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Escape Looser 49 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-25-2022, 03:49 AM

Escape Looser 49 raw

[Image: IMG_6704.png?width=1025&height=354]

by William

El capítulo comienza con la charla entre MC y Gordo Fatty
Gordo Fatty: ¡¡Es...esto es un malentendido!! ¡¡El bastardo de Hyun estaba diciendo tonterías!!
MC: Mentiras hasta el final…
Gordo Fatty: ¿Qué le pasa a sus ojos? No sé qué hacer (En sus pensamientos)
Gordo Fatty: ¡Salgamos de aquí por ahora! (En sus pensamientos)
Gordo Fatty patea la puerta de la casa de MC y sale corriendo
Gordo Fatty: De todos modos, ¡Chul-Soo, espera y verás! ¡¡No te dejaré en paz!!
Como la FMC estaba escuchando detrás de la puerta, cayó al piso luego de lo qué pasó
FMC: Ouch!
MC: ¿Quién… es?
MC: Min-Young, ¿¿qué estás haciendo?? ¡¿está bien?! ¿Estás herida? ¿¿Qué pasó?? ¿Por qué estabas allí...?
FMC: Porque no pude contactarte... Vine porque estaba preocupada…de que algo hubiera pasado..
Cambio de panel a la casa de MC donde se encuentran: la madre de MC, hermana, Hyun(novio de la hermana), FMC y MC
Hermana de MC: Es tan espeluznante, ¿Qué debo hacer? Mientras dormía, pensé que esa mano era de Hyun-Oppa…
Hermana de MC: Estaba muy mojado, pero Sang-Hyuk incluso me tocó allí, ¿¿¿Entonces??? (En sus pensamientos)
Hyun: Está bien, olvídalo, Mina…
Hyun: Tu madre está muy sorprendida... ¿No?
Madre de MC: Es demasiado loco. Lo que hizo.. Soy tan tonta, estaba borracha y fuera de mi mente (probablemente se refiere a que no recuerda nada de lo qué pasó)
Madre de MC: Me corrí hasta los muslos, ¡¿pero debe haber sido por las manos del amigo de mi hijo...?! (En sus pensamientos)
MC: ¡¡Por qué dejaste entrar a  alguien a casa cuando no estoy!!
Madre de MC: Porqué es amigo de mi hijo… Y es el tipo que nos está prestando ese gran dinero. ¿Qué tiene de sospechoso…?
Madre de MC se pone a llorar
FMC: Chul-Soo, detente..
Hyun: No creo que sea un buen amigo en primer lugar
Hyun: No creo que sea algo que deba pasarse por alto, tendré que pensar qué hacer..
Madre de MC: Es horrible pensar que a Mina y a mi nos haya tocado el cuerpo…
Hermana de MC: ¡Oh, realmente no lo sé!
MC: ¡Hijo de puta!, te dejé ir hoy, pero la próxima vez no…
MC: Ese bastardo... No va a ser una o dos veces.  Lo voy a matar en esta oportunidad
Hyun: Hmm... Es acoso sexual, creo que deberíamos denunciarlo a la policía
Madre de MC: Por cierto… ¿Qué pasará con nuestro dinero?
MC: Está bien, no necesito ese dinero sucio. No voy a recibir más ayuda de ese tipo
Hermana de MC: Aún así... eso no está bien, tienes que pagar 2 mil millones
MC: ¿Quieres que pague por eso en una situación así?
Madre de MC: Uf… Lo arruiné todo... ¿Ahora qué haremos?
MC: No te preocupes, yo me encargo
Madre de MC: ¿Qué quieres decir con que te encargarás por tu cuenta? Eso es mucho dinero...
MC: Hyun, hazte cargo de la denuncia de acoso sexual contra Sang-Hyuk
Hyun: En este caso, solo conozco a unos pocos, por lo que la evidencia será suficiente
MC: Min-Young, conoces todos los números de ex alumnos de secundaria, ¿verdad?
FMC afirma que sí con la cabeza
MC: Voy a llevar a Min-Young a su casa. Vámonos, Min-Young
Cambio de panel a MC y FMC por la calle
FMC: No sabía que necesitabas tanto dinero
MC: Uff… Si no es el dinero, es la quiebra... No sé qué hacer ahora
FMC: Chul-Soo… Siento no haber podido ser de ayuda..
FMC: Ver a Chul-Soo pasando por un momento tan difícil me rompe el corazón.. (En sus pensamientos)
FMC: Creo que realmente amo a Chul-Soo (En sus pensamientos)
MC: ¿Por qué lo sientes…
MC: Min-Young, ¿Podemos hacer lo que no pudimos hacer antes?
FMC: Ah, eso... sí, pero... mi madre debe estar en casa…
Cambio de panel a FMC y MC llegando a la casa de FMC
FMC: Por qué es tan tarde-
Cambio de panel a la madre de FMC sorprendida de ver llegar a la FMC con MC
Madre de FMC: Ah… Chul-Soo está aquí también
FMC: Tenía que hacer un trabajo en la casa de Chul-Soo... por eso fui allí..
MC: Hola, ya me voy jaja
Madre de FMC: Ah, está bien , trabajen cómodamente. Sí necesitan algo, díganme
Madre de FMC: ¿Vas a hacerlo conmigo…otra vez…? (En sus pensamientos)
Madre de FMC: Cálmate… Él es el novio de mi hija… Uf.. (En sus pensamientos)
Cambio de panel a la habitación de FMC
MC le quita la remera a FMC
FMC: Haaang ❤️
FMC: ¿Por qué estás tan apurado?
MC: El trabajo es trabajo y hay que hacerlo jaja
FMC: Haaah ❤️
MC comienza a lamerle los pezones a FMC
MC: Sí... es tan acogedor y tan lindo..
FMC: Ah… Me encanta Chul-Soo, ¿Por qué eres tan sexy?
MC comienza a tocar el coño de FMC
FMC: Incluso si Chul-Soo se me acerca, me mojo. ¿Es por qué quiero tener sexo ? (En sus pensamientos)
FMC: No puedo soportarlo, tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo (En sus pensamientos)
FMC: Ahh, se siente tan bien haaah…
MC: Su expresiones son tan lindas jaja (En sus pensamientos)
FMC mira la polla de MC
FMC: Haa… Chul…Chul-Soo…
MC: Aún no, Min-Young jaja, ¿¿Te gusta tanto??
FMC: Mmm… no sé, es tan bueno…
Cambio de panel a la pantalla del celular de FMC
Contacto: Yuri
Mensaje de texto: Hola Min-Young, mi nombre es Yuri. Solía ser la novia de Chul-Soo, ¿Te acuerdas...?

By William

The chapter starts with the talk between MC and Fatty Fatty
Fatty Fatty: It's...this is a misunderstanding!!! Hyun bastard was talking nonsense!!!!
MC: Bullshit all the way....
Fatty Fatty: What's wrong with his eyes? I don't know what to do (In his thoughts)
Fatty Fatty: Let's get out of here for now! (In his thoughts)
Gordo Fatty kicks the door of the MC's house and runs out.
Fatty Fatty: Anyway, Chul-Soo, you wait and see! I won't leave you alone!!!
As FMC was listening behind the door, he fell to the floor after what happened.
FMC: Ouch!
MC: Who... is it?
MC: Min-Young, what are you doing?! Are you hurt? What happened? Why were you there...?
FMC: Because I couldn't get in touch with you... I came because I was worried...that something had happened....
Panel change to MC's house where there are: MC's mother, sister, Hyun (sister's boyfriend), FMC and MC.
MC's sister: It's so creepy, what should I do? While sleeping, I thought that hand was Hyun-Oppa's....
MC's sister: It was so wet, but Sang-Hyuk even touched me there, So????? (In her thoughts)
Hyun: It's okay, forget it, Mina....
Hyun: Your mother is very surprised.... Hyun: Isn't she?
MC's mother: It's too crazy. What she did.. I'm so stupid, I was drunk and out of my mind (she probably means that she doesn't remember anything that happened).
MC's mother: I cum up to my thighs, but it must have been by the hands of my son's friend...?! (In her thoughts)
MC: Why did you let someone in the house when I'm not home!!!!
MC's mother: Because he is my son's friend... And he is the guy who is lending us that big money. What's so suspicious about him...?
MC's mother starts crying
FMC: Chul-Soo, stop it...
Hyun: I don't think he's a good friend in the first place.
Hyun: I don't think it's something to overlook, I'll have to think about what to do...
MC's mother: It's horrible to think that Mina and I have been touched by the body.....
MC's sister: Oh, I really don't know!
MC: Son of a bitch, I let you go today, but not next time....
MC: That bastard... It's not going to be once or twice.  I'm going to kill him this time
Hyun: Hmm... It's sexual harassment, I think we should report it to the police.
MC's mother: By the way... What will happen to our money?
MC: It's okay, I don't need that dirty money. I'm not going to get any more help from that guy
MC's sister: Still... that's not right, you have to pay 2 billion.
MC: You want me to pay for that in a situation like this?
MC's mother: Ugh... I ruined everything... What are we going to do now?
MC: Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
MC's mother: What do you mean you'll take care of it on your own? That's a lot of money...
MC: Hyun, take care of the sexual harassment complaint against Sang-Hyuk.
Hyun: In this case, I only know a few people, so the evidence will be sufficient.
MC: Min-Young, you know all the numbers of former high school students, right?
FMC nods yes
MC: I'm going to take Min-Young home. Let's go, Min-Young
Panel switch to MC and FMC down the street.
FMC: I didn't know you needed so much money.
MC: Phew... If it's not money, it's bankruptcy.... I don't know what to do now
FMC: Chul-Soo... I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help...
FMC: Seeing Chul-Soo going through such a difficult time breaks my heart.... (In her thoughts)
FMC: I think I really love Chul-Soo... (In her thoughts)
MC: Why are you sorry...
MC: Min-Young, can we do what we couldn't do before?
FMC: Ah, that...yes, mother must be at home.....
Panel switch to FMC and MC arriving at FMC's house.
FMC: Why is it so late-
Panel switch to FMC's mother surprised to see FMC arriving with MC
FMC's mother: Ah... Chul-Soo is here too.
FMC: I had to do some work at Chul-Soo's house...that's why I went there....
MC: Hi, I'm leaving now haha
FMC's mother: Ah, it's okay, work comfortably. If you need anything, let me know
FMC's mother: Are you going to do it with me...again...? (In her thoughts)
FMC's mother: Calm down... He is my daughter's boyfriend... Phew.... (In her thoughts)
Panel change to FMC's room
MC takes off FMC's t-shirt.
FMC: Haaang ❤️
FMC: Why are you in such a hurry?
MC: Work is work and you have to do it haha.
FMC: Haaah ❤️
MC starts licking FMC's nipples.
MC: Yeah... it's so cozy and so cute....
FMC: Ah... I love it Chul-Soo, why are you so sexy?
MC starts touching FMC's pussy
FMC: Even if Chul-Soo comes near me, I get wet, Is it because I want to have sex? (In her thoughts)
FMC: I can't stand it, I really want to do it (In her thoughts).
FMC: Ahh, it feels so good haaah....
MC: Your expressions are so cute haha (In her thoughts).
FMC looks at MC's cock
FMC: Haa... Chul...Chul-Soo....
MC: Not yet, Min-Young haha, do you like it that much?
FMC: Mmm...I don't know, it's so good....
MC: Switching panel to FMC's cell phone screen.
Contact: Yuri
Text message: Hi Min-Young, my name is Yuri. I used to be Chul-Soo's girlfriend, do you remember...?
To be continued...

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UchihaKanon, 03-24-2022, 12:57 AM

[Image: IMG_6436.png?width=1025&height=359]

by Larazzy

El capítulo continúa con la felación que el FMC le hace al MC mientras ambos están en la ducha. El MC exclama que su boca se siente demasiado bien, mientras sigue haciéndolo. Él, disfrutando de tanto placer, le dice que pare un momento. La sostiene y la pone de pie. Le dice que se quede en esa posición, ella algo confundida dice "Por qué". A lo que él le dice que ya ha recibido mucho placer de ella, así que ahora le toca a él darle placer a ella. Le dice que ella lo estaba haciendo tan bien que casi se corre. Ahora piensa <<No quiero que esto termine tan rápido, quiero hacerlo al menos una vez más contigo>>. Procede a lamerle la vagina con fuerza <<para que se calme un poco ahí abajo y no se corra tan rápido>>.

Ella gime con gran placer, diciéndole que no debería hacer algo así. A lo que él responde que aunque su boca diga eso, su vagina está completamente mojada. Ella trata de excusarse diciendo que no es por eso que está mojada, es porque se acaba de duchar (mientras gime y está muy excitada). Ella le pide que pare, a lo que él le asegura que lo hará, pero que procederá a metérsela dentro. Ella le reclama que habían acordado hacerlo sólo con la boca.

Él le dice que ahora ha cambiado de opinión, ya que sus cuerpos lo desean. Procede a penetrarla. Obviamente ambos disfrutan, y mucho. El mc destaca lo suave y resbaladiza que es su vagina. Y aunque ella dice que no deberían hacerlo, lo disfruta. El dice cosas como que esto no es parte de su servicio de atención al cliente (LOL). Proceden a seguir con más intensidad mientras el agua de la ducha cae sobre ellos. Él dice que ya han llegado demasiado lejos y que no deben parar.

La FMC dice que está un poco cansada de esa posición, así que cambian a "Perrito de pie". El MC le pide sutilmente que coloque su culo de forma que pueda ser mejor para penetrarla. Ella dice que no hay problema, que puede hacer lo que él quiera. Empiezan a tener sexo con más intensidad. Pensamientos del MC Sintiéndose muy feliz de estar en esta situación, siente que una gran ola recorre su cuerpo. Preocupado por las exageradas reacciones de la FMC, le pregunta si todo está bien, a lo que ella comenta que es todo lo contrario, que se siente muy bien y que si por favor puede meterlo dentro de ella con más fuerza.

Ambos afirman que haciéndolo en esa posición se sienten demasiado bien. Los dos están llegando al clímax. Están a punto de correrse juntos. Entre gritos, gemidos, sudor y placer, ambos se corren (MC dentro de ella). Ella, jadeando, le dice que se ha sentido muy bien. La escena de sexo termina. Ahora ella quiere irse porque ya es un poco tarde, él le recomienda que se quede en la habitación ya que es un poco tarde. Ella se muestra algo tímida y le dice que no deberían volver a hacerlo. Él afirma que cuando lo hicieron, hablaron con normalidad y sin ningún tipo de impedimento. Ella dice que no es tan sencillo y que, además, no deberían tener algún tipo de relación más íntima (novios, citas, etc.). Él le dice que no le importa la diferencia de edad, porque le gusta y sabe que a ella también le gusta. Ella le dice que se lo piense mejor y que no se precipite. Procede a alejarse. El último panel es ella pensando que estaba muy contenta de acostarse con él pero... que sería mejor esperar un poco más.

Fin del capítulo.

by Larazzy

The chapter continues with the fellatio that the FMC is giving the MC while they are both in the shower. The MC exclaims that her mouth feels too good, as she continues to do so. He, enjoying so much pleasure, tells her to stop for a moment. He holds her up and stands her up. He tells her to stay in that position, she somewhat confused says "Why". To which he tells her that he already received a lot of pleasure from her, so now it's his turn to give her some pleasure. He tells her that she was doing it so well that he almost came. He now thinks <<I don't want this to end this fast, I want to do it at least one more time with you>>. He proceeds to lick her vagina hard <<so she can calm down a bit down there and not come so fast>>
She moans with great pleasure, telling him that he shouldn't do something like that. To which he replies that although her mouth says that, her vagina is completely wet. She tries to excuse herself by saying that that's not why she's wet, it's because she just took a shower (while she is moaning and very turned on). She asks him to stop, to which he reassures her that he will, but he will proceed to put it inside her. She claims that they had agreed to do it only with their mouths.
He tells her that he changed his mind now, since their bodies want to. He proceeds to penetrate her. Obviously they both enjoy it, and a lot. The mc points out how smooth and slippery her vagina is. And even though she says they shouldn't do this, she enjoys it. He says things like this is not part of her customer service support (LOL). They proceed to keep going at it more intensely as the shower water pours down on top of them. He says that they have already come too far and that they should not stop.
The FMC says she's a bit tired of that position, so they switch to <<Standing Doggy>>. The MC subtly asks her to position her ass in a way that it might be better to penetrate her. She says no there is no problem, she can do whatever he wants. They start having sex more intensely. Thoughts of the MC Feeling very happy to be in this situation, he feels that a great wave is running through his body. Concerned about the exaggerated reactions of the FMC, he asks her if everything is okay, to which she comments that it is quite the opposite, she feels great and that if he please could put him inside her more roughly.
Both claim that doing it in that position feels too good. They are both reaching climax. They are about to cum together. Between screams, moans, sweat and pleasure, they both cum (MC inside her). She, panting, tells him that it felt great. The sex scene ends. Now she wants to leave because it's already a little late, he recommends that she stay in the room since it's a little late. She is somewhat shy and tells him that they shouldn't do it again. He claims that when they did, they spoke normally and without any kind of impediment. She says that it's not that simple and that, furthermore, they shouldn't have some kind of more intimate relationship (boyfriends, dates, etc.). He tells her that he doesn't care about their age difference, because he likes her and he knows that she likes him too. She tells him to think things over and not to say things in a rush. She proceeds to walk away. The last panel is her thinking that she was very happy to sleep with him but…that it would be better to wait a little longer.
End of chapter.

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Ark is Me 116 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-23-2022, 07:09 PM

by L_A

El capítulo comienza con el MC tocando el pecho de Boram, por encima de su ropa. Boram aprieta los dientes intentando contener sus gemidos. MC continúa tocando mientras piensa en cómo ella todavía se está conteniendo. Entonces MC le toca el pezón. Boram deja escapar inmediatamente un gemido. MC piensa que no importa y que será divertido romper todas sus defensas. MC la besa de repente. Ambos comparten un beso durante un rato. Boram entonces empuja sonrosadamente a MC hacia atrás. MC pregunta por qué. Boram tartamudea diciendo que besarse así es un poco... Boram evita el contacto visual pensando en lo mucho que le gusta besar a MC pero si está bien que le guste esto. MC de repente se agacha un poco preguntándole si no quiere que la besen. MC entonces agarra su pecho, por encima de su ropa, y empieza a lamer su pecho a fondo. Su ropa se vuelve transparente debido a la saliva de MC. Boram comienza a gemir. MC le muerde el pezón mientras Boram intenta contener sus gemidos. MC entonces baja y empieza a lamer su coño sin quitarse el pantalón. Boram siente el placer, diciéndole a MC que su cabeza se está volviendo loca. Boram se agarra la cabeza, diciéndole a MC que la lama más. MC piensa que su primera línea de defensa se ha derrumbado. MC sigue lamiéndola y Boram acaba corriéndose. MC le pregunta entonces si quieren ir al dormitorio y hacerlo bien.

[Image: 7dc17d72a465d9c2773844cfa26ef6e3.png]

La escena cambia al dormitorio. MC sentado en la cama sin más ropa que sus calzoncillos y Boram de pie frente a él. MC le pregunta por qué no se quita la ropa. Boram le dice, avergonzada, que no lo sabe, pero inmediatamente se le ocurre una explicación al azar diciendo que no está teniendo sexo y que esto es sólo una masturbación y que lo que están haciendo ahora es prestarse el cuerpo el uno al otro para masturbarse.

MC sonríe diciendo que está bien y que hagamos eso. Boram muestra una sonrisa orgullosa. MC entonces le pide que le ayude a masturbarse usando su boca. MC se quita los calzoncillos y le muestra su D*ck erecto. Boram se pone nervioso al ver su D*ck, pensando en cómo se imaginaba ver su Big d*ck durante días y días y cómo es como un cohete listo para despegar. Panel de flashback mostrando a Boram masturbándose usando dildos. Boram pensando en cómo ha probado diferentes tamaños de consoladores pero nunca ha sido capaz de conseguir la misma sensación. Boram empieza a babear un poco por mirar su D*ck. Boram se inclina y comienza a lamer su D*ck, pensando en cómo ella no puede contenerse. Boram agarra su D*ck y continúa lamiendo, pensando que esto es lo que sigue apareciendo en sus sueños. Boram comienza a chupar su D*ck y luego comenzó a chupar más intensamente. MC siente el placer, pensando en cómo su segunda línea de defensa se derrumbó. Boram sigue chupando, pensando que esto se siente bien. MC la detiene, diciendo que ahora es su turno y que deberían "masturbarse" juntos. Boram se levanta tímidamente y empieza a quitarse la ropa una a una. MC ve sus pechos desnudos y piensa que hace tiempo que no le ve los pechos. Boram se quita toda la ropa y se desnuda completamente. Boram entonces se queda de pie, dudando. MC se tumba en la cama y le pregunta por qué no se pone. Boram se siente avergonzada, pensando por qué se siente tímida de repente y luego trata de decirse a sí misma que esto no es sexo y que sólo es masturbación.

La escena cambia a Boram tumbada en la cama y MC encima de ella. Boram sigue sintiéndose muy avergonzada y no abre las piernas. MC le pide que abra las piernas. Boram abre tímidamente las piernas mientras repite continuamente en su cabeza que "ESTO ES MASTURBACIÓN". MC entonces pone su D*ck dentro de ella. Ambos piensan al mismo tiempo que "¡¡¡Está dentro!!!". Boram comienza a gemir mientras MC continúa empujando dentro de ella.



by L_A

Chapter begins with MC touching Boram's breast, over her clothes. Boram grits her teeth trying to hold back her moan. MC continues touching while thinking how she is still holding back. MC then flicks her nipple. Boram immediately lets out a moan. MC thinks that it doesn't matter and that it'll be fun to break down all her defenses. MC suddenly kisses her. Both share a kiss for a while. Boram then blushingly pushes MC back. MC asks why. Boram stutters saying kissing like this is a bit... Boram avoids eye contact thinking how she likes kissing MC but whether it's okay to like this. MC suddenly bends down a little asking her so she doesn't want to be kissed? MC then grabs her breast, over her clothes, and starts licking her breast thoroughly. Her clothes get transparent due to MCs saliva. Boram begins moaning. MC then bites her nipple as Boram tries to hold back her moan. MC then goes downward and starts licking her pussy without taking off her pant. Boram feels the pleasure, telling MC that her head is going crazy. Boram grabs his head, telling MC to lick her more. MC thinks how her 1st line of defense collapsed. MC continues licking her and Boram ends up cumming. MC then asks her shall they go to the bedroom and do it properly?
Scene shifts to the bedroom. MC sitting on the bed wearing nothing but his underpants and Boram standing in front of him. MC asks her why she not taking off her clothes. Boram embarassingly tells him that she don't know but then she immediately comes up with a random explanation saying that she's not having sex and this is just masturbation and what they are doing now is lending each other body for masturbation.
[Image: 7dc17d72a465d9c2773844cfa26ef6e3.png]
MC smiles saying alright and let's do that. Boram shows a proud smile. MC then asks her to help him masturbate using her mouth. MC takes of his underpant, showing her his erect D*ck. Boram gets flustered seeing his D*ck, thinking how she imagined seeing his Big d*ck for days and days and how it's like a rocket ready to take off. Flashback panel showing Boram masturbating using dildos. Boram thinking how she tried different sizes of dildo but never been able to get the same feeling. Boram starts to drool a bit from looking at his D*ck. Boram bends down and starts licking his D*ck, thinking how she can't hold back. Boram grabs his D*ck and continues licking, thinking that this is the thing that keeps popping up in her dreams. Boram starts sucking his D*ck and then started sucking more intensely. MC feels the pleasure, thinking how her 2nd line of defence collapsed. Boram continues sucking, thinking that this feels good. MC then stops her, saying that its his turn now and that they should 'masturbate' together now. Boram shyly stands up and starts taking off her clothes one by one. MC sees her naked breasts and thinks that it's been a while since he saw her breasts. Boram takes off all of her clothes and gets completely naked. Boram then just stands there feeling hesitant. MC lies down on the bed, asking her why she not coming on. Boram feeling embarrassed, thinking why she feeling shy all of a sudden and then she tries to tell herself that this is not sex and it's just masturbation. 
Scene shifts to Boram lying down on bed and MC on top of her. Boram still feeling really embarrassed, doesn't spread open her legs. MC asks her to spread open her legs. Boram shyly spreads her legs while continuously repeating in her head that "THIS IS MASTURBATION". MC then puts his D*ck inside her. Both then thinks at the same time that "IT'S IN!!". Boram starts moaning as MC continues to thrust inside her.
To be Continued....

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Hero Villain Chapter 13 Summary (English/Spanish)

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Beatz, 03-23-2022, 03:59 PM

Hero Villain Chapter 13 Summary

(Chapter translated using MTL)

Panels of last chapter.

Title Drop

Starts with MC thinking about how good was the NTR sex with Erina (Elf).  She went to the Elf Kingdom.  Sierry (the nun) appears saying the latter for him arrived.  Is a latter from a port city called Esta.  A fucked place where pirates dominate and Eve (the half mermaid) usually goes.

He starts to describe Eve, she is a crazy pirate who steals, kills men and rape women.  Two panels basically showing these, one Eve killing a man and the other one she raping a woman with a plug.  MC thought he never wants to go there.

Sierry then interrupts him asking if he can comfort her.  The status panel showing her sensitivity is 100 now.  MC says he is very busy but just after that he says “Take off your panties!”  (Just Comedy Dialogue).

He starts with fake sex (just rubbing his dick dela between her legs and pussy) and orders her to read the latter.  MC thought next time he probably can have sex with Sierry.

The latter is from the Hero.  Basically she says she has been taken as a prisoner by Eve and the negotiator needs to be MC.  MC thinks now Hero belongs to him only of course he will rescue her.  Now MC asks Sierry to suck his dick from her and he continues reading the latter.  He cumms in her face.  Then a final panel with his thoughts

“Sierry, Erina, the Hero… All of them belong to me.”

Two days time skip.  MC thinking Eve is a problem cause she wants to NTR him so he needs to kill her.  She appears and MC sees her status.  She is level 43 and have a lot of high status so he changes her plans to just talk with her.

MC tries to talk with her but she yells at him “ANYWAY, I HAVENT TOUCHED THE PRISONER A.I YET!”  (A.I. is Hero's name).

“I promise to let you two go after hearing your answer… Who is A.I’s lover?”

MC: “Is Erina, the princess of Ahildren!”

Eve: “Oh she is a big fish.  The truth is, if he proves he's a lesbian i will release him.  Tell the princess to come here to talk directly.”  “You should try a princess once in your life.”  “Anyway, just pick one of the sailors out there.  You don't need that much to go back right?  Im going to kill everyone except you two (MC and A.I.).”

MC says "Ok let's battle."  to members of his crew.

Eve: “What the fuck?  Kill 'em all!"

Some panels of the fight, MC going to Eve, Even going to MC.  Black panel.

Chapter End.

Final Notes: (Battle didn’t end in this chapter so the winner will be announced next chapter).


Hero Villain Capítulo 13 Resumen

  (Capítulo traducido usando MTL)

  Paneles del último capítulo.

  Caída de título

  Comienza con MC pensando en lo bueno que fue el sexo NTR con Erina (Elf).  Ella fue al Reino de los Elfos.  Sierry (la monja) aparece diciendo que llegó este último para él.  Es este último de una ciudad portuaria llamada Esta.  Un lugar jodido donde dominan los piratas y suele ir Eva (la media sirena).

  Empieza a describir a Eva, una pirata loca que roba, mata hombres y viola mujeres.  Dos paneles que básicamente muestran estos, uno Eve matando a un hombre y el otro violando a una mujer con un enchufe.  MC pensó que nunca quiere ir allí.

  Sierry luego lo interrumpe y le pregunta si puede consolarla.  El panel de estado que muestra su sensibilidad es 100 ahora.  MC dice que está muy ocupado, pero justo después dice: "¡Quítate las bragas!"  (Solo Diálogo de Comedia).

  Él comienza con sexo falso (solo frota su polla dela entre sus piernas y su coño) y le ordena que lea este último.  MC pensó que la próxima vez probablemente pueda tener sexo con Sierry.

  Este último es del Héroe.  Básicamente, ella dice que Eve la ha tomado prisionera y que el negociador debe ser MC.  MC cree que ahora Hero le pertenece solo que, por supuesto, la rescatará.  Ahora MC le pide a Sierry que le chupe la polla y continúa leyendo esto último.  Él se corre en su cara.  Luego un panel final con sus pensamientos.

  "Sierry, Erina, el Héroe... Todos ellos me pertenecen".

  Salto de tiempo de dos días.  MC piensa que Eve es un problema porque ella quiere NTR con él, por lo que necesita matarla.  Ella aparece y MC ve su estado.  Ella está en el nivel 43 y tiene un estatus muy alto, por lo que él cambia sus planes para hablar con ella.

  MC intenta hablar con ella pero ella le grita "¡DE TODOS MODOS, NO HE TOCADO AL PRISIONERO A.I TODAVÍA!"  (A.I. es el nombre del héroe).

  "Prometo dejarlos ir a los dos después de escuchar su respuesta... ¿Quién es el amante de A.I?"

  MC: "¡Es Erina, la princesa de Ahildren!"

  Eva: “Oh, ella es un pez grande.  La verdad es que si demuestra que es lesbiana lo liberaré.  Dile a la princesa que venga aquí para hablar directamente.  "Deberías probar una princesa una vez en tu vida".  “De todos modos, solo elige a uno de los marineros que hay.  No necesitas tanto para volver, ¿verdad?  Voy a matar a todos menos a ustedes dos (MC y A.I.)”.

  MC dice "Ok, peleemos".  a los miembros de su tripulación.

  Eva: “¿Qué diablos?  ¡Mátalos a todos!"

  Algunos paneles de la pelea, MC yendo a Eve, Incluso yendo a MC.  Panel negro.

  Fin del capítulo.

  Notas finales: (La batalla no terminó en este capítulo, por lo que el ganador se anunciará en el próximo capítulo).

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“Is there no goddess in my college?” Chapter 23 Summary (English/Spanish)

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Beatz, 03-23-2022, 02:09 PM

Is there no goddess in my college? Chapter 23 Summary 

(Chapter translated using MTL)

Panels of last chapter.

Title Drop

Yumin didn’t recognize Hayun cause she wasn’t with glasses. She says Hayun is so beautiful and then got mad cause both call each other so formal. MC and Yumin discuss a little about this and Hayun thinks they are very close to each other.

Yumin orders them to call oppa and noona(?). Hayun says “(MC’s Name) Oppa…” and MC replies saying “Noona…”. They are ashamed a little but this scene ends. Yumin then goes to drink with the other students. She basically drunks everyone in the party (Notes: My girl).

A random guy comes close to MC and asks him to stop Yumin. MC then thought she is still the same, in the center of people, creating a comfortable atmosphere (Notes: of course my bro she is perfect). Then MC thinks she still is like a puppy when drunks. 


Now switch focus to Hayun. She is cutely putting alcohol in MC’s glass, she says

“Don’t get drunk, drink with moderation.” 

Then a comedy scene repeating the same panel and same bubble 2 times, just to show Hayun is drunk as fuck. Hayun takes off her coat and all guys are paralyzed with the side of her boobs. MC sees this and says to her “Hayun is better to don’t go anywhere when you are this drunk, especially close to a random man.” 

MC thoughts she is like a gentle sheep, but when she drunks changes completely her mood. (She is weak to alcohol).


Hayun tries to put a drink again in MC’s glass. Then MC feels something… is Yumin touching his D with her foot. (Notes: Why so perfect?). MC then says to her “Stop with this… Go drink with the juniors again…” Yumin then putts drink in his glass saying “Are you jealous???” (Yumin chibi art).


Both girls try to make him drink. He tries to run away of this situation, asks why Seolah is not there too and says he needs to go to bathroom.

Switch scenes to man’s bathroom, MC is peeing then Hayun appears there saying she have something to say.

Chapter end.

(Bathroom sex next chapter?)


Diosas de la Ingeniería Capítulo 23 Summary

(Capítulo traducido usando MTL)

Paneles del último capítulo.

Caída de título

Yumin no reconoció a Hayun porque no llevaba gafas.  Ella dice que Hayun es tan hermosa y luego se enojó porque ambos se llaman tan formales.  MC y Yumin discuten un poco sobre esto y Hayun piensa que son muy cercanos el uno al otro.

Yumin les ordena que llamen a oppa y noona(?).  Hayun dice "(Nombre de MC) Oppa..." y MC responde diciendo "Noona...".  Se avergüenzan un poco pero esta escena termina.  Yumin luego va a beber con los otros estudiantes.  Básicamente, emborracha a todos en la fiesta (Notas: Mi chica).

Un tipo al azar se acerca a MC y le pide que detenga a Yumin.  MC luego pensó que ella seguía siendo la misma, en el centro de la gente, creando una atmósfera cómoda (Notas: por supuesto, mi hermano, ella es perfecta).  Entonces MC piensa que todavía es como un cachorro cuando está borracho.

Ahora cambia el enfoque a Hayun.  Está lindamente poniendo alcohol en el vaso de MC, dice.

“No te emborraches, bebe con moderación”.

Luego, una escena de comedia que repite el mismo panel y la misma burbuja 2 veces, solo para mostrar que Hayun está completamente borracho.  Hayun se quita el abrigo y todos los chicos quedan paralizados con el costado de sus senos.  MC ve esto y le dice: "Es mejor que Hayun no vaya a ningún lado cuando estás tan borracha, especialmente cerca de un hombre al azar".

MC piensa que es como una oveja mansa, pero cuando se emborracha cambia por completo su estado de ánimo.  (Ella es débil al alcohol).

Hayun intenta volver a poner una bebida en el vaso de MC.  Entonces MC siente algo... es Yumin tocando su D con el pie.  (Notas: ¿Por qué tan perfecto?).  MC luego le dice: "Detente con esto... Ve a beber con los juniors otra vez..." Yumin luego pone bebida en su vaso diciendo "¿¿¿Estás celosa???"  (Arte chibi de Yumin).

Ambas chicas intentan hacerle beber.  Intenta huir de esta situación, pregunta por qué Seolah no está allí también y dice que necesita ir al baño.

Cambie de escena al baño de hombres, MC está orinando y luego aparece Hayun diciendo que tiene algo que decir.

Fin del capítulo.

(¿Sexo en el baño, próximo capítulo?)

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Nogada Romance Chapter 38 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-22-2022, 04:02 PM

Nogada Romance Chapter 38 Summary 

(Chapter translated with MTL)

MC and the blue hair girl (That girl MC had sex last chapters) are walking out of MC’s house. MC saw FMC looking to them.

Title drop.

MC is kinda freeze looking to FMC and the girl says is better to don’t tell what happened to anyone and kisses him in the cheek, leaving.

FMC went close to MC and asks “Who is this pretty girl? Is your girlfriend?”

MC: “Girlfriend? No, no… i don’t have a girlfriend… She is my classmate.”

MC tries to avoid the conversation and asks why she is there in his house… She does an excuse and says she was just walking close to there. MC says “Oooh ok, (some place) is close to my house…” FMC with an angry and cute face says 

“I lied…”

MC: “Só you came here to look for me??”

FMC: “I came here to say something but now i don’t want it… I didn’t expect to see you having dinner with a beautiful girl.” “Why are you lying??”

MC: “Im not lying. But why director is so angry? She is not my girlfriend. You didn’t get this angry when i hugged Soyee (MC’s best friend) last time..”

FMC: “At that time, i didn’t like you.. but now i like.”

MC: “What? Is this a confession?”

FMC: “But now i don’t like it again!!” (With a tsundere face)

MC: “Why are you so upset? Is because that girl?”

FMC: “Why i would be upset? She is not even a girlfriend…”

MC tries to ask the same question but FMC hits him with a construction helmet..

FMC: “I won’t do sex with you anymore… i’m not going to talk with you, okay? Do as much as you want with that girl..” FMC leaves.

(All this scene wasn’t that dramatic, closer to a comedy drama scene).

Switch scenes to university and MC talks with his best friend. He is thoughtful about what happened and his friend asks if is because of professor (FMC). They talk a little more but his friend got mad too and leaves. (She is jealous about MC x FMC).

Switch scenes again to MC and blonde talking. She says she is angry with him cause he never come back to her. MC says he has a lot of problems and tells blonde everything. Blonde basically says he needs to give up on this useless love feeling, she says he and FMC are so different and he needs just enjoy the moment. She show her boobs to him and says “Cause you’re still young..”

MC says “ I’m sorry. I think i’m going to…”

He stops saying cause people are yelling to a car that appears. Is the new character saying “Long time no see you, (FMC’s name)”. (FMC’s college friend). 

Chapter end.

  Open Thread

Nogada Romance Chapter 39 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-22-2022, 02:59 PM

Nogada Romance Chapter 39 Summary 

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Starts with the new character saying “Long time no see you, (FMC’s Name).”

Title drop.

FMC and the new character are talking, she didn’t recognize him but he knows for sure who she is. She tries to guess but no results. We discover he is her friend from university but he was fatty back then. And he came to her because the “promise” they made. The “promise” is her marrying him. After that, she says she can’t pay attention to him because she is working but that building is from him (he’s rich). MC with blonde saw them.

Switch scenes to FCM’s office and her friend starts to talk about the promise. Flashback. Basically FMC was drunk as fuck and the new character was there saying he is fatty and no one would like him but FMC said “Men need to be confident.” She says “In future, if you are a nice guy, ask me to marry you.” (This part is not 100% correct).

Back to present, FMC thought it wasn’t that she tried to say. 

FMC: “Sorry, but i can’t marry you, i already have someone…”

New character: “Of course i know it won’t be easy but i’m pretty sure i will win.”

FMC:” Sorry, you didn’t understand. I already love him, it is not a competition anymore. When i said about marry i didn’t mean that, sorry.”

New character completely broken buy then he starts to look who is the guy who stoles FMC’s heart. His assistant pointed to MC.

Tonight that day, someone is banging blonde (We don’t see the guy’s face). His assistant says “Yeah boss, he is here banging the nutritionist.”

New character: “Ok, i will reveal your true nature…”

Chapter End.

Notes: [This chapter is totally a comedy chapter, and the new character isn’t a completely douche more like a comedy element. Probably next chapter the assistant will find the blonde’s neighbor (that guy in chapter ~20. He is a gangster or something) banging someone. Or the person banging blonde is not MC.][This is just a theory, we don’t know who is the guy fucking blonde]

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UchihaKanon, 03-21-2022, 09:35 PM

Her Taste 24 raw

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con el mc mirando a la profesora; ella le pregunta por qué va vestida así a lo que ella responde que estaba preparando la cena él sorprendido le da las gracias.
[Image: ea64dd48b94d897d10f1dc3b15826a9a.png]

Siguiente escena, la hermana de la fmc hablando con ella, la hermana le pregunta si realmente piensa quedarse hasta que se muera en este barrio tan aburrido, la fmc comenta que lo hace por su madre, porque le costó mucho abrir el restaurante, comenta que en aquella época eran muy..., la hermana la interrumpe y le dice que deje de vivir en el pasado, que esa es la razón por la que a esa edad todavía no puede conocer a un hombre.

[Image: 43403090ccae0076338e1a604feb2938.jpg]

Volvemos con el mc y la profesora, ella se disculpa por su ropa, no esperaba que el mc llegara tan temprano, el mc le dice que no hay problema e incluso le dice que la encuentra sexy.
Después de esa pequeña charla, la profesora le pregunta al mc si durmió bien ayer, él responde que gracias a ella pudo dormir bien. La profesora dice que ella también está agradecida, ya que el mc empieza a acordarse de ella cuando se la estaba follando.
El mc dice que le gustaría que la profesora le volviera a enseñar algún día, la profesora evade un poco la pregunta y le dice que empiece a comer, el mc dice que se comió una hamburguesa antes de llegar, la profesora le regaña y le dice que debería comer mejor que las verduras son necesarias para darle más energía, porque esto es esencial para un hombre, el mc le pregunta a la profesora si está insatisfecha con la actuación de ayer, la profesora le dice que se equivoca, que no sé refería a ese tipo de energía, el mc molesto le dice que le mostrará lo que no pudo hacer anoche, la profesora se sonroja, se pone las manos entre las piernas y dice que no es necesario...

[Image: f386b49a106babea28635c609f0c0014.jpg]
Él la mira fijamente, ella está nerviosa le dice que si puede comer primero y luego pueden comprobarlo (recuerda que le dijo que le mostraría su verdadera actuación), rápidamente se acerca a ella y la agarra de los brazos, le dice que esto es más urgente.
[Image: 08417658518e4a02f7f8b77ea079c0d3.jpg]
El teléfono de la profesora empieza a sonar, es su marido, rápidamente se libera del mc y corre a contestar el teléfono, le dice a su marido que estaba sola. El mc empieza a verle el culo y se da cuenta de que está chorreando. La profesora sigue hablando por teléfono cuando de repente su mc se pone detrás de ella y le agarra la cintura, ella se queda sorprendida.
[Image: 729b3385fca4e7eeea16ee626691830f.jpg]
Su marido le dice: -Cariño, ¿va todo bien? ella responde que sí. Luego le dice que le tiembla la voz, ella responde que todo está bien, mientras el mc le toca las tetas, inesperadamente el mc le mete los dedos y ella suelta un fuerte gemido.
[Image: ce49fdc3051a784a4e755169f08de171.jpg]

by Larazzy

The chapter begins with the mc looking at the teacher; she asks why she is dressed that way to which she replies that she was preparing dinner he surprised thanks her.

 Next scene, the sister of the fmc talking to her, the sister asks her if she really plans to stay until she dies in this boring neighborhood, the fmc comments that she does it for her mother, because it was very difficult for her to open the restaurant, she comments that at that time they were very..., the sister interrupts her and tells her to stop living in the past, that is the reason why at that age she still cannot meet a man.

 We return to the mc and the teacher, she apologizes for her clothes, she did not expect the mc to arrive so early, the mc tells her that there is no problem and even says that he finds her sexy.
 After that little chat, the teacher asks the mc if she slept well yesterday, he replies that thanks to her he was able to sleep well. The teacher says that she is also grateful, in that the mc begins to remember her when he was fucking her.
 The mc says that he would like the teacher to teach him again one day, the teacher evades the question a bit and tells him to start eating, the mc says that he ate a hamburger before he got there, the teacher scolds him and says that he should eat better than vegetables are necessary to give him more energy, because this is essential for a man, the mc asks the teacher if she is dissatisfied with yesterday's performance, the teacher tells him that he is wrong, I don't know She was referring to that kind of energy, the annoyed mc tells her that he will show her what he couldn't do last night, the teacher blushes, puts her hands between her legs and says that it is not necessary..

He stares at her, she's nervous she tells him if he could eat first and then they could check it out (remember he told her he'll show you his real performance), he quickly goes over to her and grabs her arms, tells her this it is more urgent.

The teacher's phone just starts to ring, it's her husband, she quickly frees herself from the mc and runs to answer the phone, she tells her husband that she was alone. The mc begins to see her ass and notices that she is dripping. The teacher continues talking on the phone when suddenly her mc stands behind her and grabs her waist, she is shocked.

Her husband tells her: -Honey, is everything okay? she replies yes. Then he tells her that her voice is trembling, she replies that everything is fine, while the mc is touching her tits, the mc unexpectedly puts his fingers in her and she lets out a loud moan.


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Everything is Agreed 128 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-21-2022, 06:51 PM

Everything is Agreed 128 raw

[Image: IMG_6470.png?width=1025&height=361]

by EIAorBust

entonces bt douche empieza a meter los dedos en fmc1 y ella lo siente. Mc2 se pone a sentir a Cuck. Empieza a grabar. Pone el teléfono sobre la caseta pero douche agarra el teléfono para poder grabar aún más cerca. Cambia a fmc2 y mc1 caminando viendo el video de otra pareja haciendo el intercambio. Una de las chicas está llorando. Entonces cambian de video y se escandalizan porque es soeun recibiendo el finger blaster. Fmc1 ahora empieza a hacerle una mamada a douche. Douche ahora va a follar a fmc2 al estilo perrito. Mientras tanto mc2 está en la caseta de al lado sintiéndose ultra instintivo cuck y empieza a pajearse. Mientras tanto en el teatro todos aplauden a fmc1 que se lo follan. Creo que jihoo aparece al final. Douche sigue follando a fmc1. Fin del capítulo.

by EIAorBust

so bt douche starts fingering fmc1 and she's feeling it. Mc2 getting the Cuck feeling. He starts to record. He puts the phone over the stall but douche grabs the phone so he can record even closer. Switch to fmc2 and mc1 walking around watching video of another couple doing swap. One of the girls is crying. Then they switch video and get shocked because it's soeun getting finger blaster. Fmc1 now starts giving douche a blowjob. Douche now gonna fuck fmc2 doggy style. Meanwhile mc2 is in the next stall feeling ultra instinct cuck and starts jerking off. Meanwhile in the theatre everyone is cheering fmc1 getting fucked. I think jihoo appears at the end. Douche continues to fuck fmc1. End chapter.
feeling it. Mc2 getting the Cuck feeling
. He starts to record. He puts the phone over the stall but douche grabs the phone so he can record even closer. Switch to fmc2 and mc1 walking around watching video of another couple doing swap. One of the girls is crying. Then they switch video and get shocked because it's soeun getting finger blaster. Fmc1 now starts giving douche a blowjob. Douche now gonna fuck fmc2 doggy style. Meanwhile mc2 is in the next stall feeling ultra instinct cuck and starts jerking off. Meanwhile in the theatre everyone is cheering fmc1 getting fucked. I think jihoo appears at the end. Douche continues to fuck fmc1. End chapter.

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UchihaKanon, 03-21-2022, 06:39 PM


[Image: IMG_6432.png?width=1025&height=363]

by Larazy

El capítulo comienza con la continuación del sexo entre MC y FMC. La FMC ahora quiere tener otra ronda, esta vez ella quiere "a lo perrito/por la espalda", él, algo confundido, le pregunta si no sería vergonzoso para ella. A lo que ella responde que ya no siente ningún tipo de vergüenza cuando está con él. El MC, sorprendido de ver a la FMC por detrás, se sorprende de la hermosa vista y de lo suave y esponjoso que parece el trasero de la FMC. Sin pensarlo mucho, comienza a penetrarla en esa posición <<Doggystyle>>.

[Image: d193e92382d207de6d613f02f588b22d.png]


Ella gime con mucho placer, y sin ninguna duda. Proceden a hacerlo más intensamente, hasta que ella se corre. Ambos piensan que hacerlo en esa posición se sintió muy bien. La FMC obviamente quiere más, así que se sube encima de él y vuelven a tener sexo. La escena continúa hasta que él y ella no pueden contenerse más, y él se corre en el vientre de la FMC.

Pasamos al día siguiente, mostramos una escena de la hija del MC acostándose con su otro amigo. Mientras el MC está preparando el desayuno. No se siente cansado en absoluto, a pesar de que no ha dormido en toda la noche. Incluso siente que su cuerpo está en mejor forma debido al "entrenamiento" que ha tenido últimamente. De repente aparece una chica, algo madura (la azafata que apareció anteriormente hace unos capítulos). El MC, algo confuso no sabe quién es y por qué ha aparecido en la casa de la playa.

La señora se presenta como la profesora de Lua. Cuando el MC la ve, le parece haberla visto antes en algún sitio. Sorprendentemente por casualidad, ella era la azafata que le atendió hace 20 años cuando todavía era un ídolo (probablemente le atendió cuando todavía estaba con su ex-mujer).

[Image: 3e9be171878221f725b7820c6c8201c1.png]
Los capítulos terminan con la revelación de que es la tía de la FMC.

Fin del capítulo.

by Larazy

The chapter starts with the continuation of the sex between MC and FMC. The FMC now wants to have another round, this time she wants "doggystyle/from the back", he, somewhat confused, asks if it would not be embarrassing for her. To which she says that she no longer feels any kind of shame when she is with him. The MC, surprised to see the FMC from behind, is surprised at the beautiful sight and how soft and fluffy the FMC's butt looks. Without giving it much thought, he begins to penetrate her in that <<Doggystyle>> position.

[Image: d193e92382d207de6d613f02f588b22d.png]

She moans with lots of pleasure, and without any doubts. They proceed to do it more intensely, until she cums. They both think that doing it in that position felt great. The FMC obviously wants more so she climbs on top of him and they have sex again. The scene continues until he and she can't hold back anymore, and he cums in the FMC's belly.
We move on to the next day, we show a scene of the MC's daughter sleeping with her other friend. While the MC is making breakfast. He doesn't feel tired at all, even though he hasn't slept all night. He even feels that his body is in better shape due to the "training" he has had lately. Suddenly a girl appears, kind of a mature one (the flight attendant who previously appeared some chapters ago). Thr MC, kind of confused does not know who she is and why she appeared in the beach house.
The lady introduces herself as Lua's teacher. When the MC sees her, he felt like he has seen her somewhere before. Surprisinly by chance, she was the flight attendant who served him 20 years ago when he was still an idol (she probably served him when he was still with his ex-wife).
[Image: 3e9be171878221f725b7820c6c8201c1.png]
The chapters ends with the revelation that she is the FMC's aunt.
End of chapter.

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