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New Town 30 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-14-2022, 04:04 PM

New Town 30 raw

[Image: IMG_6087.png?width=1025&height=361]

by Han sunWoo

MC piensa "¡Joder!"

El pelo negro dice "Hehe ¿son realmente tan grandes en primer lugar?"

MC dice "¡Hey que estas haciendo!" Ella piensa "Puede ser que el profesor sea el especial".

Aprieta la D de MC y dice "No la pongas de nuevo, estoy mirando".

"Es la primera vez que lo veo, piensa que es como una tutoría de biología"

MC dice "Ya ni siquiera sé".

Ella frota y aprieta el d de MC y dice "Es tan grande y duro".

Ella hace el movimiento de fap y pregunta "¿Es bueno hacer esto?" MC se siente bien.

Ella piensa "Cuando veo porno, lo prueban muy bien? ¿Debo probar?"

Ella dice "Espera un segundo entonces..." y se mete la polla en la boca.

MC se sorprende y dice "¡Ja! Espera"" Eso no es ...." Ella dice "Quédate quieto".

Ella empieza a chuparla.

MC piensa "Estoy con alguien que acaba de cumplir 19 años (adulto) ... Oh, maldición".

Ella piensa mientras chupa "Esto es grande ..."

"Llega hasta lo más profundo de la garganta ... ¿es realmente así?"

"¡¡¡Agh!!! Se está haciendo más grande en mi boca...!"

Se saca la polla de la boca.

Dice "No puedo más... Quiero lamerla"

Lame la polla.

Piensa: "¿Esto está delicioso? También está un poco salada..."

"Pero quiero seguir..."

"Um ... esto definitivamente tiene un fuerte olor ..."

Mientras chupa, se frota la ropa interior (zona V) y piensa "De alguna manera, mi mano llega hasta aquí".

MC la mira lamiendo.

MC dice "Oh .. creo que es tu primera vez haciendo esto ... pero esta mirada torpe ..." MC piensa "Estoy más excitado ..." Le agarra el culo con las dos manos.

Le aprieta el botín. Ella dice "Haaa... Maestro"

MC piensa "Tus tetas son más grandes de lo que pensaba ..."

"No puedo soportarlo, quiero follarla ahora ...!"

MC la agarra por los hombros y la acerca hacia su cara.

Ella pregunta "¿Qué ... qué?"

MC la besa. Ella se sorprende "!!????"

Ella abraza y devuelve el beso a MC y piensa "Demasiado bueno ... maestro .."

MC dice "Ah .. no puedo aguantar más".

Ella dice "¿Quién te pide que te reprimas?"

"No te reprimas, maestra".

Ella se tumba en la cama. MC le baja los pantalones. MC dice "Es blanco y bonito".

MC piensa "¡Es una sensación diferente a la de las chicas con las que he estado últimamente...!"

Ella dice "Por supuesto ... Es mi primera vez ... se ve así .."

MC pregunta "Realmente .... ¿Estará bien?"

Ella piensa "Si es con el profesor"

MC a punto de insertar y piensa "Estará bien, ¿verdad?"

Ella piensa "La polla del profesor va a entrar en mi coño"

MC inserta la D.

MC pregunta "¿Estás bien?"

Ella asiente. MC dice "Entonces" y empieza a moverse.

Ella gime.

Mientras tanto Pureum está en la sala de estar. Dice "¿Eh? ¿Qué es ese sonido? ¿Gimiendo?"

Se levanta y empieza a ir hacia la habitación de Hyeyum. "Definitivamente sonó como un gemido.... No puede ser."

Más gemidos saliendo de la habitación.

MC sigue follando.

MC dice "¿Qué pasa si tu madre te atrapa ... " "¿Qué debemos hacer ..."

Ella dice "No te preocupes, excepto cuando traiga bocadillos", "ella no viene a verme a mi habitación"

Mc dice "¿De verdad? Entonces voy a seguir"

MC piensa "Ah ... El coño virgen es definitivamente diferente en el endurecimiento"

Pureum dice "De ninguna manera ..." y abrió la puerta.

Ella mira a MC follando el pelo negro en la cama. "!!!????"

Fin de capítulo

by Han Sunwoo

MC think "Fuck!!"
Black hair says "Hehe are they really this big in the first place?"
MC says "Hey what are you doing!" She thinks "May be teacher is the special one."
She squeezes MC's D and says "Don't put it back in, I am looking."
"It's the first time I have actually seen it, just think of it like biology tutoring"
MC says "I don't even know anymore." 
She rubs and squeeze MC's d and says "It's so big and hard."
She does the fap motion and asks "Is it good to do this?" MC feeling good.
She thinks "When I watch porn, they tasting it really good? Shall I try?"
She says "Wait a second then ..." and put the dick in her mouth.
MC surprises and says "Ha!! Wait"" That's not ...." She says "Stay still."
She starts sucking it.
MC thinks "I am with someone who just turned 19 (adult) ... Oh damn." 
She thinks while sucking "This is big ..."
"It's even reaching deep of the throat ... is it really like this??"
"Agh !! It's even getting bigger in my mouth ... !!"
She takes the dick out of her mouth.
She says "I can't anymore ... I want to lick it"
She licks the dick.
She thinks "Is this delicious? It's a bit salty too..."
"But I want to continue ..." 
"Um ... this definitely has a strong smell ..."
While sucking, she rubs her underwear (V area) and thinks "Somehow, my hand is reaching this way."
MC looking at her licking. 
MC says "Oh .. I think it's your first time doing this ... but this clumsy look ..." MC thinks "I am more excited ..." He grabs her ass with both hands. 
HE squeeze the booty. She says "Haaa... Teacher"
MC thinks "Your tits are bigger than I thought ..."
"I can't stand it, I want to fuck her now ...!!"
MC grabs her shoulders and pull her closer towards his face.
She asks "Wha ... what?"
MC kisses her. She's surprised "!!????"
She hugs and kisses MC back and thinks "Too good ... teacher .."
MC says "Ah .. I can't stand it anymore."
She says "Who asks you to hold it back?"
"Don't hold back, teacher."
She is lying on the bed. MC pulls down her pants. MC says "It's white and pretty." 
MC thinks "It's a different feeling than the girls I have been with lately... !!"
She says "Of course ... It's my first time ... it looks like this .."
MC asks "Really .... Will it be okay?"
She thinks "If it's with teacher" 
MC about to insert and thinks "It'll be okay, right?"
She thinks "Teacher's dick is  gonna go in my pussy."
MC inserted the D. 
MC asks "Are you okay?"
She nods. MC says "Then" and start moving. 
She moans. 
Meanwhile Pureum is in the living room. She says "Huh? What's the sound? Moaning?"
She gets up and starts going towards Hyeyum's room. "It definitely sounded like moaning.... No way."
More moans coming out from the room.
MC keep on fucking.
MC says "What if your mom catches you ... " "What should we do ..." 
She says "Don't worry, except when she bring snacks," "she doesn't come see me in my room"
Mc says "Really? Then I will go on"
MC thinks "Ah ... Virgin pussy is definitely different in tightening" 
Pureum says "No way ..." and opened the door. 
She peeks at MC fucking black hair on the bed. "!!!????"
End chap

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Sextudy Group 11 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-14-2022, 03:05 PM

Sextudy Group 11 raw

[Image: IMG_6088.png?width=1025&height=367]
by Litcht
CF le pide a mc que se reúna con ella el fin de semana, ella quiere hacer algo con mc. Mc recibe un mensaje de la rubia y cancela sus planes con CF diciendo que está ocupado con el club.
Mc se encuentra con la rubia, mas tarde en su casa, ella le dice a mc que lo hizo con douche (Levi de bajo presupuesto) y que fue bueno aunque mc tiene una gran polla pero no tiene las habilidades de douche. El la ignora y piensa en FMC
Ella dice que a este paso te van a echar así que lo va a entrenar a fondo mientras tanto douche llama a la profesora y se reúne con ella. la profesora le pide a douche que la abrace (el douche tiene una sonrisa malvada en la cara) le ordena que tenga sexo con mc.

by Litcht
CF ask mc to meet her on weekend, she wants to do something with mc. Mc gets text from blonde and cancel his plans with CF saying he is busy with club.
Mc meets up with blonde, later at her house, she tells mc she did with douche (low budget Levi) and it was good although mc has big D but he has no skills like douche. He ignors her and thinking about FMC
She says at this rate you'll get kicked out so she'll train him thoroughly meanwhile douche calls professor and meets up with her. professor ask douche to hug her  (he has evil smirk on his face) he  orders her to have sex with mc.

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Everything is agreed 127 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-14-2022, 02:55 PM

Everything is agreed 127 raw

[Image: IMG_6085.png?width=1025&height=360]

by EIAorBust

Básicamente todo el mundo está viendo a través de vídeo, el tío "follando" con fmc2. La rubia mira y se quita la ropa y le quita los pantalones a mc1. La gente que está mirando empieza a animar. Parece que la novia de la rubia se está follando bien a fmc2. Todas las parejas miran. Mientras tanto mc2 y fmc1 están en el baño, él le mete los dedos y dice algo. Vuelve a fmc2, el vídeo muestra a la chica de la rubia corriéndose dentro de ella, y el creampie mientras su semen se derrama. Pero luego resulta que era un cebo y cambio, ya que en algún momento del vídeo la rubia y fmc2 cambian de lugar. El novio de la rubia le da a fmc2 y a mc1 pequeños dispositivos, tal vez un dispositivo de grabación. Cambia a fmc1, ella está de pie fuera del baño, y entonces el jefe aparece y habla con ella. Quién sabe lo que dijo. La siguiente escena es la de fmc1 en el baño, con los ojos vendados, esperando a que entre un tipo. Mc2 está en la cabina de al lado esperando. Entonces ella oye a alguien entrar, y es el Douche de Body Trap . Continuará...

by EIAorBust

Basically everyone is watching via video, dude "fucking" fmc2. Blonde looks and takes off her clothes and takes of mc1's pants. People who are watching start cheering. Looks like blonde's gf is fucking fmc2 good. All couples watch on. Meanwhile mc2 and fmc1 are in the toilet, he's fingering her and says something. Switch back to fmc2, video shows blonde's gf cumming inside her, and creampie as his cum spills out. But then it turns out it was a bait and switch, as somewhere during the video blonde and fmc2 switch places. Blonde's bf gives fmc2 and mc1 small devices, maybe a recording device. Switch to fmc1, she's standin outside the toilet, and then the boss shows up and talks to her. Who knows what he said. Then next scene is fmc1 in bathroom stall, blindfolded, waiting for some dude to come in. Mc2 is in the stall next to her waiting. Then she hears someone walk in, and it's Body Trap Douche. Tbc

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Daughter Friend 40 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-14-2022, 02:12 AM

Daughter friend 40 raw

[Image: IMG_6024.png?width=1025&height=361]

by Larazy

El capítulo comienza con MC x FMC terminando de tener sexo


Ambos ( FMC X MC ) caminando .

MC: Es tarde, ¿no estás cansado?

FMC: No... creo que estoy bien despierto después de dormir un rato.

MC: Creo que hay una fuente termal cerca...

MC: ¿Quieres ir?

FMC: Me gustaría. Vayamos juntos

Cambio de panel a las aguas termales

MC se siente un poco avergonzado

FMC llega y se quita la toalla

FMC: Ya no me sentiré avergonzada (en sus pensamientos)

FMC: Quiero mostrarte todo lo que tengo.

MC: Hemos tenido sexo dos veces, pero ahora veo el cuerpo de Yeon-soo completamente desnudo.

MC: ¿Cómo puede parecer tan pura e inocente y además ser tan guapa?

FMC: Ahh~ es realmente caliente...

FMC: Me siento bien~

MC no puede dejar de mirar los pechos de FMC

FMC: Hehehe~

MC: ¿Por qué te ríes?

FMC: Estoy pensando en qué~

FMC: Chaerin no nos pilló así que lo hicimos

Flashback de cuando estaban follando y Chaerin casi los pilla

FMC: Fue tan emocionante y se siente bien que tengamos nuestro propio secreto.

MC: Yeon-soo no lo sabe... Chaerin y yo también tenemos un secreto.

MC: Aunque a veces me preocupa.. (mientras piensa)

FMC se levanta y se acerca a sentarse al lado de MC.

MC: Ahora mismo la mujer que está en mi corazón es definitivamente Yeon-soo

MC besa a FMC

FMC mientras se besa agarra la polla de MC

MC: No ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que lo hice con Yeon-soo.

MC: ¡Quiero hacerlo de nuevo, me estoy volviendo loco!

MC levanta una de las piernas de FMC y le mete la polla

FMC: Amigo...

MC comienza a follar con ella

MC: ¡Oh! La sensación es tan agradable que siento más presión que antes..

MC: ¡La estimulación es más fuerte!

MC: Aunque el interior está apretado y apretado, hay tanto líquido amoroso que se desliza fácilmente, es muy estimulante.

MC: ¿Cómo puedes sentirte tan bien?

Siguen follando MC y FMC

FMC: Tío...

MC: ¿Qué?

FMC: Bueno, ahora me voy a mover.


by Larazy

The chapter begins with MC x FMC finishing having sex
 Both ( FMC X MC ) walking .
 MC: It's late, aren't you tired?
 FMC: No... I think I'm wide awake after sleeping for a while.
 MC: I think there's a hot spring nearby...
 MC: Do you want to go?
 FMC: I would like to. Let's go together

Change of panel to the hot springs
 MC feels a bit embarrassed
 FMC arrives and takes off the towel
 FMC: I won't feel ashamed anymore (in her thoughts)
 FMC: I want to show you everything I have.
 MC: We've had sex twice, but now I see Yeon-soo's body completely naked.
 MC: How can she look so pure and innocent and also be so pretty?

FMC: Ahh~ it's really hot...
 FMC: I feel good~
 MC can't stop looking at FMC's breasts
 FMC: Hehehe~
 MC: Why are you laughing?
 FMC: I'm thinking about what~
 FMC: Chaerin didn't catch us so we did
 Flashback of when they were fucking and Chaerin almost caught them
 FMC: It was so exciting and it feels good that we have our own secret
 MC: Yeon-soo doesn't know... Chaerin and I also have a secret.
 MC: Sometimes I worry though.. (while he's thinking)
 FMC gets up and walks over to sit next to MC.

MC: Right now the woman who is in my heart is definitely Yeon-soo
 MC kisses FMC
 FMC while kissing grabs MC's cock
 MC: It hasn't been long since I did it with Yeon-soo.
 MC: I want to do it again, I'm going crazy!
 MC lifts one of FMC's legs and sticks his dick in it
 FMC: Dude…

[Image: 98bca95923a1fe23ece35f490f8174bf.jpg]

[Image: b96899fce07136affd1612ee1c2926d4.jpg]

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Erotic Scheme 79 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-13-2022, 11:04 PM

Erotic Scheme

Erotic Scheme 79 raw
[Image: IMG_6027.png?width=1025&height=369]

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con Kevin quitándole la ropa a Maddie mientras está atada, John (amigo de fmc) se queda atónito mirando como empieza a recordar su época en el colegio, como conoció a Maddie en el instituto, cuando iban juntos a la iglesia y luego la graduación que la volvió a encontrar en la universidad además de que por casualidad ella vivía cerca esto hizo que se hiciera muy amigo de ella.


Volvemos a la actualidad, Kevin tiene al fmc con las piernas en alto.

Kevin le dice a John si quiere empezar a hacerlo (refiriéndose a tocarla).

Kevin le dice que se quite las bragas, John se queda helado, sorprendido sin saber qué hacer.

Kevin sigue insistiendo, diciendo que use sus dedos en él. Él reacciona y comienza a acercarse a la fmc, centrando sus ojos en sus bragas. Cuando está frente a ellas, se queda quieto mientras empieza a llorar, entonces decide empujar a Kevin para que se aleje de Maddie, mira a Jhon con rabia mientras dice que eso no es lo que quería, que es un crimen.

Kevin en el suelo dice, que está bien, mientras se levanta y se da la vuelta.

Se dirige al fmc y le dice que la deje ir, sin embargo, Kevin lo golpea en la cabeza con una botella, Jhon cae desmayado en el suelo, Kevin sigue golpeándolo mientras le grita que debería haber mantenido la boca cerrada.

Al final Kevin se voltea a mirar el fmc con la mano diciendo que ahora tendrá que divertirse solo.

Kevin le arranca la camiseta al fmc y empieza a pensar que esto le gusta, ya no sabe lo que es bueno o malo.

Entonces jhon reacciona y en el suelo vuelve a pensar en su pasado con la fmc, entonces decide redimirse y empieza a arrastrarse hacia la puerta, por otro lado Kevin empieza a bajarse los pantalones para follarse a la fmc cuando está a punto de penetrarla. abre la puerta y aparece el MC junto a Joy. Jun se lanza rápidamente sobre Kevin y lo inmoviliza.
Al final aparece John tirado en el suelo sangrando pensando: "Estoy cansado del amor no correspondido.

by Larazzy

The chapter begins with Kevin taking off Maddie's clothes while she is tied up, John (fmc friend) is stunned watching as he begins to remember his time at school, how he met Maddie in high school, when they went to church together and then graduation he met her again at the university besides the fact that by chance she lived nearby this made him become very close to her.

[Image: 73c530e4ede885438c7a7f3cb8fa7a32.jpg]

 Back to the present day, Kevin has the fmc with their legs up.
 Kevin tells John if he wants to start doing it (referring to touching her).
 Kevin tells him to take off her panties, John freezes, shocked not knowing what to do.
 Kevin keeps insisting, saying that he use his fingers on him. He reacts and starts to get closer to the fmc, focusing his eyes on her panties. When he is in front of them, he stays still while he starts to cry, then he decides to push Kevin away from Maddie, he looks at Jhon angrily as he says that this is not what he wanted, that it is a crime.
 Kevin on the ground says, he's fine, as he stands up and turns around.
 He turns to the fmc and tells him to let her go, however, Kevin hits him on the head with a bottle, Jhon falls knocked out on the ground, Kevin continues to hit him while he yells at him that he should have kept his mouth shut.

[Image: ed5672385a633cb979338f56a93e4215.jpg]

At the end Kevin turns to look at the fmc with his hand saying that now he will have to have fun alone.
 Kevin rips off the fmc's shirt and begins to think that he likes this, he doesn't know what's good or bad anymore.
 Then jhon reacts and on the floor he thinks again about his past with the fmc, then he decides to redeem himself and starts to crawl towards the door, on the other hand Kevin starts to lower his pants to fuck the fmc when he is about to penetrate her. open the door and the MC appears next to Joy. Jun quickly throws himself at Kevin and pins him down.

[Image: b6e9667b1cf7ee994e6d9faa66efd8c5.jpg]

At the end John appears lying on the ground bleeding thinking: "I'm tired of unrequited love.

[Image: 35ac214659c4f79f507b84ebb2f0d291.jpg]

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Sister’s Friends Chapter 12 Summary

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Beatz, 03-13-2022, 03:07 PM

Chapter starts with Florist Noona thinking she really said it, but she needed to do because she can’t forget something that happened in that time (MC slapping her)

Title drops 

10 minutes ago. 

They start talking. Noona says her name and MC says his name too. Awkward situation. Then MC asks “Were you kidding about that before?”

“No, i’m serious. Who could do a joke about such a thing?” “Domin (MC’s name) don’t ask why… Just one more time…”

Scene switches to Noona in front of MC showing her body. She says “Then… i beg you..”
MC thinks “WTF is this situation, do i really have to?”. He slaps her kindly.

She says “… Harder” 


“You didn’t hit me like this back then”

He slaps her ass again and she again says “Harder”

MC thoughts “Then i don’t give a fuck” and hits her hard. She moans.

MC: “Are you okay?”

Noona: “It hurts”

MC: “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

She says: “It hurts” and starts rise her dress “one more time” (She starts getting wet)

He slaps her again and both get horny, MC starts touching her. They are about to kiss but a motherfucker knocks the door asking if someone is there.

MC get worried about it but Noona says: “No worries… i locked the door”

“Therefore… Please don’t stop…”

Chapter ends. Probably sex next chapter. 

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Mother Hunting 73 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-13-2022, 02:36 PM

Mother Hunting 73 raw

[Image: IMG_6023.png?width=1025&height=359]

by Han sun woo

Junbeom intentando apagar el sonido mientras piensa "Joder, ¿por qué no se apaga?". "¡Joder, joder!"

"¿Qué debo hacer ahora? ¿Cuál es la excusa?"

"¡¡¡Por qué me pasa esto...!!!"

Dice "Entonces, sabes que esto es ..." "Voy a explicar todo" "Eso, eso" "Es deepfake"

La mujer de las gafas dice "¿Llamas a eso un fake? Incluso las voces eran las mismas"

Junbeom dice "¡Está editado!" "Hay, hay muchos problemas como ese en estos días" "A mí también me engañaron".

Dice "Entonces, ¡dejemos de hablar de eso ahora!" "¡Yo, voy a hacer una pregunta diferente!"

"Entonces, ¿qué pregunta tienes?" Él está temblando ahora.

"Pasatiempos o algo así, tendré una respuesta preparada, ¿de acuerdo?"

La mujer de las gafas dice ".... No puedo verlo más. Córtalo".

Junbeom dice "¡Vamos, espera no lo apagues!" "¡Porque puedo arreglarlo!"

Junbeom pensando "Ahora sí que estoy jodido" "Por culpa de esos cabrones"

El chico de la cámara pregunta "Ah, ¿qué debo hacer?" La mujer de las gafas dice "¿Qué quieres decir? Te he dicho que lo apagues enseguida".

Junbeom grita "¡Ah, joder!" "¡Te he dicho que lo resolveré!"

"¡¿Qué hay de malo en follar si tengo la habilidad?!" "¡Todos dijeron que les gustaba!"

"¡¿Soy el único que hizo el trabajo sucio?!" "Esas zorras también lo hicieron, ¿por qué sólo yo?!" "¡Si un chico joven y guapo se las folla, ellas lo apreciarán!" Junbeom se vuelve loco.

Una milf mirando el stream y dice "Peor, realmente lo odio".

Minhee y Jihyun viendo el stream. Minhee dice "Pensó en nosotros .... con eso en mente". Jihyun dice "Eso es realmente lo peor".

La mujer de las gafas le dice a Junbeom "¡Para, para!" "¡¡Corto la emisión!!"

Junbeom dice "¡¡No pares!!" "¡Joder, yo no me he tirado a los niños!"

Señala a la cámara y dice "Oye, ¿lo estás viendo?" "¡Estás muy orgulloso de ti mismo! Gamberro, ¡te voy a matar!"

MC mirando el teléfono. Junbeom gritando "¿Cómo te atreves a hacerme esto?"

La transmisión terminó.

MC le dice al director: "Totalmente loco, no sabía que iba a explotar así". "¿Cómo está la opinión pública?"

El director dice "Se está volviendo loca. Se publican artículos incluso en el lugar al que no llegó la información". "Todo el mundo está publicando historias de Junbeom en varios tablones de anuncios y SNS".

MC dice "Las protestas también están explotando en el sitio en este momento". "El tablón de peticiones de reembolso también es un desastre".  "Ahora, lo único que queda por hacer es castigarlo".

La mujer de las gafas grita "¡¿Estás loco?!" "¡¿Sabes de qué estás hablando ahora?!"

Junbeom dice "Huh", "Joder, joder... qué voy a hacer ahora. Ya está hecho".

"Yoon Hee, Yoon Hee me despreciará ..."

Las gafas dicen "¡¿Me estás escuchando?!"

Ella le tiró los papeles y dice "¡Sal de aquí ahora!"

"¡Te voy a demandar, así que prepárate, basura!"

Junbeom dice "Para hacer eso, ¿quién coño te crees que eres?"

Ella se fue y Junbeom riendo como un loco "¡¡¡Hahahahahaha!!!"

Título de la caída

MC narrando "Después de esa transmisión en vivo, fue marcado como un criminal".

La gente quitando su cartel. Su cara tachada con X

"La compañía giró sus flechas hacia Junbeom," La compañía emitió un comunicado disculpándose y diciendo que despedirán a Junbeom.

"Su emisión en directo ya se ha extendido como un reguero de pólvora, por lo que es fácil de encontrar en Internet".

"De hecho, no sería exagerado decir que su rostro era conocido en todo el país".

Más tarde

Jihyun bebiendo en un café. "Finalmente, todo ha terminado".

Ella está con MC.

"Ese idiota, no sabía que pensaba así". "Pero aún así... si es así, va a ser una buena venganza".

Su pierna se acerca a la polla de MC bajo la mesa. "Entonces, ahora ..."

"¿Recibo una 'recompensa' de Sanghyun?"

MC dice "Todo lo que quieras".

MC narra de nuevo "Por supuesto, nuestra escuela no pudo evitar las consecuencias de este incidente."

La gente entrevista al director. "¿Qué piensas de esta situación?" "¿Sabía usted lo que hizo el instructor Junbeom?"

El director responde: "Es un error no prevenirlo de antemano".

"Sólo con darse cuenta de la ilegalidad de Junbeom, y rescindir el contrato ..."

Más tarde

MC narrando "El director hace hincapié en la responsabilidad moral. Logró crear una buena imagen y elevó la imagen de la academia".

MC en la azotea de la escuela fumando. "Whoo..."

"El tiempo pasó muy rápido"

"Todo parece estar en su lugar. " MC hablando con Jihyun. "En línea con las tendencias de hoy".

MC enseñando en la clase. "Ahora esta parte es..."

MC narrando "Además, las noticias dicen que Junbeom está bajo una intensa investigación".

El panel muestra a Junbeom bajo investigación.


"¿Realmente se acabará así?"

MC piensa "Todavía no puedo estar seguro". "Porque no sabe lo que va a hacer".

MC recibe una llamada de Minseo.

MC dice "Sí, mamá. Mamá se habría enterado de la noticia pero..." "Hasta que las cosas se solucionen, creo que deberías quedarte allí". "Creo que tendrá que ser un poco más tarde".

"Ya ha pasado todo. Espera un poco más, mamá. Vivamos felices juntos de nuevo".

Minseo dice "Sí... Está bien". "Estoy bien. Ten cuidado, Sanghyun".

Ella cuelga. "..." "Ahora, puedo volver pronto. Pero..."  "¿Realmente podré ver a Sanghyun como antes?"

MC se tira en el sofá "Whew ~"

MC piensa "Ahora, queda un problema". "¿Qué debo decir? ¿Se resentirá conmigo?"  "Umm..."

MC recibe una llamada de Yoon Hee.

MC se dispone a contestar y dice "Ya viene..."

Fin del capítulo.

by Han sun woo

Junbeom trying to shut the sound off while thinking "Fuck, why doesn't it turn off?" "Fuck, Fuck!!" 
"What should I do now? What's the excuse?"
"Why is this happening to me ... !!"
He says "So, you know this is ..." "I will explain everything." "That, that " "It's deepfake"
The glasses woman say "Do you call that a fake? Even the voices were the same."
Junbeom says "It's edited!!" "There, there are a lot of problems like that these days." "I, too, got tricked."
He says "So, let's stop talking about it now !!" "I, I will take a different question!!"
"So, what question do you have" He is shaking now. 
"Hobbies or something, I will have an answer ready, okay?"
Glasses woman says ".... I can't see it anymore. Cut it off." 
Junbeom says "Come on, wait don't turn it off!" "Because I can fix it!" 
Junbeom thinking "I am really fucked now" "Because of those fucks"
Camera guy asks "Ah, what should I do?" Glasses woman says "What do you mean? I told you to turn it off right away."
Junbeom yells "Ah, FUCK!!" "I told you I will solve it!!"
"What's wrong with fucking if I have got the ability ?!" "They all said they liked it!!" 
"Am I the only one who did the dirty work?!!" "Those bitches did it too, so why only me?!" "If a young handsome guy fucks them, they will appreciate it!!" Junbeom going mad. 
Some milf watching the stream and says "Worst, I really hate it."
Minhee and Jihyun watching the stream. Minhee says "He thougt of us .... with that in mind." Jihyun says "That's really the worst." 
Glasses woman says to Junbeom "Stop, STOP!!" "I am cutting off the broadcast!!"
Junbeom says "Don't stop!!" "Fuck, I didn't fuck the kids !!" 
He points at the camera and says "Hey, are you watching?" "You are so proud of yourself! You punk, I am going to kill you!" 
MC looking at the phone. Junbeom yelling "How dare you do this to me -" 
The broadcast ended. 
MC says to director, "Totally crazy, I didn't know it would explode like this." "How is public opinion?" 
Director says "It's going wild. Articles are published even in the place where the information weren't released to." "Everyone is posting stories of Junbeom on various bulletin boards and SNS." 
MC says "Protests are also exploding on the site right now." "The refund request board is also a mess."  "Now, the only thing left to do is punish him."
Glasses woman yelling "Are you crazy?!" "Do you know what you are talking about now?!" 
Junbeom says "Huh," "Fuck, fuck ... what am I going to do now. It's done."
"Yoon Hee, Yoon Hee will despise me ..." 
Glasses say "Are you listening to me ?!"
She threw the papers at him and says "Get out of here now!"
"I am going to sue you, so be prepared, you garbage!!"
Junbeom says "To do that, who the fuck do you think you are?" 
She left and Junbeom laughing like a maniac "Hahahahahaha!!" 
Title Drop 
MC narrating "After that live broadcast, he was branded as a criminal." 
People removing his billboard. His faced crossed out with X 
"The company turned its arrows towards Junbeom," Company released a statement apologizing and saying they will dismiss Junbeom. 
"His live broadcast has already spread like wildfire, making it easy to find online."
"In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that his face was known in the entire country."

Jihyun drinking at a cafe. "Finally, everything is over."
She is with MC. 
"That jerk, I didn't know he was thinking that way." "But still ... if it's like this, it's going to be a good revenge." 
Her leg reaches towards MC's dick under the table. "Then, now ..." 
"Do I get a 'reward' from Sanghyun?"
MC says "As much as you want." 
MC narrates again "Of course, our school could not avoid the aftermath of this incident." 
People interviewing director. "What do you think about this situation?" "Did you know about what instructor Junbeom did?"
Director answering "It's wrong not to prevent it in advance."
"Just by noticing the unlawfulness of Junbeom, and terminating the contract ..." 
MC narrating "The director emphasizes moral responsibility. He succeeded in creating a good image and raised the academy's image."
MC at the roof top of school smoking. "Whoo..."
"Time went by very fast" 
"Everything seem to be coming into place. " MC talking with Jihyun. "In line with today's trends."
MC teaching in the class. "Now this part is ..."
MC narrating "Also, news say that Junbeom is under intense investigation." 
Panel shows Junbeom under investigation. 
"BUT ..." 
"Will he really be done like this?"
MC thinks "I still cant' rest assured." "Because he doesn't know what he is going to do."
MC receives a call from Minseo.
MC says "Yea, mom. Mom would've heard the news but ..." "Until things are sorted out, I think you should stay there." "I think it will have to be a little bit later."
"It's all over now. Wait a little longer, mom. Let's live happily together again."
Minseo says "Yea ... Okay." "I am fine. Becareful, Sanghyun."
She hangs up. "..." "Now, I can go back soon. But ..."  "Will I really be able to see Sanghyun like I used to?"
MC throw himself on sofa "Whew ~" 
MC thinks "Now, there is one problem left." "What should I say? Will you resent me?"  "Umm..."
MC receives a call from Yoon Hee.
MC about to answer and says "It's coming ..." 
End Chap.

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A Wonderful New World 134 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-13-2022, 02:31 PM

A Wonderful New World 134 raw
[Image: IMG_6022.png?width=1025&height=362]

by Rj

El capítulo se abre con la escena del capítulo anterior mientras MC propone un trío. O MC o Seorin (no está claro) ordena a Silver que empiece a tocar la polla de MC. Silver obedece mientras Seorin guía sus manos. Silver dice que realmente no puede hacer esto, y se escapa mientras dice que fingirá que no lo ha visto (MC y Seorin teniendo sexo). Seorin le pregunta a MC si pueden confiar en ella ahora con eso. Ella añade que estará bien ya que Silver es una mujer tímida.

Seorin cambia de marcha y le pregunta a MC si realmente quería hacerlo con Silver. MC lo niega con vehemencia y dice que sólo actuó así para sacarlos de apuros. Seorin sigue enfadado. Entonces le agarra las pelotas a MC y le dice que le ponga la polla en cualquier sitio sin su permiso. MC no tiene más remedio que aceptar. Seorin se va enfadado mientras le dice a MC que cene solo esta noche. MC se queda parado por un momento ya que no esperaba que Seorin actuara de esa manera. Luego se pregunta si Seorin realmente estaría de acuerdo con un trío.

El título cae y cambia de escena a una cafetería mientras el tutor mira una foto en su teléfono junto a Green (la chica hacker). Green llega, MC le regaña por llegar tarde. Green le responde que una chica guapa tarda más en arreglarse. Tras un rato de bromas, Green va al grano y pone el teléfono de MC sobre la mesa. El tutor comenta que, por muy estricta que sea la seguridad del teléfono, debe haber una forma (de desbloquearlo) (no estoy muy seguro de este diálogo). Green felicita a Tutor diciendo que está muy bueno si se hace el listo. A continuación, empieza a acariciar la entrepierna de MC con los pies. Green le pregunta entonces a Tutor si sigue ahogando a la chica si está excitado. Green sigue engatusando a Tutor mientras éste le dice que pare. Tutor no puede aguantar más y empuja a Green para luego estrangularla. Green dice que este es el verdadero ser de Tutor, que lo hizo (estrangular) a otros, y que lo está haciendo con ella ahora mismo. Tutor suelta a Green. Las manos de Tutor dejan una marca en el cuello de Green y ésta se queja de que los demás podrían confundirla con un chupetón. Green la consuela y le dice que, de todos modos, es su verdadera naturaleza. Green intenta recordarle "lo que pasó". (Un panel de un edificio en llamas en el fondo). (Green utiliza aquí una metáfora de la rana y el escorpión que realmente no entendí). Cuando el tutor recupera el sentido, Green ya no está.

Su teléfono suena cuando el jefe de equipo le llama. El capítulo termina cuando TL le pide a Tutor que se ocupe de Hyomin (no estoy seguro de esto).

Hay un sketch extra con TL y su hija como créditos finales.

by Rj

Chapter opens with the scene from last chapter as MC proposes a threesome. Either MC or Seorin (it isn't clear) orders Silver to start touching MC's dick. Silver obeys as Seorin guides her hands. Silver says she really can't do this, and runs away as she says she'll just pretend she didn't see it (MC and Seorin having sex). Seorin asks MC if they can trust her now with that. She adds that it'll be okay as Silver is a timid woman.

Seorin changes gears as she asks MC if he seriously wanted to do it with Silver. MC vehemently denies and says he only acted like that to get them out of trouble. Seorin continues to sulk. He then grabs MC's balls and tells MC to put his dick anywhere without her permission. MC had no choice but to agree. Seorin leaves angrily as she says to MC to eat dinner alone tonight. MC just stood there for a moment as she didn't expect Seorin to act that way. He then wonders if Seorin would really be okay with a threesome.
Title Drop and change scene to a cafe as tutor looks in to a picture in his phone together with green (the hacker girl). Green arrives, MC gives scolds him for being late. Green replies that a pretty girl takes longer to get ready. After a bit of banter, Green gets to the point and puts MC's phone on the table. Tutor remarks that no matter how tight the security of the phone is, there must be a way (to unlock it) (not really sure about this dialogue). Green compliments Tutor that he looks hot if he acts smart like that. She then starts stroking MC's crotch with her feet. Green then asks Tutor if she still chokes the girl if he's excited. Green continues to sweet talk Tutor as Tutor tells her to stop. Tutor couldn't take it anymore and pushes Green away then strangling her. Green says this is Tutor's true self, that he did it (choking) to others, and he's doing it to her right now. Tutor releases Green. Tutor's hands left a mark on Green's neck and Green complains that others might mistake it for a hickey. Green consoles her and says that his true nature anyways. Green tries to remind him of "what happened". (A panel of a burning building in the background). (Green then uses a frog and scorpion metaphor here which I really didn't undestood.) As Tutor comes back to his senses, Green is gone.

His phone rings as Team Leader calls. Chap ends as TL asks Tutor to take care of Hyomin (not sure about this one).

There's a bonus sketch with TL and her daughter as end credits.

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UchihaKanon, 03-13-2022, 03:26 AM

[Image: IMG_5961.png?width=1025&height=361]

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con Junwoo un poco nervioso porque tiene que pensar qué decir a su nona. Sin saber qué hacer, comienza a frotar su rodilla con la vagina de la nona. Ella reacciona inmediatamente, pero Junwoo le dice que hay un problema mayor. Comienza a ser más intenso con su tacto y procede a decirle que ella debe explicarse, no él, mientras ahora frota su dedo del pie con la vagina de la nona. Él le pregunta por qué estaba encima de él, ella se pone un poco nerviosa y dice que pensaba que a Junwoo le gustaría esto. Ahora él deja de frotar su dedo sobre sus bragas, y procede a introducirlo en su vagina (su dedo del pie). Ahora es él quien intenta darle la vuelta a la situación y se cuestiona si tiene sentido despertar a una persona y decir cosas tan descabelladas como la que ella dijo. El mc ahora piensa que si se pone más intenso, podría hacerla olvidar lo que dijo.

Refuta la excusa de Nona diciéndole que no puede creer que haya pensado eso de él (que le gustaría que lo despertara así). Se frota la nona más fuerte en el dedo del pie mientras le dice que le diga la verdadera razón por la que vino a su habitación.

Ella le dice que como no cumplió su promesa con ella, está allí. El idiota del MC no recuerda la promesa que le hizo, a lo que ella, un tanto triste, le dice "¿No te acuerdas?". Él sigue sin recordarlo, y siente que ha perdido la ventaja que obtuvo de ella al encenderla (literalmente cree que ha conseguido un contraataque). Junwoo empieza a pensar por primera vez y recuerda que Nona le dijo que lo haría todas las veces que él quisiera durante este viaje. Él finge recordarlo todo y le dice que ha estado esperando esto todo este tiempo. Ella, muy inocentemente, piensa que él ha fingido todo este tiempo no saber nada. Ella le dice que tendrá que compensar todo este tiempo que no ha hecho nada. Procede a agarrar el pene del MC y piensa que algo no va bien... el pene de Junwoo no es tan fuerte como suele ser. Piensa que es normal, dado todo lo que hizo ayer con Mikyang. Teme que ella sospeche más si su pene se queda flácido, mientras ella se lo chupa. Él le dice que es normal ya que acaba de despertarse. Procede a ponerse más intenso y hace que ella se la chupe bruscamente para que no sospeche de la estupidez que dijo al principio.

Ella ahora piensa que aunque Junwoo es más intenso que de costumbre, le está gustando mucho hacerlo de esa manera. Ahora está totalmente erecto porque nona está usando su lengua de forma más erótica mientras la chupa. Junwoo le pide que pare un momento, le quita las bragas y la tumba en la cama. Le dice/pregunta si quiere seguir lamiendo su pene. Ella muy excitada piensa que, aunque él le está dando muchas órdenes, al menos no está del todo mal hoy. Vuelve a chupársela con fuerza mientras él juega con su vagina.

Además le dice "Eres bonita porque eres obediente". Ella no para de gemir de placer, tanto que Junwoo le dice que su familia podría oírla. Ella dice que no hay problema, porque su madre y Minji llegarán tarde a casa, así que tiene todo el día para hacerlo con él.

Fin del capítulo.

by Larazzy

The chapter starts with Junwoo a bit nervous because he has to think about what to say to his nona. Not knowing what to do, he begins to rub his knee with the nona's vagina. She reacts immediately, but Junwoo tells her that there is a bigger problem. It begins to be more intense with her touch and he proceeds to tell her that she should explain herself, not him, while he now rubs her toe with nona's vagina. He asks her why she was on top of him, she gets a little flustered and says that she thought Junwoo would like this. Now he stops rubbing her finger over her panties, and proceeds to insert it into her vagina (her toe). Now he is the one who tries to turn the situation around and questions if he has any sense in waking up a person and saying things as far-fetched as the one she said. The mc now thinks that if he gets more intense, he might be able to make her forget what he said.

He refutes Nona's excuse by telling her that he can't believe she thought that of him (that he would like her to wake him up like that). He rubs his nona harder on his toe as he tells her to tell him the real reason he came to her room.

She tells him that since he didn't keep his promise to her, she is there. The idiot MC doesn't remember the promise he made to her, to which she somewhat sadly says "Don't you remember?". He still doesn't remember it, and feels like he lost the advantage he got from her by turning her on (he literally thinks he's gotten a counterattack). Junwoo begins to think for the first time and remembers that Nona told him that she would do it as many times as he wants during this trip. He pretends to remember everything and tells her that he's been waiting for this all this time. She very innocently thinks that he has pretended all this time not to know anything. She tells him that he will have to make up for all this time that he did nothing. He proceeds to grab the MC's penis and thinks something isn't quite right… Junwoo's penis isn't as strong as he usually is. He thinks it's normal, given everything he did yesterday with Mikyang. He's afraid she'll be more suspicious if his penis stays flaccid, all while she's sucking him off. He tells her it's normal since she just woke up. He proceeds to get more intense and makes her suck him roughly so he doesn't suspect the stupid thing he said at first.

She now thinks that even though Junwoo is more intense than usual, he is really liking doing it that way. He is now fully erect because nona is using her tongue more erotically while he is sucking her. Junwoo asks him to stop for a moment, takes off her panties and lays her down on the bed. He tells her/asks if he wants to continue licking her penis. She very excited thinks that, although he is giving her many orders, at least he is not all bad today. She blows him hard again while he plays with her vagina.

In addition to saying "You're pretty because you're obedient." She doesn't stop moaning with pleasure, so much so that Junwoo tells her that her family could hear her. She says that's no problem, because her mom and Minji will be home late, so she has all day to do it with him.

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Understanding of Flirting Chapter 14 Summary

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Beatz, 03-13-2022, 02:21 AM


(Chapter translated with MTL)
Chapter starts with FMC seeing MC, she says: “Are you really (MC’s name)?”
MC surprised thinks she stills pretty, FMC asks “is really good to see you but why are you here? This is the female dormitory”
MC thinks: “Oh that’s right, Noona! What do I say? I slept in the women’s dormitory last night…”
FMC says: “Did you come to see me?”. MC says: “Yes of course” and thinks “My conscience hurts… but can’t help it now.”
Still MC’s thoughts: “First of all, I need to get out of here before noona comes out!” And asks to FMC: “I haven’t seen you in a while… Shall we talk while drinking something at the cafe?”
All this conversation while MC avoiding eye contact and FMC happy. Noona appears looking for MC but they already out. 

Switch scenes to the cafe, FMC says she needs to go to the bathroom and MC got a message from Noona, he made an excuse to her saying he got an urgent matter, then he would call her later. Meanwhile in bathroom, FMC was there touching up her makeup and thinking: 
“I spent all night in the library and my face is a mess now! I was so happy earlier, I didn’t have time to think about that. Does that means (MC’s name) also wanted to see me?”
They talk a little but MC was worried about everything (the situation, thoughts about her “boyfriend”, why they didn’t contact each other).  MC thinks that situation was awkward and he drinks his coffee but the drink burned him a little (he forgot he ordered a hot coffee lol). FMC getting up to help him and asking if he is okay. When she was cleaning him, he starts to think she was too beautiful and says “Funny..”
“Whenever you mess around, I always took care of you but now you grew a lot” 
Cute scene with FMC punching him (Chibi) then she punches him in the face. 

And MC thinks “Yeah that’s it. It’s okay to just stay by your side as a friend like this… Nothing has changed…”
Scene scenes, they are walking back to the dormitory. FMC asks if he remember when they were in school and MC cried saying he was completely ruined. 
Little flashback with MC crying and saying: “I want to go to the same school as you”
Back to present, FMC says: “ I also wanted to go to school with you. (MC’s name)..”

“Yes?” (MC)
“I actually…” (FMC)

Chapter ends.

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