos? El jefe de equipo tiene que ir a trabajar a tiempo"
El jefe sale y MC llega viendo a ambos. Pregunta: "¿Quién es él? Claro, si es así te puedo perdonar"
"No, no me perdones. ¿No tienes orgullo? Perdonar a tu amante infiel".
"Dijiste que odiabas engañarte mutuamente".
"Cierto, es terrible. Así que rompe conmigo. De todas formas no podemos casarnos ni tener un futuro, ¿no?"
"Conseguí un trabajo tan pronto como me gradué. Tú y yo planeamos hacer esto juntos".
"Entonces, hablemos de nuevo después de que consigas un trabajo".
MC le ruega que no se vaya. La escena termina y cambia a ella trabajando. Recibe un mensaje del jefe para que coman juntos.
El jefe dice:
"No pensé que no tuvieras novio con una chica tan atractiva como tú".
FMC: "No somos ex-novios. Estamos saliendo ahora..." (Esta traducción es confusa así que lo siento)
"¿Es así? ¿Con quién deberías salir? Tú puedes decidir..."
FMC dice: "Tú..."
El capítulo termina.


Starts with call still ongoing, MC asks if she is with a man, crying. FMC doesn’t answer  trying to don’t moan load. She turns off the call thinking:
“I will avoid this for a moment. I just want to enjoy this happy moment with this man. “
Sex scene continues, they go to doggy style, Boss was about to cum and FMC swallows it saying: “It’s a pity, precious boss semen”. FMC thinks: “ Yeah maybe I have been waiting for a guy like him. To raise my status.”
Next day, they woke up and boss was ready to job: “ Are you up? Team leader needs to go to work on time”
Boss going out and MC arriving seeing both. He asks: “ Who is him? Right, if that is the case I can forgive you”
“No, don’t forgive me. You don’t have pride? Forgiving your cheating lover.”
“You said you hate cheating each other.”
“Right, it’s terrible. So break up with me. We can’t marry or have a future anyway, can we?”
“I got a job as soon as I gratuated. You and I planned to do this together!”
“Then, let’s talk about it again after you getting a job”.
MC begging her to don’t go. Scene ends and switch to her working. She get a message from boss to have a lunch together.
There boss says:
“I didn’t think you wouldn’t have a boyfriend with an attractive girl like you”
FMC: “We are not ex-boyfriends. We’re dating now…” (This translation is confusing so sorry)
“Is that so? Who should you date? You can decide..”
FMC says: “ You…”
Chapter ends.
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