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New Town 33 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-04-2022, 04:41 PM

New Town 33 raw

[Image: 2ba1c54ff4d16b44076c456cc32daad2.png]
by Han sunwoo

Jumi dice "Pensé que podrías hacerlo (anal)... así que lo lavé por dentro"

MC dice "Ha ~~ Realmente no puedo detenerte Noona..." Ese día fue un evento especial

MC dice "Quédate quieto" "Todavía tengo que hacer algunos preparativos ..." De lo contrario, va a doler.

MC separa su ano y dice "En lugar de lubricante ..." y escupe en él.

Luego, usa su lengua en el culo de ella. Ella piensa "Algo ha entrado ..." "Me siento rara ..."

MC dice "Creo que está listo ahora noona".

"Es como si me rogaras que entrara rápidamente". Su culo se mueve.

"¡Entonces, tengo que embestirla!" MC le mete la polla en el culo. Ella gime.

MC dice "Noona ~ No la sujetes demasiado fuerte".

Estilo perrito anal en el sofá y más gemidos.

MC se retira y se sienta en el sofá y dice "Me ha gustado tanto que casi me corro".

"Ahora, es el momento de que Noona se mueva".

Ella pregunta "¿Así?" y muestra su culo hacia MC.

MC dice "Sí, siéntate así noona". Ella se sienta encima de la polla lentamente. Ella piensa "¡¡¡Ha entrado de lleno... !!!"

Ella monta la polla de MC así y gime y dice "Bien ... Bien"

MC levanta las piernas y las abre. "Kyaaaa"

Ella dice "Ja ja ja creo que voy a terminar"

¡¡¡MC dice "Termina Noona" "Ah!!! Yo también me estoy corriendo!!"

y se corrió dentro de su culo "¡¡¡Whoaa!!! Sigue viniendo!!"

MC dice "Muy bien Noona" Ella dice "Yo también"

Más tarde

#En la casa de Mihee

Ella está haciendo ejercicio en la cinta de correr

Ella piensa "Estoy un poco celosa... haciendo lo mismo con Jumi"

Ella dice "De alguna manera cuando lo seduzco, parece que a veces no le gusta"

Ella revisa su teléfono y dice "¿Tiene una clase para Jumi hoy ..." "Uf ~ Seguí pensando en ello y corrí por un tiempo pero el pensamiento no se fue"

"Suspiro ~ Simplemente no puedo retener a ningún hombre ..."

Tuvo una idea "¡Ah! Puede que lo intente!"

#En el estudio de Himchan

MC haciendo ejercicio también. MC se dice a sí mismo "Estos días siento que mi resistencia es muy pobre. En el pasado, yo era muy fuerte Jang Himchan". MC recibe una llamada. Pero MC la ignora. MC dice "Estos días mis semillas se están secando ... Las he exprimido demasiado ..." MC toma suplementos de zinc. "¡Más semen!"

Hyeyum en la cama con su teléfono "Su llamada no se está conectando y se puede dejar un mensaje de voz después del tono ..."


"No he sabido de él desde ese día ... " "¡Ni siquiera mira mis mensajes!"

"¡No puede ser! Te han pillado follandotela". (chica lista)

Más tarde

Púrpura con su hijo y Himchan "Hijo, has hecho un gran trabajo hoy ~ Vamos a las clases de fútbol ahora"

Ella dice "Tienes que trabajar duro y llegar a ser como tu padre ~ ¿ok?" MC le dice al niño "Nos vemos luego ~"

El niño dice "... si, volveré más tarde" y se fue.

MC dice "¿Supongo que lo inscribiste en la clase de fútbol?"

Ella dice "Él lo hacía. No dejé de pensar en ello y cambié la fecha al día que viene Himchan".

Ella abraza a MC y dice "Entonces, no tienes que preocuparte y puedes disfrutarlo libremente".

Se besan.  MC le agarra el culo.

Entonces, follan en la cama desnudos. Ella monta a MC encima. Ella gime y dice "Tan bueno~"

MC le aprieta las tetas y dice "Wow ~ estas tetas elásticas, me encantan"

MC tira de sus pezones y piensa "Definitivamente es diferente a Jumi, cada uno tiene sus propios puntos fuertes".

Alguien toca el timbre y se sorprenden.

MC dice "¿Eh? ¿Quién es?"

Ella dice "No te preocupes, la persona que debía venir hoy vino. No te asustes".

Ella saca la polla de su coño. Ella dice "Espera un minuto. Te vas a sorprender".

Fin de la charla.

(Apuesto a que es Jumi y el próximo capítulo es trio siuuuu)

by Han sunwoo

Jumi says "I thought you might do it (anal) ... so I washed it inside"
MC says "Ha ~~ I really can't stop you Noona..." That day was a special event
MC says "Stay still" "I still have to do some preparation ..." Otherwise it will hurt.
MC spreads her anus and says "Instead of lubricant ..." and spit on it. 
Then, use his tongue in her ass. She thinks "Something has come in ..." "I feel weird ..."
MC says "I think it is ready now noona."
"It's like you are begging me to come in quickly." Her ass is twitching.
"Then, I have to ram it in!" MC rammed his dick in her ass. She moans. 
MC says "Noona ~ Don't hold it too tight."
Doggy style anal on sofa and more moans.
MC pulled out and sits on sofa and says "I liked it so much that I almost cummed."
"Now, it's time for Noona to move."
She asks "Like this?" and shows her ass towards mc.
MC says "Yes, sit like that noona." She sits down on top of the dick slowly. She thinks "It came in fully ... !!"
She rides MC dick like that and moans and says "Good ... Good"
MC lifts up her legs and spread them. "Kyaaaa"
She says "Ha ha ha I think I am gonna finish"
MC says "Finish Noona" "Ah!!! I am cumming too !!"
and came inside her ass "Whoaa!! It keep on coming!!"
MC says "So good noona" She says "Me too"
#In Mihee's house
She is exercising on treadmill 
She thinks "I am a little jealous ... doing the same with Jumi"
She says "Somehow when I seduce him, it seems he does not like it sometimes."
She checks her phone and says "Does he has a class for Jumi today ..." "Whew ~ I kept thinking about it and ran for a while but the thought didn't go away" 
"Sigh ~ I just can't hold onto any man ..."
She got an idea "Ah!! I might just try that!"
#In Himchan's studio apartment
MC doing exercise as well. MC says to himself "These days I feel like my stamina is very poor. In the past, I was very strong Jang Himchan." MC receives a call. But mc ignores. MC says "These days my seeds are drying up ... I squeezed them too much ..." MC takes zinc supplements. "More semen!!"
Hyeyum on the bed with her phone "Your call is not connecting and you can leave voice message after the tone ..." 
"I haven't heard from him since that day ... " "You don't even look at my messages!"
"No way! Did you get caught eating (fucking) me." (smart girl)
Purple with her kid and Himchan "Son, you did a great job today ~ Let's go to soccer classes now"
She says "You have to work hard and becomes like your dad ~ okay?" MC says to the kid "See you later ~" 
Kid says "... yes, I will be back later." and left.
MC says "I guess you registered him for soccer class?"
She says "He used to do it. I kept thinking about it and moved the date to the day Himchan comes." 
She hugs MC and says "So, you don't have to worry and can enjoy it freely." 
They kiss.  MC grabs her ass. 
Then, they fucks on the bed naked. She is riding mc on top. She moans and says "So good~"
MC squeezes her boobs and says "Wow ~ this elastic boobs, I love it"
MC pulls her nipples and thinks "It's definitely different from Jumi, each one has their own strengths." 
Someone rings the bell and they got surprised.
MC says "Huh? Who is it?" 
She says "Don't worry, the person who is supposed to come today came. Don't be scared." 
She takes out the dick from her pussy. She says "Wait a minute. You will be surprised."
End chap. 
(I bet it's Jumi and next chap is 3some)

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Sextudy Group Chapter 14 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 04-04-2022, 04:18 PM

Sextudy Group Chapter 14 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Title Drop

Teacher is shocked seeing MC’s dick. She remembers when MC reported the sex with blonde and teacher thinks: “That… Didn’t you go beyond getting compliments?”. She gets wet just looking by his dick. Teacher then thinks this cant happens, the only guy she wants is Levi (Douche). Teacher now in fours saying “Stop procrastinating and put it in!” and thinks “There is no way i can feel good with other guy.”

Another teacher’s thought: “Is not the first time, i did it with (Gym bro’s name), it doesn’t matter just cause his dick is a little bigger!”. Instead of putting his dick, first he fingers her.

Teacher: “What are you doing?! I said put it in, no fingers.”

MC: “I think is better if is wetter…”

Teacher thinks: “You… his hands are quite… i’m don’t want to feel it… I can’t feel it from a kid like him…!”

MC then remembers where blonde is more stimulated and tries do the same with teacher. She moans… and MC says she has a cute voice… Teacher’s tsundere moment. He turns her, now they are face to face, MC still fingering her and asking if is good. She thinks and trying to deny:

“I don’t feel it… i don’t feel good… i don’t…”

MC then puts inside but still with a condom. Again, Teacher in tsundere mode thinking:

“Is just a little bigger than Levi and Gym Bro… is nothing…”

MC says: “Even the inside of the condom is sticky.. it’s tangled up again, i will move hard now”. TEACHER TRYING TO DONT MOAN HARD.

Teacher thinks: “It’s too big and thick, if you continue putting in…”

Condom ripped. She moans loud as fuck and thinks:

“This vivid sensation… did it got bigger? The condom ripped?”

Chapter End.

(Notes: Next chapter sex continues, R.I.P Tsundere Teacher. Nice chapter, she denying it and the sex cliffhanger for the next one is the true HYPE)

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Beautiful New World 137 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-03-2022, 05:35 PM

Beautiful New World 137 raw
[Image: IMG_7646.png?width=1025&height=356]

by Rj

El capítulo comienza con un flashback en el que TL le dice al MC que un hombre necesita ser paciente y hacer que ella lo desee. TL dice que si esto es difícil para él porque es egoísta, que el sexo para él es sólo para satisfacer sus necesidades. MC levanta las piernas de TL y le pregunta si esto (¿la situación o la posición?) es caliente. MC entonces procede a lamer los tobillos de TL (?). MC comenta que siempre ha pensado que los tobillos de TL son bonitos (WTF es esto ?). MC entonces hace su camino hacia el coño de TL. Después de un poco de bromas (MC diciendo que esto es demasiado fácil para él), el título cae. Es Nasori en un traje de D.Va (de Overwatch).

Cambio de escena a VP y su primo (el tipo que se acercó a FMC en el ascensor). El primo Douche (llamémosle así) lleva un atuendo del fantasma de la ópera. VP le pregunta por él y le responde que tienen una especie de fiesta de Halloween. VP dice que es demasiado infantil, pero el primo Douche invita a VP de todos modos. Se burla de VP diciendo que puede ir como una especie de dama blanca (al menos el equivalente a la coreana). VP dice entonces algo metafórico: "Es bueno comer, pero asegúrate de limpiar el desorden" (no estoy seguro de esto). Luego responde que la vida está hecha para ser disfrutada.

Cambia la escena de vuelta a MC y TL mientras MC está comiendo a TL. TL está siendo enloquecida y sólo puede pensar en el placer. TL se corre y se chorrea. TL se avergüenza de haberlo hecho delante de MC. MC le dice que no necesita avergonzarse cuando está siendo honesta. MC entonces le pregunta a TL si lo quiere. TL responde tímidamente que sí. MC la obliga y le mete la polla.  El capítulo termina mientras MC besa a TL (porque a TL le preocupaba que alguien los escuchara).

by Rj

Chap starts off with a flashback with TL saying to MC that a man needs to patient that he needs to make her want him. TL says if this is hard for him because he's selfish, that sex for him is only to fulfill his needs. MC raises TL's legs and asks if this (the situation or position?) is hot. MC then proceeds to freaking lick TL's ankles (?). MC remarks that he always thought that TL's ankles are pretty (WTF is this ?). MC then makes his way down to TL's pussy. After a little banter (MC saying this is just too easy for him), the title drops. It's Nasori in a D.Va (from overwatch) outfit.

Change scene to VP and his cousin (the guy that approached FMC in the elevator). Douche Cousin (let's call him this) is wearing a phantom of the opera attire. VP asks about it and he answers that they have some sort of a halloween party. VP says it's too childish but Douche cousin invites VP anyways. He teases VP that she can go as some sort of a white lady (at least the equivalent to Korean). VP then says something metaphorical, "It's good to eat but be sure to clean up the mess" (not sure about this one). He then replies that life is meant to be enjoyed.

Change scene back to MC and TL as MC is eating TL out. TL is being blown out of her mind and can only think about pleasure. TL cums and squirts. TL is embarrassed that she did that in front of MC. MC says she doesn't need to be embarrassed when she's being honest. MC then asks TL if she wants it. TL shyly answers yes. MC obliges and rams his dick inside.  Chap ends as MC kisses TL (because TL was concerned about someone hearing them).

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Mother Hunting 76

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Zahard, 04-03-2022, 03:44 PM

Mother Hunting 76

[Image: SkJ0pF.png]
Junbeom flashback chapter. So, no detail summing. He talks about how his life was changed since that day with Yoon Hee. He went out and depressed. A blonde girl approached. They had a one night stand. Later, he found out she has a kid and is a mother. He thinks all women are like that and not just Yoon Hee. From that point on, he teaches students in the day time and fucks their moms at night. Chap ends with him saying "Everything was perfect as it should have been." End chap.

(And before you ask, no it's not Yoon Hee or someone else wearing a wig. She just looks like Yoon Hee. It's a random student mom. And possibly one more flashback next chapter as well.)

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Sister’s Friends Chapter 15 Summary

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Beatz, 04-03-2022, 01:53 PM

Sister’s Friends Chapter 15 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Starts with Chaerin (purple noona) watching TV and remembering what Yoga Noona said to her. Basically, she said to Chaerin to stop with her jokes cause MC takes them seriously because he still young… Chaerin then remembers the two nights they had sex and thinks he is not a kid anymore. She starts to getting wet and touches herself but Blonde Noona appears yelling and Chaerin stops but thinks how MC date is going…

Title Drop

MC and Florist Girl are kissing, MC says they can’t do this there cause people will see them. Florist Girl agrees but says she can’t stop right now and this is all MC’s fault. 

More panels of them kissing. MC says he can’t handle it anymore and they start sex. In the end of the chapter, Florist Girl says “I like you so much.” 

Chapter End 

(Notes: More sex scene next chapter. This chapter had more scenes than dialogues.)

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Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 25 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 04-03-2022, 01:47 PM

Elf Who Likes to be Humiliated Chapter 25 Summary 

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Starts with MC and his knight talking, he asks why MC didn’t call him to help buying what MC wanted. MC says he doesn’t need help to buy things. More conversation about this. Then they talk about Dremes and the product MC bought that day for the sex with elf.

Title Drop

Arriving in MC’s home, MC sees “Alfred” (The Butler) outside and asks why he is there. 

Alfred: I’m going to talk with the heretic judge and convince her to help about the incident in your father’s statue. 

MC thinks about the judge, he is worried because if she appears she will know about the truth but he thinks if he neutralizes Elf everything will be ok. 

MC’s then starts his plan, putting the bomb on the floor. Basically Elf will walk though there cause the chef of the mansion would say to her MC was eating, then she would go there but in reality MC is in the office waiting and seeing the floor with the bomb. 

Elf appears and is walking to the bomb’s spot. MC press the button and the bomb explodes. Elf COMPLETELY fine just without her clothes. Elf then arrives where MC is, on the restaurant. He is basically in shock.

MC: “Why are you naked? What’s happened?”

Elf with a terrifying face: “I think someone planted a bad joke in Master’s floor.. Who in the world made this kind of joke?”

Chapter End

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Welcome To Kids Cafe 6 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-03-2022, 03:09 AM

by larazzy

El capítulo comienza con MC x Yujin (Nona del café).
MC: Al final… lo logré ahora que esto está te lo demostraré con total seguridad!
El empieza a penetrarla
Yujin: ¡Jaeho! Espera un momento…
Yujin: ¿Estarás así? (se refiere a la posición en la que está ya qué básicamente él la está cargando)
MC: Claro.
Yujin: Sé que eres fuerte, pero creo que podrías lastimarte además yo soy más pesada de lo que aparento.
MC: No creo que sea así además no tienes de que preocuparte (él comienza a penetrarla con más intensidad).
MC: Aún me queda mucha fuerza.
Yujin: Haah…¡¡Haaang!!¡Haa!
MC: ¡Agárrate tía! ¡Lo haré más fuerte!
Yujin: ¡…Jaeho! ¿Podrías ser… más gentil conmigo?
Yujin: ¡Está muy... profundo!
MC: ¡Lo siento, tía!
MC continúa follándola con más intensidad
MC: ¡¡No creo que pueda hacerlo despacio!!!
Yujin: ¡Haa! ¡Haang!!Haaaang!
Yujin: Jaeho si quieres hacer algo más…
Milf: Yo... estoy lista
MC se sorprende
MC: ¿En serio? ¡Entonces…!
MC: Ahhh… ¡¡Me estoy corriendo!! (MC creampie a Yujin)
Yujin: ¡¡HAAANG!!
MC: ¡…Lo hice!  ¡Acabe dentro de la tía…!
Yujin: !Haaa! Haa…  Jaeho… eres más increíble de lo que pensaba; eres el primer hombre con el que he hecho esto hasta el final. (se refiere a la posición sexual en la que estaban)
MC: ¡Aún no termino! (Yujin se sorprende)
MC: Esto es sólo el comienzo
Yujin: ¿Que?
Continuan follando
Cambio de panel al día siguiente en el lugar de trabajo de MC
MC: Desde ese día, me di cuenta... de que ya no era un lugar cualquiera (se refiere a su centro de trabajo)
MC: Sin embargo
MC: Lo que ha cambiado especialmente…
Niños random corriendo hacia él: ¡¡Ahhhhh!! (se refiere al trato que recibe de los niños en su trabajo)
Cartel: Horario de descanso 4-5pm
Vemos a un MC agotado por jugar con los niños
Seunghee: Voy al supermercado. ¿Necesitas algo?
MC: ¿Un masaje?
Seunghee: ¿Crees que vale la pena vivir hablando de tonterías?, ya regreso.
MC: Está bien
MC se le queda viendo las nalgas a su Noona
MC: ¡Es hora!
Cambio de panel a Yujin que está lavando los cubiertos
MC llega a la cocina
MC: ¡¡Tía, es ahora!!
MC: ¡¡Seunghee fue al supermercado. Sólo estamos nosotros dos!!
Yujin: ¿Y qué?
MC se pone detrás de ella y comienza a tocarle sus pechos
MC: ¡¿Qué quieres decir?! No hay tiempo que perder
Yujin: ¡Jaeho, espera. Detente!
Yujin: Necesito descansar también... Trabajo por la tarde
MC: Entonces, ¿no deberíamos descansar más rápido y darnos prisa?
Yujin: ¿Qué? ¿Darnos prisa?
Yujin: Ya sabes, que... por las tardes, estás tan ocupado que no puedes respirar
Yujin: Hagámoslo luego de salir del trabajo
MC: Qué he estado esperando esto todo el día..
Yujin: Lo entiendes, ¿verdad?
MC: ¡¡¡No, no lo entiendo!!!
Yujin: Pero hoy con mi boca…
MC: ¡Por supuesto!
MC: ¡¡Un hombre debe tener paciencia!!
Yujin: ¿Qué?
Cambio de panel a unas horas en el trabajo
MC: ¡¿Salió… del trabajo?!
Seunghee : Si
MC: ¿Cuando?
Seunghee: Hace un momento
MC se queda sorprendido
Cambio de panel a una tienda
MC: Me dijo que lo haríamos después del trabajo…
MC: ¡¡Que es esto!! agita su lata de cerveza y se imagina a la milf haciéndole una mamada
MC: Maldición… lo estaba esperando! Me volví un completo idiota
MC: Voy a beber una cerveza y ver la vida nocturna
Le hacen el jutsu “mil años de muerte” XDDD
MC se queda sorprendido
MC: ¡¡¿Otra, Otra vez?!! ¡¿Quién es?!
FMC: Ah…
MC: ¡¡¿La madre de Soyul?!!

[Image: IMG_20220328_194731.jpg?width=346&height=473]

[Image: IMG_20220328_194646.jpg?width=183&height=473]
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[Image: IMG_20220328_194609.jpg?width=320&height=473]

[Image: IMG_20220328_194453.jpg?width=227&height=473]

by Larazzy

The chapter begins with MC x Yujin (Coffee Nona).
MC: In the end... I made it now that this is done I'll show you for sure!
He starts to penetrate her
Yujin: Jaeho! MC: Wait a minute...
Yujin: You'll be like this (referring to the position she's in since he's basically carrying her)?
MC: Sure.
Yujin: I know you're strong, but I think you might get hurt and I'm heavier than I look.
MC: I don't think so, plus you don't have to worry (he starts to penetrate her more intensely).
MC: I still have a lot of strength left.
Yujin: Haah...Haaang! Haa!
MC: Hold on aunty, I'll make it harder!
Yujin: ...Jaeho! Could you be...gentler with me?
Yujin: It's too... deep!
MC: I'm sorry, auntie!
MC continues to fuck her with more intensity
MC: I don't think I can do it slowly!!!!!
Yujin: Haa! Haaang! Haaaang!!!!
Yujin: Jaeho if you want to do something else....
Milf: I... I'm ready
MC is surprised
MC: Really? Then...!
MC: Ahhh... I'm cumming!!!! (MC creampie to Yujin)
Yujin: HAAANG!!!!
MC: ...I did it! I came inside the aunt...!
Yujin: Haaa!'re more amazing than I thought; you're the first man I've done this all the way with. (referring to the sexual position they were in)
MC: I'm not done yet! (Yujin is surprised)
MC: This is just the beginning
Yujin: What?
They continue fucking
Panel change the next day at MC's place of work.
MC: From that day on, I realized... it wasn't just any place anymore (refers to his workplace).
MC: However
MC: What has changed especially....
Random children running towards him: Ahhhhhh!!!! (refers to the treatment he gets from the kids at his work)
Poster: Break time 4-5pm
We see an exhausted MC from playing with the kids.
Seunghee: I'm going to the supermarket, do you need anything?
MC: A massage?
Seunghee: Do you think it's worth living talking about nonsense, I'll be right back.
MC: Okay.
MC stares at her Noona's buttocks.
MC: It's time!
Panel switch to Yujin who is washing the cutlery.
MC arrives in the kitchen
MC: Auntie, it's now!!!!
MC: Seunghee went to the supermarket. It's just the two of us!!!
Yujin: So what?
MC gets behind her and starts touching her breasts.
MC: What do you mean! There's no time to waste
Yujin: Jaeho, wait. MC: Stop it!
Yujin: I need to rest too... I'm working in the afternoon
MC: Then, shouldn't we rest faster and hurry up?
Yujin: What? Hurry up?
Yujin: You know, that... in the afternoons, you're so busy that you can't breathe...
Yujin: Let's do it after we get off work.
MC: What I've been looking forward to this all day...
Yujin: You understand, don't you?
MC: No, I don't understand!!!!!
Yujin: But today with my mouth.....
MC: Of course!
MC: A man must have patience!!!!!
Yujin: What?
Panel change to a few hours at work
MC: He... left... from work?!
Seunghee : Yes
MC: When?
Seunghee: Just a moment ago
MC is shocked
Panel change to a store
MC: She told me that we would do it after work.....
MC: What's this!!! he shakes his beer can and imagines the milf giving him a blowjob.
MC: Damn... I was looking forward to it! I became a complete idiot
MC: I'm going to drink a beer and check out the nightlife.
They do the "thousand years of death" jutsu on him XDDDD
MC is shocked
MC: Again, again?!!! Who is it?!!!
FMC: Ah...
MC: Soyul's mother?!!!!!
To be continued...

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HER TASTE 26 raw

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UchihaKanon, 04-03-2022, 02:43 AM

by larazy

El capítulo comienza con la hermana de la FMC comprando unas cervezas en una tienda (quiere ir a beber con el profesor)

Cambio de escena:
El MC está jugando con los pezones de la profesora y le dice que son muy deliciosos, ella avergonzada le dice que no debería decir ese tipo de cosas; él empieza a chupar con fuerza sus pechos y ella empieza a gemir diciendo que cuando los tira con fuerza la hace sentir rara.

Aparece la hermana de la FMC subiendo las escaleras hacia el departamento de la maestra al subir comenta que hace mucho tiempo que no viene a visitarla, abre la puerta de la casa y pregunta por ella.
Dentro de la casa, la profesora se sorprende del placer que está sintiendo mientras el mc comenta que dejó de pensar que la estaba lastimando (por la intensidad con la que la estaba cogiendo) a lo que ella dice que no y que todo está bien (dice en su mente que se siente extremadamente bien).
El MC comenta que tiene un cuerpo increíble a lo que ella se sonroja y le dice que deje de hacer bromas de ese tipo, él la mira y comenta que ese tipo de expresión la hace ver aún más bonita luego comienza a penetrarla con fuerza.

Mientras tanto, la hermana de la FMC comienza a entrar en la casa hasta llegar a la cocina donde se encuentra el mc junto a la profesora; se sorprende al verlos teniendo sexo (piensa que la profesora está con su marido) comenta que pensaba que eran personas más tranquilas, pero que apenas regresaron de su viaje comenzaron a tener sexo en la cocina y decide irse comentando que trate de hablar con ella la próxima vez.

Mientras la profesora, que en ese momento seguía gimiendo fuerte, se aleja, grita el nombre del MC, la hermana se detiene, se da la vuelta (porque pensaba que la profesora se estaba follando a su marido) al acercarse, recuerda que el nombre del chico que le gustaba en el colegio era Minsu (nombre del mc), cuando se asoma, se sorprende al ver la cara del mc y piensa: Realmente es Minsu.

El mc sigue follando con el profesor mientras la hermana del FMC los mira sorprendida, cerca del final el mc dice que está a punto de correrse, el profesor le dice: No pasa nada, puedes hacerlo dentro.


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by Larazzy

The chapter begins with the sister of the FMC buying some beers in a store (she wants to go drink with the teacher)

Change of scene:
The MC is playing with the teacher's nipples and tells her that they are very delicious, she embarrassed tells him that she shouldn't say that kind of thing; he starts sucking hard on her breasts and she starts moaning saying that when he pulls them hard it makes her feel weird.

The FMC's sister appears going up the stairs towards the teacher's apartment as she goes up she comments that it has been a long time since she came to visit, she opens the door of the house and asks for her.
Inside the house, the teacher is surprised by the pleasure she is feeling while the mc comments that he stopped thinking that he was hurting her (because of the intensity with which he was fucking her) to which she says no and what all it's fine (she says in her mind that she feels extremely good).
MC comments that she has an amazing body to which she blushes and tells him to stop making jokes like that, he looks at her and comments that that kind of expression makes her look even prettier then he begins to penetrate her hard.

Meanwhile, the sister of the FMC begins to enter the house until she reaches the kitchen where the mc is next to the teacher; she is surprised to see them having sex (she thinks the teacher is with her husband) she comments that she thought they were calmer people, but as soon as they got back from their trip they started having sex in the kitchen and decides to leave commenting that she should try to talk with her next time.

While the teacher, who at that time was still moaning loudly, is walking away, she shouts the name of the MC, the sister stops, turns around (because she thought the teacher was fucking her husband) as she approaches, she remembers that the name of the boy he liked in school was Minsu (name of the mc), when he looks out, he is surprised to see the mc's face and thinks: It really is Minsu.

The mc continues to fuck the teacher while the FMC's sister watches them surprised, near the end the mc says that he is about to cum, the teacher tells him: It's ok, you can do it inside.


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UchihaKanon, 04-02-2022, 10:03 PM

by Larazzy

Después de esconderse de Minji y Mikyang, Junwoo y su noona salieron al balcón, y él le dijo que aún no se había corrido. Ella le pide que pare porque su madre y su hermana están dentro de la casa y pueden oírles. Él le dice que no se preocupe, ya que desde dentro no se oye nada desde fuera de la habitación. Ella intenta detenerlo diciéndole que su corazón está latiendo muy rápido y que hay mucha gente afuera que podría verlos y que probablemente esperaría a que su madre y su hermana se fueran ~simplemente se da vuelta, muestra su trasero y mira a la gente mientras dice esto~. Junwoo al ver el culo de su noona, no puede soportarlo y procede a metérselo.

[Image: e0f687542ad5a0da3b2b0efee692c445.png]
Ella sorprendida, trata de detenerlo llamándolo idiota y tratando de ejercer algo de fuerza lo deja continuar ~ahora ella en sus pensamientos dice que al principio se dejó llevar por el ambiente, y que, aunque antes tenía la intención de hacerlo sentir bien, <<por eso practicó y estudió sobre el sexo>>, no esperaba que hacerlo así, con gente que podía mirarla, la hiciera sentir bien~. Antes de poder seguir disfrutando, Minji va al siguiente tejado (separado por el tendedero) y busca a Junwoo, pero se esconde. Ella cree que se está escondiendo/jugando. Minji se frustra un poco porque no puede ver a Junwoo. Él procede a seguir penetrando a la noona en estilo perrito mientras están de rodillas y a escondidas de ella.

[Image: 089dcc87c60c0a9bdabf331b3cc7d01b.png]
Minji y Mikyang siguen buscándolos en la habitación de al lado, el sexo se vuelve más intenso, Minji se va y cierra la puerta, mientras Junwoo y la noona están teniendo sexo en silencio. La noona se corre de nuevo, y con los ojos llorosos le dice que todo está bien y que puede continuar. Junwoo sigue penetrándola mientras le toca el clítoris y le aprieta el pecho. El sexo llega a su punto álgido, Junwoo se corre dentro de la noona mientras se besan apasionadamente.

[Image: 35bb4c11c9c3a8237c9c8cb02039fff7.png]
El capítulo termina con Mikyang mirando el teléfono de su hija ((o de Junwoo, no estoy segura)), con un fondo de pantalla de una foto de ella y Junwoo. Mikyang parece triste y preocupada.

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by Larazzy

After hiding from Minji and Mikyang, Junwoo and his noona went to the balcony, with him telling her that he hasn't cum yet. She asks him to stop bc her mother and sister are inside the house and they can hear them. He tells her not to worry, since from inside you can't hear anything from outside the room. She tries to stop him by telling him that his heart is beating really fast and that there are a lot of people outside who could see them and that he would probably wait for her mom and sister to leave ~she just happens to turn around, shows her ass and looks at the people while saying this~. Junwoo seeing his noona's ass, can't stand it and proceeds to stick it in.
[Image: e0f687542ad5a0da3b2b0efee692c445.png]
She surprised, tries to stop him by calling him an idiot and trying to exert some force she lets him continue ~now she in her thoughts says that at first she got carried away by the environment, and that, although before she had intended to make him feel good, <<that's why she practiced and studied about sex>>, she didn't expect that doing it like this, with people who could look at her, would make her feel good~. Before she can continue enjoying herself, Minji goes to the next roof (separated by the clothesline) and looks for Junwoo, but they hide. She thinks he is hiding/playing. Minji gets a bit frustrated because she can't see Junwoo. He proceeds to continue penetrating the noona in doggy style while they are on their knees and hidden from her.
[Image: 089dcc87c60c0a9bdabf331b3cc7d01b.png]
Minji and Mikyang keep looking for them in the next room, the sex becomes more intense, Minji leaves and closes the door, while Junwoo and the noona are having sex in silence. The noona cums again, and with teary eyes tells him that everything is fine and that he can continue. Junwoo continues to penetrate her while touching her clit and squeezing her breast. The sex reaches its peak, Junwoo cums inside the noona as they kiss passionately.
[Image: 35bb4c11c9c3a8237c9c8cb02039fff7.png]
The chapter ends with Mikyang looking at her daughter's phone ((or Junwoo's, I'm not sure)), with a wallpaper of a picture of her and Junwoo. Mikyang looks sad and concerned.
[Image: ff3003c5a2016462215da0f702eb2e44.png]
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Today’s Dinner Chapter 21 Summary (English/Spanish)

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Beatz, 04-02-2022, 01:33 PM

Today's Dinner Chapter 21 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Title Drop

They still kissing, Suho (MC) touching her ass… The taxi driver starts to complain and asks if they can continue with moderation.  Marie (Noona) says she will pay the double with he shut up.. Now the taxi driver even set the light in the taxi…

Marie then says to Suho “Our little fat… A lot of girls are going to be beaten, but your kiss is a little clumsy.  This makes even cuter…” “Suho must be tired, from now on the girls are going to line up… It’s you for dinner tonight!”

Suho: “What kind of restaurant am I?”

Marie: “But this restaurant… the ingredients are really nice.  You know right?  Taste is the most important thing.  I'll teach you a lot of recipes so that you can open a really good restaurant.  But if you open this restaurant… I’m a free customer without waiting.  Got it?”

Suho: “Yes, my noona is a VIP special treat.”

Marie says she needs to teach him how to kiss.  Some panels of them kissing again.  MC narrating “My first kiss was with Sieun.. But that night i was able to learn how to kiss with Marie noona…”

Switch scenes they are in Marie's bedroom, still kissing.  Marie says “You don't learn fast only cooking it seems… I just taught how to kiss, but you already got the hang of it..”

Suho: “I like my teacher so…”

Marie: "I wonder how fast you can learn about sex."

Marie starts to strip .. Suho staring at her tits de ella narrating “At that moment… I wanted to confirm if i changed completely and not only in appearance.”  and she starts to suck her tits.  And yes, I confirmed her trauma had disappeared.

Marie stops Suho saying she is hungry and wants to taste it too.  Now, she is licking her dick (still with pants).  She then take off her pants from her and says “Oh this cock is completely my style!  The size is big and the shape is really pretty!”

Marie: “Suho, the more you take it off the more i like it..”

Suho then remembers that day on the vacation when he took his clothes off and all characters were shocked (Sieun, Minjae and Crush) [Chapter 9].  “I never thought I would hear this…”

Marie: "I will wash the skewers later... Looking at yours... I want to hurry up and put it in!"

She starts to ride him.

Chapter End.


Today’s Dinner Chapter 21 Summary

  (Capítulo traducido con MTL)

  Caída de título

  Todavía besándose, Suho (MC) tocándole el trasero... El taxista comienza a quejarse y pregunta si pueden continuar con moderación.  Marie (Noona) dice que pagará el doble con él callado... Ahora el taxista incluso encendió la luz en el taxi...

  Marie luego le dice a Suho: “Nuestra pequeño gordito… Muchas chicas van a ser golpeadas, pero tu beso es un poco torpe.  Esto lo hace aún más lindo..." "Suho debe estar cansado, de ahora en adelante las chicas se van a formar... ¡Eres tú para cenar esta noche!"

  Suho: “¿Qué tipo de restaurante soy?”

  Marie: “Pero este restaurante… los ingredientes son muy buenos.  ¿Sabes verdad?  El sabor es lo más importante.  Te enseñaré un montón de recetas para que puedas abrir un buen restaurante.  Pero si abres este restaurante… Soy cliente gratis sin esperas.  ¿Entiendo?"

  Suho: “Sí, mi noona es un regalo especial VIP”.

  Marie dice que necesita enseñarle a besar.  Algunos paneles de ellos besándose de nuevo.  MC narrando "Mi primer beso fue con Sieun... Pero esa noche pude aprender a besar con Marie noona..."

  Cambia de escena, están en la habitación de Marie, todavía besándose.  Marie dice: "No aprendes rápido, solo cocinas, parece... Solo enseñé a besar, pero ya lo dominaste".

  Suho: “Me gusta mi profesora así que…”

  Marie: "Me pregunto qué tan rápido puedes aprender sobre sexo".

  Marie comienza a desnudarse.. Suho mirando fijamente sus tetas de ella narrando “En ese momento… quería confirmar si cambié por completo y no solo en apariencia”.  y ella comienza a chupar sus tetas.  Y sí, confirmé que su trauma había desaparecido.

  Marie detiene a Suho diciendo que tiene hambre y quiere probarlo también.  Ahora, ella está lamiendo su polla (todavía con pantalones).  Luego se quita los pantalones y dice: “¡Oh, esta polla es completamente de mi estilo!  ¡El tamaño es grande y la forma es realmente bonita!”

  Marie: "Suho, cuanto más te lo quitas, más me gusta..."

  Suho luego recuerda ese día de vacaciones cuando se quitó la ropa y todos los personajes se sorprendieron (Sieun, Minjae y Crush) [Capítulo 9].  “Nunca pensé que escucharía esto…”

  Marie: "Lavaré las brochetas más tarde... Mirando la tuya... ¡Quiero darme prisa y ponerla!"

  Ella comienza a montarlo.

  Fin del capítulo.

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