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Today’s Dinner Chapter 19 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-19-2022, 01:30 PM

Today’s Dinner Chapter 19 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Chapter starts with a time skip of 3 months, MC narrating he returned to the college in spring.

In class, teacher appears presenting herself to the students of the 1st year classroom. Some randoms praised her, asked for autographs, etc. Then teacher say would be a good thing if the students and introduce themselves.

The first student go there, is a short hair blonde (maybe a new character, she is ok/hot). Meanwhile, teacher thought Suho (MC) is there in the classroom too but she didn’t see him. Teacher looked to a hot student and got blushed (who could be?) “He looks like a real man. It looks like anti-aging just by looking at it. Finally a kid like this came to our classes. How long have been since Minjae? When i thought about someone good at cooking, i thought they look like Suho” (what a hot bitch huh). “Should i take him as my broadcast assistant?”

Time passes and teacher says “Next is Suho but he is absent so…” 

“I’m here teacher…”

Shocked face, she let the clipboard falls, she is even trembling in shock. Everyone is staring at him, the short hair blonde is with a curious face (Yeah 100% she is a new character). Teacher continue shocked and blushing to him.

Time passes and now is evening, some random girls are praising Minjae cause he reached 50.000 subscriptions on Youtube. He still saying “Oh this is nothing compared with my father’s channel” (Bro stop living under your father shadow mf). Then a gag about someone coming and blinding them with his light (Is Suho) 

Suho: “Long time no seeing you bro…”

Minjae completely shocked saying “Oooh, Suho you lost a lot of weight…”

Suho: “Yeah hahaha well, see ya later i have an appointment with SIEUN.” 

The random girls are completely shocked and blushing to him, even Minjae is shocked and trembling. 

Switch scenes to a restaurant:

Suho: “Hey Sieun, are you dating these days? Why you are so pretty..”

Sieun blushes…

“I think you have became prettier..”

MC narrating “So i met Sieun again after 1 year and 6 months.”

Chapter Ends.

Notes: For those who thought Sieun would have sex with Minjae just because she lost her virginity before and would be with lust, see ya next time, nothing happened in this chapter about this. Stop reading Viagra.

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Escape Looser 48 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-18-2022, 07:56 PM

Escape Looser 48 raw
[Image: IMG_6234.png?width=1025&height=363]

By William

El capítulo comienza con MC agarrando del cuello por atrás a Gordo Fatty
Gordo Fatty: Quién es…
MC: Hijo de puta…
Gordo Fatty: Ah Chul-Soo, pensé que era alguien más jajaja No me malinterpretes, Chul-Soo. Escúchame
Gordo Fatty: Sunbae Hyun es…
MC golpea a Gordo Fatty en el rostro

Gordo Fatty cae por la entrada de la casa de MC
Gordo Fatty: ¡¿Tú, Chul-Soo?! ¡¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?!  ¿Por qué me haces esto?
MC: ¡Tú!  ¡¿Qué le ibas a hacer a mi madre y a mi hermana?!
Gordo Fatty: Ese Sunbae es un poco extraño, ¿¿no lo sabes?? (Se refiere a Hyun - Novio de la hermana de MC) Está diciendo tonterías deliberadamente para que nos separemos
Gordo Fatty: Chul-Soo, creo que estás cometiendo un error al juzgar la situación. Soy... soy tu amigo.  Estoy tratando de ayudar a tu familia. ¿Qué estás tratando de hacer?
MC: Este bastardo... En este momento, ese tipo de historia ... (en sus pensamientos)
MC: Si pudiera, me gustaría terminarlo todo, pero... (en sus pensamientos)
MC: 2 mil millones... Sin eso, mi casa iría a la quiebra... (en sus pensamientos)
Gordo Fatty: Sí… Jajaja ¿Crees que me voy a follar a tu hermana y mamá?
MC le vuelve a dar un golpe al rostro de Gordo Fatty
MC: Tú bastardo... No te atrevas a poner a mi madre y a mi hermana en esa sucia boca otra vez
Gordo Fatty: ¿¿boca sucia??  Jajajaja tú bastardo loco!! ¿¿¿Estás haciendo esto porque crees que puedes golpearme???
Gordo Fatty: Creías pequeño bastardo que jugábamos juntos.  ¿No fue gracioso que jugué contigo?

MC: Sang-Hyuk. Pensé que eras mi único amigo
MC: Confié en ti sin importar lo que dijeran los demás, y estaba de tu lado
MC: Pero ahora sé que estaba equivocado
MC: Tus atrocidades... Puedo verlas bien ahora
MC:  Creo que he sido manipulado hasta ahora
MC: Ahora ya no eres mi amigo
Gordo Fatty: ¿Amigo? JAJAJA
Gordo Fatty: ¡Di lo que quieras!  De todos modos, a una mierda como tú!  ¡¡¡Nunca lo había considerado como un amigo!!!
Gordo Fatty le da un golpe en la cara a MC y luego un golpe con la rodilla

MC: Huh…
Gordo Fatty Ah, mi querido Chul-Soo Jajaja
Gordo Fatty: ¿Aún no lo ves? No te confundas, Estabas en la escuela secundaria y ahora  solo eres una mierda jajaja
Gordo Fatty: Perdedor. Solo me golpean e incluso si golpeo y maldigo sin la voluntad de defenderme, solo me río y me río como un idiota…
Eso es lo que eres. Eres un eterno perdedor. Ese es tu destino
Nunca podrás escapar de ahí jajaja
MC se levanta y agarra a Gordo Fatty

MC: ¿Soy un perdedor? (En sus pensamientos)
MC pone en el suelo a Gordo Fatty

MC: ¡¿Y ese es mi destino?! (En sus pensamientos)
MC: ¡¡¡OYE!!!
MC: ¡¡¡Di lo que quieras!!! (En sus pensamientos)
MC: ¡¡¡No depende de ti decidir de todos modos!!! (En sus pensamientos)
MC comienza a darle varios golpes a Gordo Fatty
Gordo Fatty: Ugh…
MC: Debo haber estado cegado por tu poder y dinero por un tiempo, y ahora sé que eres el bastardo más malo y asqueroso de todos los demás
MC: ¡Levántate! ¡Sigamos un poco más!
Gordo Fatty: ¡¡¡NO ME JODAS!!! ¡¡¡PERDEDOR!!!
MC esquiva el golpe de Gordo Fatty
MC agarra a Gordo Fatty como en el UFC

MC: ¡¡¡No viviré como un perdedor!!! (En sus pensamientos)
MC: Ya sea el poder, la riqueza o los puños... ¡¡¡No huiré cobardemente!!! (En sus pensamientos)
Cambio de panel a Gordo Fatty en el suelo
Gordo Fatty: ¡¡¡Ugh!!!
Gordo Fatty: Esta... esta mierda...
Gordo Fatty: ¡Hijo de puta! ¿No se supone que no debes hacerme esto?
Gordo Fatty: ¿¿¡¡¡También lo disfrutaste!!!?? Divirtiéndote bebiendo, chupando y follando...
Gordo Fatty: ¡Hijo de puta! ¿¡Crees que lo que hiciste desaparecerá ahora que actúas como un sinvergüenza!?
MC le da la espalda y luego con una expresión de furia
MC: Hijo de puta…
Cambio de panel al departamento de FMC
FMC mirando su teléfono

FMC: Que estás haciendo que no te puedo contactar
FMC: Estoy preocupada. Uf...
FMC voltea su teléfono en la cama
Flashbacks del capítulo 45
FMC: Hasta entonces, eras tan bueno... (probablemente refiriéndose a la acciones de MC)
FMC: Está claro que esa llamada te cambio de humor…
Cambio de panel a FMC en el presente de nuevo
FMC: Estabas feliz contestando el teléfono, luego de repente cambiaste de humor y saliste corriendo
FMC: Ni siquiera contestas el teléfono
FMC: Estoy segura de que algo está pasando…Tengo que irme a su casa (refiriéndose a la casa de MC)
Cambio de panel a FMC llegando a la casa de MC
FMC se percata de los gritos en la casa de MC
FMC: ¿Qué…está pasando? Qué demonios...
FMC aún no llega a la casa de MC pero se logra escuchar mejor la discusión
Gordo Fatty: Uh... por...por favor... detente...
MC: Aún queda mucho por devolverte. Te devolveré todo lo malo que has hecho
FMC: Estoy segura que estas voces son de Sang-Hyuk (Gordo Fatty) y Chul-Soo (MC) (en sus pensamientos)
FMC: ¿Esto significa que Chul-Soo está golpeando a Sang-Hyuk…? (En sus pensamientos)
FMC está mirando desde la puerta de la casa de MC
Gordo Fatty: Ugh... Chul-Soo, detente…
Gordo Fatty: Si te detienes ahora, te prestaré 2 mil millones de wones indefinidamente sin intereses...
FMC: ¿¿¿2 mil millones…??? (En sus pensamientos)
MC: ¡Hecho! Son 2 mil millones y los hijos de puta como tú tienen que pudrirse
Gordo Fatty: ¡Chul-Soo! ¡¿Qué vas a hacer con el negocio de tu padre?!
Gordo Fatty: Si no tienes 2 mil millones de wones, vas a ir a la bancarrota ahora mismo, ¿verdad?  Detengámonos aquí, ¿Si?
MC: ¡Cállate! ¡¿Cómo te atreves a tocar a mi mamá y a mi hermana?!¡Nunca te lo perdonaré!
FMC: ¿Dijiste que tocó a tu madre y a tu hermana? ¡¿Qué está pasando?! (En sus pensamientos)

By william

The chapter begins with MC grabbing Gordo Fatty by the neck from behind.
Fatty Fatty: Who's...
MC: Son of a bitch...
Fatty Fatty: Ah Chul-Soo, I thought it was someone else hahaha Don't get me wrong, Chul-Soo. Listen to me
Fatty Fatty: Sunbae Hyun is...
MC punches Fatty Fatty in the face.

Fatty Fatty falls through the entrance of MC's house.
Fatty Fatty: You, Chul-Soo?! What are you doing right now?! Why are you doing this to me?!
MC: You! What were you going to do to my mother and my sister?!
Fatty Fatty: That Sunbae is a little strange, don't you know that?! (Referring to Hyun - MC's sister's boyfriend) He's deliberately talking nonsense so that we'll split up.
Fatty Fatty: Chul-Soo, I think you're making a mistake in judging the situation. I am...I am your friend.  I'm trying to help your family. What are you trying to do?
MC: This bastard... Right now, that kind of story ... (in his thoughts)
MC: If I could, I'd like to end it all, but... (in his thoughts)
MC: 2 billion... Without that, my house would go bankrupt.... (in his thoughts)
Fat Fatty Fatty: Yeah... Hahaha You think I'm going to fuck your sister and mom?
MC slaps Fatty Fatty's face again.
MC: You bastard... Don't you dare put my mom and sister in that filthy mouth again.
Fat Fatty Fatty: dirty mouth?  Hahahaha you crazy bastard!!! Are you doing this because you think you can beat me up?
Fatty Fatty: You thought you little bastard that we played together. Wasn't it funny that I played with you?

MC: Sang-Hyuk. I thought you were my only friend.
MC: I trusted you no matter what anyone said, and I was on your side.
MC: But now I know I was wrong
MC: Your atrocities... I can see them well now
MC: I think I've been manipulated until now
MC: Now you are no longer my friend
Gordo Fatty: Friend? HAHAHAHAHA
Fatty Fatty: Say what you want!  Anyway, to a piece of shit like you!  I've never considered you as a friend before!!!!!
Fat Fatty Fatty punches MC in the face and then a knee strike.

MC: Huh...
Fat Fatty Fatty Ah, my dear Chul-Soo Hahaha.
Fatty Fatty: You still don't see it? Don't get confused, You were in high school and now you're just a piece of shit hahaha.
Fatty Fatty: Loser. I just get beat up and even if I punch and curse without the will to defend myself, I just laugh and laugh like an idiot?
That's what you are. You are an eternal loser. That's your destiny
You can never escape from there hahaha
MC gets up and grabs Gordo Fatty

MC: I'm a loser? (In his thoughts)
MC puts Fatty Fatty on the ground.

MC: And that's my destiny?! (In his thoughts)
MC: HEY!!!!
MC: Say what you want!!!!! (In her thoughts)
MC: It's not up to you to decide anyway!!!!! (In his thoughts)
MC starts to give Gordo Fatty several punches.
Fatty Fatty: Ugh....
MC: I must have been blinded by your power and money for a while, and now I know that you're the meanest, nastiest bastard of them all
MC: Get up, let's keep going a little longer!
Gordo Fatty: DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!!! LOSER!!!!
MC dodges Gordo Fatty's punch.
MC grabs Gordo Fatty just like in the UFC

MC: I won't live like a loser!!!!! (In his thoughts)
MC: Whether it's power, wealth, or fists.... I will not run away cowardly!!!!! (In his thoughts)
Panel change to Gordo Fatty on the ground.
Fat Fatty Fatty: Ugh!!!!!
Fat Fatty Fatty: This... this shit....
Fat Fatty Fatty: Son of a bitch, aren't you supposed to do this to me?
Fat Fatty Fatty: Did you enjoy it too!!!?!? Having fun drinking, sucking and fucking...?
Fat Fatty Fatty: You son of a bitch! Do you think what you did will go away now that you're acting like a scoundrel!!!?
MC turns his back on him and then with a furious expression.
MC: Son of a bitch...
Panel switch to FMC's department
FMC looking at his phone

FMC: What are you doing that I can't reach you?
FMC: I'm worried. Phew...
FMC flips her phone on the bed
Flashbacks to chapter 45
FMC: Until then, you were so good.... (probably referring to MC's actions)
FMC: Clearly that call changed your mood....
Panel switch to FMC in the present again.
FMC: You were happy answering the phone, then all of a sudden you changed your mood and ran off
FMC: You don't even answer the phone
FMC: I'm sure something is going on...I have to go to your house (referring to MC's house).
Panel change to FMC arriving at MC's house.
FMC notices the screams at MC's house
FMC: going on? What the hell...
FMC has not yet arrived at MC's house but can hear the discussion better.
Gordo Fatty: Uh...please...please... stop...
MC: There's still a lot to pay you back. I'll pay you back for all the bad things you've done
FMC: I'm sure these voices are from Sang-Hyuk (Fatty Fatty) and Chul-Soo (MC) (in his thoughts).
FMC: Does this mean that Chul-Soo is beating Sang-Hyuk...? (In his thoughts)
FMC is watching from the door of MC's house.
Fatty Fatty: Ugh.... Chul-Soo, stop....
Fat Fatty Fatty: If you stop now, I'll lend you 2 billion won indefinitely without interest...?
FMC: 2 billion...????? (In his thoughts)
MC: Done! It's 2 billion and motherfuckers like you have to rot!
Fat Fatty Fatty: Chul-Soo! What are you going to do with your father's business?!
Fatty Fatty: If you don't have 2 billion won, you're going to go bankrupt right now, aren't you?  Let's stop here, shall we?
MC: Shut up! How dare you touch my mom and sister! I'll never forgive you!
FMC: You said he touched your mother and sister? What's going on?! (In her thoughts)
To be continued...

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Everything is agreed 126 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-18-2022, 12:40 AM

Everything is Agreed 126 raw
[Image: IMG_5637.png?width=1025&height=362]

by Edison

Escena del capítulo anterior donde Jonghoon (MC2) dentro del baño de hombres  habla consigo mismo sobre cambiar de pareja para siempre  “Si, es extraño sentirme cómodo. Ni siquiera sé que decirle a Juhee…”, se siente inseguro y medita “Pero tal vez… ¿ellos se sienten  igual que nosotros?”. Imagina que Sangwook (MC1) y Juhee (FMC2) están enamorados y concluye que este  tonto juego puede ser perfecto para aclarar la situación entre las parejas, MC2 dice “Tal vez este ridículo juego sirva como una oportunidad para arreglar la relación entre nosotros”.  MC2  sale del baño para irse con la FMC1, le dice  “Muy bien, Soeun vamos”, pero ahora parece que la chica tiene un plan y le pide al MC2 para  intentar jugar con los demás participantes, de manera tímida  le dice a Jonghoon “Oppa…” “¡¡Hagámoslo también!!” “Con los  demás…”  MC2 se queda sorprendido.
[Título del manwha]
Nuevo panel.
MC2 “¿Hablas en serio?”, FMC1 “¿No acordamos en empezar de nuevo? Siempre y cuando juguemos bien este juego, podemos resolver todo nuestros problemas financieros”.  MC2 “¿Cómo que problemas financieros? No tienes por qué preocuparte por eso”, FMC1 “La verdad es que… después de ver los videos de  las otras personas, mi cuerpo se calentó sin saberlo” “Si no te importa, me gustaría hacerlo con otros”.
MC2 se queda impactado. MC2 “Soeun…” MC2 pensamientos “Aunque Soeun jamás se negó, pero nunca ella tomó la iniciativa de acostarse con otro hombre…”
Pausa incómoda.
MC2 “Está bien, pero…” “Si es posible, primero busquemos a Sangwook y Juhee para decirles sobre nuestra postura” “Debemos hacer que mejore el ambiente… ¿De acuerdo?”, FMC1 “Muy bien…”
En un motel de la ciudad.
Rubia (Luna/17SF) “Pasen”. Novio de rubia (Periodista Yuhong/17SF) “Bienvenidos” “Por favor, tomen asiento”, MC1 “Ah, muy bien…”, Novio de rubia “Lo siento, no puedo caminar por mucho tiempo…”, MC1 “Ah… está bien”, MC1 pensamientos “¿No es un anciano ni lleva bastón? ¿Será la persona equivocada?”, Novio de rubia “Como no hay mucho tiempo, iré directo al grano”, MC1 pensamientos “¡¿Es tan rápido?! ¿Qué hago ahora?”, Novio de rubia “Por favor, tome esto primero”, el periodista entrega un sobre con dinero, MC1 “¿Q-Qué es esto?”, Novio de rubia “Solo tienen que responder unas cuantas preguntas y recibirán otra suma de dinero” “Este trato es mucho mejor que tener sexo”, MC1 “¿Preguntas?” MC1 pensamientos “Esta persona es muy rica… ¿Realmente es el  promotor que está detrás de escena?”, Novio de rubia “Ustedes dos… ¿Vinieron a este juego porque fueron obligados o  amenazados?”, MC1 pensamientos “¿Qué está pasando? ¿No es esto lo que usted ordenó hacer?”, FMC2 interrumpe, FMC2 “Perdón que pregunte… ¿conoces a Seo Jiho?”, rubia “¿Tu… conoces a Jiho?”. FMC2 “No tienes bastón, no tienes una tableta…” “y  estás haciendo ese tipo de preguntas…” “No creo que sean del Personal relacionado con el juego” “Son periodistas, ¿verdad?” “Nosotros también conocemos a Jiho”, MC1 pensamientos “Juhee… dijiste eso sin todavía confirmar la identidad de ellos…”, Novio de rubia “¡¡Si, yo soy reportero!!”, rubia “¿Conoces también a Ayoung?”, FMC2 “Los conocemos”, MC1 pensamientos “Realmente son ellos”.
Estos personajes se presentan ante Sangwook y Juhee.
Rubia “Si ellos fueron capaces de contarles sobre el plan, significa que son gente de confianza…” “Encantado de conocerlos, soy Luna Lee”, Novio de rubia “Mi nombre es Jung Yuhong, soy un reportero independiente”, FMC2 “Es un placer conocerlos” “Sabiendo que el tiempo se acaba, vayamos directo al grano”. MC1 “Así es” “Si nos quedamos por más tiempo en el mismo sitio, otros concursantes  te pueden  descubrir”.
En ese momento afuera del hotel otra pareja (Jugador que golpeó MC2 y morocha que compitió contra FMC2).
El Chico de playera “Aquí hay una pareja”, la Chica morocha “Muy inteligentes… Ya  tienen una habitación preparada, están esperando que llegue  una pareja participante, ¿verdad?”.
Dentro de la habitación, novio de rubia toma apuntes, Periodista “En otras palabras…” “¿Se les acercaron a propósito desde el principio,  incluso con secuestro, amenazas y utilizando la violencia?”, MC1 “Correcto”, rubia “De hecho, antes ya había ocurrido un caso similar, nuestra investigación reveló que esto estaba relacionado con este incidente” “En ese momento, Jiho y Ayoung también fueron víctimas”, Novio de la rubia “Así es, esperamos que nadie más se vea amenazado de nuevo por este tipo de cosas”, MC1 “Ya veo, no es de extrañar…”.
Tocan la puerta SFX: DING DONG, rubia “¿Quién es?”, MC1 “¡Espera! Yo me encargo, tal vez sea algún participante que nos encontró mirando la ubicación…”. MC1 abre la puerta “Sí, ¿Quién es?”, aparece la pareja que estaba afuera de motel, el chico de playera “Son participantes, ¿cierto?” “¡Jueguen con nosotros!”, chica morocha “¡Guau!~ Es un chico guapo~”, MC1 “Lo siento, pero no lo haremos, por favor ve a buscar a alguien más”, chico de playera “¿Por qué?” “No tenías una habitación lista ¿para esperar a que alguien viniera aquí?”. MC1 “Ah… En realidad… ” “Tenemos a alguien más, eso es un gran problema…” “Porque pensamos que si los concursantes lo hacen entre ellos, equivale a entregarle los puntos al rival, por lo que no hay forma de ganar…”, la pareja se enoja, chico de playera “¡Mentiroso! ¿Dices eso porque no te gusta mi compañera?”, chica morocha “¡¡ ¿De qué hablas?!!”.
Chico de playera irrumpe a la habitación chico de playera “¡Quiero comprobarlo!” “¡Cómo puede un desconocido aceptar que lo filmen en video!”, MC1 intenta evitarlo, MC1 “¡¿Q-Qué estás haciendo?!” “¡Sale de aquí!”, Chico de playera “Uh…”, ve a FMC2 encima del novio de rubia,  la rubia en cambio está escondida a lado de la puerta.  FMC2 “Cariño, ¿Qué estás haciendo?” “Estamos listos, vayamos a grabar”, MC1 “¿?”, chico de playera en sus pensamientos “Oh~ ¡¡Pero que bella nona!!”, chico de playera “¿N-No puedo ser solo yo?  Si lo haces así, podrás sumar más puntos”, chica morocha “¿De qué demonios estás hablando?”, FMC2 “¡¡No!! ¡No quiero hacerlo con un hombre feo!”, MC1 “¡¡Fuera de aquí!!”, sacan a esa pareja de la habitación, la pareja  “Nos rechazaron por segunda vez…”.
Dentro de la habitación.
MC1 “Está bien, Juhee, salgamos también de aquí”, rubia “¡Esperen!” “Esas dos personas vieron lo que pasaba dentro” “Si no graban un video, serán vistos muy sospechosos”, MC1 “¿Eh? ¿Entonces qué hacemos?”, rubia “No hay elección, solo les queda grabarlo”, los demás “¡¿Qué?!”, novio de rubia “Luna… ¿Acaso no te importa que lo haga con otra mujer?” “Y mi cara será captada en video”, rubia “No hay problema, mientras no salga la cara en la filmación” “No conoces tú también mi pasado y ¿aun así me aceptaste?” “Ellos también están arriesgando sus vidas por ayudarnos, también nosotros debemos estar preparados para hacer lo mismo…”, FMC2 “Luna tiene razón, este video tiene que hacerse…”, MC1 sorprendido “Ju-Juhee…”, FMC2 “Sangwook, lo siento” “pero ahora  no tengo más opción que hacer esto…”, MC1 “…..” “Uf…” “De acuerdo…” “Déjame filmarlo”. FMC2 se desviste.
 En la calle MC2 junto con FMC1 revisa la Tablet.
MC2 “No hay nadie por aquí, vayamos por allá”, Suena la Tablet “Ting Ting”, MC2 “¡Oh! Hay otra transmisión en vivo”, FMC1 “¿Quién es esta vez?”, la pareja se sorprende  “¡¡!!”.
Escena del video, gemidos FMC2 “Haaa”, MC2 y FMC1 impactados, FMC1 “¡¡ ¿Ju-Juhee unnie?!!”, de nuevo escena del video, MC1 “Juhee ¿Te sientes bien?”, FMC2 “Um… Sangwook…” “Ahhh” “Se siente muy bien…” “Auuaaah…”.
MC2 enojado.
 MC2 “¿Con quién se está acostando ella?”, FMC1 “No parece ser un concursante…” “no vi a ninguna otra chica participando…”, MC2 se lleva a FMC1 fuerte de la mano, MC2 “¡Vamos también!”, FMC1 “¿Eh? A dónde…”
Escena de los apostadores  en el club de exhibicionismo.
El público “¡Wooo!” “¡¿Qué tal la chica  del grupo Nro. 2?!” “¿No es demasiado genial?” “¡Esto es bueno!”. Jefe del club  mira por la pantalla, Jefe pensamientos “¡Qué sorpresa!” “Juhee es increíble, lo hizo tan rápido...”, escena del video FMC2 “¡Aaang!” “¡Hump! ¡Aang!”.
En otro lugar MC2 ata a FMC1 en un baño, FMC1 “Realmente…” “¿Quieres hacerlo aquí?”, MC2 “Sí, si hacemos esto, alguien vendrá” “Ya sea un desconocido o un concursante…”
Fin del capitulo

by Edison

Scene from the previous chapter where Jonghoon (MC2) inside the men's room talks to himself about changing partners forever "Yeah, it's weird to feel comfortable. I don't even know what to say to Juhee...", he feels insecure and muses "But maybe... they feel the same as us?". Imagining that Sangwook (MC1) and Juhee (FMC2) are in love and concluding that this silly game might be perfect to clarify the situation between the couples, MC2 says "Maybe this ridiculous game will serve as an opportunity to fix the relationship between us."  MC2 comes out of the bathroom to leave with FMC1, he says "Alright, Soeun let's go", but now it seems that the girl has a plan and asks MC2 to try to play with the other participants, in a shy way he says to Jonghoon "Oppa..." "Let's do it too!!!" "With the others..."  MC2 is taken aback.

[Title of the manwha]

New panel.

MC2 "Are you serious?", FMC1 "Didn't we agree to start over? As long as we play this game right, we can solve all of our financial problems."  MC2 "What do you mean, financial problems? You don't have to worry about that", FMC1 "The truth is... after watching the other people's videos, my body got hot without knowing it" "If you don't mind, I would like to do it with others".

MC2 is shocked. MC2 "Soeun..." MC2 thoughts "Although Soeun never refused, but she never took the initiative to sleep with another man..."

Awkward pause.

MC2 "Okay, but..." "If possible, let's find Sangwook and Juhee first to tell them about our stance" "We should make the atmosphere better... Okay?", FMC1 "Alright..."

At a motel in the city.

Blonde (Luna/17SF) "Come in." Blonde's boyfriend (Journalist Yuhong/17SF) "Welcome" "Please have a seat", MC1 "Ah, very well...", Blonde's boyfriend "Sorry, I can't walk for a long time...", MC1 "Ah... it's okay", MC1 thoughts "Isn't he an old man and doesn't he carry a cane? Could it be the wrong person?", Blonde's boyfriend "Since there's not much time, I'll get straight to the point", MC1 thoughts "Is it that fast! What do I do now?", Blonde's boyfriend "Please take this first", Journalist hands over an envelope with money, MC1 "W-What is this? ", Blonde's boyfriend "You only have to answer a few questions and you will receive another sum of money" "This deal is much better than having sex", MC1 "Questions?" MC1 thoughts "This person is very rich... Is he really the promoter behind the scene? ", Blonde's boyfriend "You two... Did you come to this game because you were forced or threatened?", MC1 thoughts "What's going on... Isn't this what you ordered to do?", FMC2 interrupts, FMC2 "Pardon me for asking... Do you know Seo Ji-ho?", Blonde "Do you... know Ji-ho?". FMC2 "You don't have a cane, you don't have a tablet..." "and you're asking those kinds of questions..." "I don't think they are from the Staff related to the game" "They are reporters, right?" "We know Jiho too", MC1 thoughts "Juhee... you said that without yet confirming the identity of them...", Blonde's boyfriend "Yes, I am a reporter!!!", Blonde "Do you know Ayoung too?", FMC2 "We know them", MC1 thoughts "It's really them".

These characters introduce themselves to Sangwook and Juhee.

Blonde "If they were able to tell you about the plan, it means they are trustworthy people..." "Nice to meet you, I'm Luna Lee", Blonde's boyfriend "My name is Jung Yuhong, I'm a freelance reporter", FMC2 "It's a pleasure to meet you" "Knowing that time is running out, let's get straight to the point". MC1 "That's right" "If we stay longer in the same place, other contestants may discover you".

At that moment outside the hotel another couple (Player who beat MC2 and brunette who competed against FMC2).

T-shirt Boy "Here is a couple", brunette Girl "Very smart... They already have a room ready, they are waiting for a contestant couple to arrive, right?".

Inside the room, blonde boyfriend takes notes, Journalist "In other words..." "They purposely approached them from the beginning, even with kidnapping, threats and using violence?", MC1 "Correct", Blonde "In fact, a similar case had happened before, our investigation revealed that this was related to this incident" "At that time, Jiho and Ayoung were also victims", Blonde's Boyfriend "That's right, we hope no one else will be threatened again by this kind of thing", MC1 "I see, no wonder...".

Inside the room, blonde's boyfriend takes notes, Journalist "In other words..." "They were approached on purpose from the beginning, even with kidnapping, threats and using violence?", MC1 "Correct", blonde "In fact, a similar case had happened before, our investigation revealed that this was related to this incident" "At that time, Jiho and Ayoung were also victims", Blonde's Boyfriend "That's right, we hope no one else will be threatened again by this kind of thing", MC1 "I see, no wonder...".

Knock on the door SFX: DING DONG, blonde "Who is it?", MC1 "Wait! I'll handle it, maybe it's some participant who found us looking at the location...". MC1 opens the door "Yes, who is it?", the couple outside motel appears, t-shirt boy "You're participants, right?" "Play with us!", brunette girl "Wow~ He's a handsome guy~", MC1 "Sorry, but we won't, please go find someone else", t-shirt boy "Why?" "Didn't you have a room ready to wait for someone to come here?". MC1 "Ah... Actually... " "We have someone else, that's a big problem..." "Because we think that if the contestants do it with each other, it's tantamount to giving the points to the rival, so there's no way to win...", couple gets angry, t-shirt guy "Liar! Are you saying that because you don't like my partner?", brunette girl "What are you talking about?!!!".

T-shirt guy bursts into the room T-shirt guy "I want to check it out!" "How can a stranger agree to be videotaped!", MC1 tries to avoid him, MC1 "W-What are you doing!" "Get out of here!", T-shirt guy "Uh...", sees FMC2 on top of blonde's boyfriend, blonde instead is hiding next to the door.  FMC2 "Honey, what are you doing?" "We're ready, let's go record", MC1 "¿?", T-shirt boy in his thoughts "Oh~ But what a beautiful babe!!!", T-shirt boy "C-can't it just be me?  If you do it like this, you can score more points", brunette girl "What the hell are you talking about?", FMC2 "No!!! I don't want to do it with an ugly man!!!", MC1 "Get out of here!!!", they take that couple out of the room, the couple "We got rejected for the second time...".

Inside the room.

MC1 "Okay, Juhee, let's get out of here too", blonde "Wait!" "Those two people saw what was going on inside" "If they don't record a video, they will be seen very suspicious", MC1 "Huh? Then what do we do?", blonde "No choice, they just have to record it", the others "What!!!", blonde's boyfriend "Luna... Don't you care if I do it with another woman? "And my face will be captured on video", blonde "No problem, as long as my face doesn't show up in the film" "Don't you know my past too, and you still accepted me? " "They are also risking their lives to help us, we should also be prepared to do the same...", FMC2 "Luna is right, this video has to be made...", MC1 surprised "Ju-Juhee...", FMC2 "Sangwook, I'm sorry" "but now I have no choice but to do this...", MC1 "....." "Phew..." "Okay..." "Let me film it." FMC2 undresses.

On the street MC2 together with FMC1 checks the Tablet.

MC2 "There's no one around, let's go that way", Tablet sounds "Ting Ting", MC2 "Oh! There's another live feed", FMC1 "Who is it this time?", the couple is surprised "!!!".

Video scene, FMC2 moans "Haaa", MC2 and FMC1 shocked, FMC1 "Ju-Juhee unnie?!!!", again video scene, MC1 "Juhee Are you feeling ok?", FMC2 "Um... Sangwook..." "Ahhh" "Feels really good..." "Auuaaah...".

MC2 angry.

MC2 "Who is she sleeping with?", FMC1 "She doesn't seem to be a contestant..." "I didn't see any other girl participating...", MC2 takes FMC1 hard by the hand, MC2 "Let's go too!", FMC1 "Huh? Where to..."

Scene of the gamblers in the exhibitionist club.

Audience "Wooo!" "How about the girl in group No. 2!" "Isn't she too cool?" "This is good!". Club boss looks through the screen, Boss thoughts "What a surprise!" "Juhee is amazing, she did it so fast...", FMC2 video scene "Aaang!" "Hump! Aang!".

Elsewhere MC2 ties up FMC1 in a bathroom, FMC1 "Really..." "Do you want to do it here?", MC2 "Yes, if we do this, someone will come" "Whether it's a stranger or a contestant..."

End of chapter

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UchihaKanon, 03-18-2022, 12:30 AM

Brothers wife dignity - End raw

[Image: IMG_6235.png?width=1025&height=359]

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con mc y fmc terminando de tener sexo, ambos se miran y sonríen mientras él dice que nunca la había visto tan feliz.

El mc está junto a la rubia en una sala de estudio.
La rubia: No estoy metiendo la pata a propósito, ¿por qué iba a hacer eso?
El mc responde: Vale, vale, cálmate, no te estoy regañando, estoy intentando averiguar por qué te equivocas
Ella dice: Me equivoqué porque no sabía del tema, tal vez no eres bueno enseñando.
Luego empieza a contar que ha pasado un año desde entonces; decidió tomar clases particulares con él y ambos siguieron estudiando y esforzándose (aunque a ella le va sorprendentemente bien a pesar de todo justo en ese momento estira el pie sobre la mesa y lo pone encima del pantalón del mc) aunque de vez en cuando hace alguna que otra travesura, pero es una estudiante decente.

Cambio de escena
Ambos están fuera del edificio donde estudiaron, se están despidiendo, cuando ella se aleja el mc piensa en las cosas que han cambiado tanto en él como en la gente que le rodea.
Yuri (la ex) se fue al extranjero, por alguna razón quiso dejar Corea por un tiempo, a veces le envía algunas fotos, parece que le va bien.

Después, mientras camina, se encuentra con Sun-Ah (la enfermera), ella lo saluda y le pregunta: ¿Nos vamos?

Mientras caminan el mc cuenta: Salgo de copas con Sun-Ah (la enfermera) a menudo, la mirada alegre de él nunca cambia, si acaso ha cambiado un poco.

Siguiente escena:
El mc se folla a la enfermera, poco después mientras ambos están en la cama ella le pregunta al mc: -¿Todo va bien? Me he enterado de lo de tu hermanito.
El responde: Sí, estoy bien.
El mc dice que su hermano y la fmc se divorciaron por lo que una cantidad considerable de bienes (incluyendo la casa donde vivían fueron entregados a Sujeong * FMC *) además de la pensión alimenticia, después de todo lo que dejó.
La pelirroja lo dejó, argumentando que no le interesaban las personas sin dueño (casadas). Después de eso Changwon se fue a su ciudad natal para ayudar a sus padres con su trabajo.

Cambio de escena:

El mc se viste y va con la enfermera a casa de Sujeong, el mc dice que se ve bien después del divorcio.
Mientras beben algo el mc dice que nunca se imaginó que sería aceptado (universidad) y que podría pasar tiempo con ellos 2 cree que todo está pasando en un sueño.

Sujeong se levanta y le dice que no debe pensar eso, que sólo tiene que pensar en ellos 2. Sun-Ah dice que Sujoeng tiene razón y comenta que el mc es un poco sentimental a veces.
El mc piensa: A veces me siento un poco nervioso, pero ahora, estoy feliz de estar rodeado de gente como ellos.


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[Image: 07a61817cdbda2b90caef0bf65eb501c.jpg]

by Larazzy

The chapter begins with mc and fmc finishing having sex, they both look at each other and smile while he says that he had never seen her so happy before.

 The mc is next to the blonde in a study room.
 Blonde: I'm not messing up on purpose, why would I do that?
 The mc replies: Ok, ok, calm down, I'm not scolding you, I'm trying to find out why you're wrong
 She says: I made a mistake because I didn't know about the subject, maybe you're not good at teaching.
 She then she starts to tell that a year has passed since then; she decided to take private lessons with him and they both kept studying and working hard (although she is doing surprisingly well despite everything just then she stretches her foot across the table and puts it on top of the mc's pants) although from time to time she does a Just another occasional prank, but she's a decent student.

Change of scene
 They are both outside the building where they studied, they are saying goodbye, when she is walking away the mc thinks about the things that have changed both in him and in the people around him.
 Yuri (the ex) went abroad, for some reason she wanted to leave Korea for a while, she sometimes sends him some photos, it looks like she is doing well.

After that, while walking, he meets Sun-Ah (the nurse), she is greeting him and asks: Shall we go?

 As they walk the mc recounts: I go out drinking with Sun-Ah (the nurse) often, the cheerful look of him never changes though, if anything has changed a bit.

Next scene:
 The mc is fucking the nurse, shortly after while they are both in bed she asks the mc. -Everything is fine? I heard about your little brother.
 He replies: Yes, I'm fine.
 The mc says that his brother and the fmc divorced because of it a considerable amount of assets (including the house where they lived were given to Sujeong * FMC *) in addition to alimony, after all that he left.
 The redhead left him, arguing that he was not interested in people without an owner (married). After that Changwon went to his hometown to help his parents with his work.

Change of scene:
 The mc gets dressed and goes with the nurse to Sujeong's house, the mc says that she looks good after the divorce.
 While they are drinking something the mc says that he never imagined that he would be accepted (university) and could spend time with them 2 he believes that everything is happening in a dream.

Sujeong stands up and tells him that he shouldn't think that, he just needs to think about them 2. Sun-Ah says that Sujoeng is correct and comments that the mc is a bit sentimental sometimes.
 The mc thinks: Sometimes I feel a bit nervous, but now, I'm happy to be surrounded by people like them.

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Ark is Me 115 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-17-2022, 09:52 PM

Ark is Me 115 raw

[Image: SPOILER_unknown-27.jpg?width=1025&height=202]
by L_A
El capítulo comienza con el MC llevando a Boram al baño de mujeres y confrontándola. MC le pregunta directamente si se estaba masturbando. Boram se queda muy sorprendida pero mantiene la boca cerrada. MC la agarra por el hombro y le dice que sabe cómo es ella cuando está excitada. MC entonces usa su dedo para deslizarse lentamente desde su hombro, diciendo que él sabe cómo ella exhala y la forma en que responderá a su toque. Boram siente su dedo deslizándose hacia abajo e inmediatamente deja escapar un gemido. Boram utiliza rápidamente sus manos para cerrar la boca. MC sonríe, diciéndole que no puede engañarlo. Boram se enfada y aprieta los dientes mientras MC le sujeta la barbilla, pidiéndole que sea sincera, diciéndole que sí se ha masturbado.

La escena cambia ahora a un flashback en el que Yoonji llega a casa tarde y borracha después de reunirse con ella. MC le pregunta si nota algo sutil en Boram ya que la conoce desde hace tiempo. Boram le dice que está muy enfadada con él. Boram entonces piensa en algo y le dice a MC que Boram se tomó mucho tiempo en el baño y que ella se sintió rara. MC se dio cuenta de algo y le pidió que le explicara más sobre eso. Luego le pregunta a Yoonji, Dajeong e Iseul si se han masturbado pensando en MC cuando antes no tenían contacto con él. Yoonji dice que sí, diciendo que lo hacía de vez en cuando. Dajeong embarazosamente dice que sí también. Iseul le dice que ella también lo hacía bastante.

La escena cambia ahora a MC acercándose a esa morena de pelo corto y haciendo un trato con ella. MC le da dinero y le dice que haga cierta cosa. MC narra como ha encontrado una "brecha" para llegar a Boram pero solo si sabe que es esa "brecha" por lo que hizo una técnica estratégica. Más tarde, el pelo castaño cuenta todo lo que pasó en el último capítulo y que llevó a la situación actual.

La escena cambia de nuevo a MC sosteniendo la barbilla de Boram y disculpándose por haberla herido antes, diciéndole que sabe que esto es algo malo pero que siguió pensando en lo que le hizo al igual que ella pensó cosas similares. MC continua diciéndole como podría odiarlo hasta que se sienta mejor tal vez incluso por el resto de su vida pero aun así, él quiere hacerlo con ella. MC le dice que sabe que esto es una mierda de perro pero que no va a cambiar su forma de ser actual y que ha decidido admitir que es una basura y aceptarlo. MC entonces con una cara seria, le pide que continúe su relación con esta basura, ya sea para ser una novia o una amiga sexual, la elección depende de ella. Boram tartamudea diciendo "yo... Quiero ser.... tu novia..." MC sonríe, diciendo que lo sabía pero de repente sus palabras se cortan cuando un fuerte puñetazo voló hacia su cara. Boram le dio un fuerte puñetazo. MC cae al suelo dolorido. Boram le grita y le muestra el dedo corazón, diciendo que si realmente creía que le diría eso, mientras continúa maldiciéndolo. Boram entonces dice que no va a funcionar mientras le ofrece su mano para levantarlo, diciéndole que será sólo esta vez. MC se sorprende mientras le coge la mano y se levanta, preguntándole si está bien hacerlo sólo una vez? Boram se sonroja y le dice que sí. Boram entonces le dice a MC que no le gusta hacerlo aquí y sólo ellos dos a solas. MC dice que está bien, diciéndole que hará lo que ella diga. MC entonces la invita a su apartamento mientras piensa que la Operación es exitosa.

La escena cambia a su apartamento. MC narra cómo no esperaba que todo se derrumbara sin problemas desde el principio y cómo una vez que entra en ese pequeño "hueco", todo lo demás se derrumbará a partir de ahí. Después de entrar en su apartamento, MC se agarra repentinamente el pecho. Boram se sorprende, diciendo que de repente le gusta esto... MC sostiene su cara con la otra mano, diciéndole que está aquí para hacerlo con él. Boram se avergüenza, diciendo "pero... Eso es..."


by L_A
Chapter begins with MC bringing Boram to woman's restroom and confronts her. MC directly asks her if she was masturbating now. Boram get super shocked but keeps her mouth shut. MC grabs her shoulder, telling her that he knows how she's like when she's excited. MC then uses his finger to slide down slowly from her shoulder, saying that he knows how she exhales and the way she'll respond to his touch. Boram feels his finger sliding down and immediately lets out a moan. Boram quickly uses her hands to shut her mouth. MC grins, telling her that she can't fool him. Boram gets annoyed and grits her teeth as MC holds her chin, asking her to be honest, telling her that she did masturbate.
Scene now shifts to a flashback where Yoonji comes home late drunk after meeting with Yoonji. MC asks her whether she notice anything subtle about boram since she knew her for a long time. Boram tells him that she's extremely mad at him. Boram then thinks about something tells MC that Boram took a lot of time in restroom which she felt weird. MC realised something and asked her to explain more about that. Later he asked Yoonji, Dajeong, and Iseul whether they masturbated thinking about MC when they weren't contact with him before. Yoonji says yes, saying she did from time to time. Dajeong embarassingly says yes too. Iseul tells him that she also did quite a bit. 
Scene now shifts to MC approaching that short brown hair and making a deal with her. MC gives her money and tells her to do certain something. MC narrating how he found a ;gap' to get to Boram but only if he knows what that 'gap' really is so he made a strategic technique. Later brown hair tells all the stuff in last chap which lead to the current situation
Scene changes back to MC holding borams chin and apologies for hurting her before, telling her that he knows this is a bad thing to do but he kept thinking about what he did to her just like how she thought similar things. MC continues telling her how she might hate him until she feel better maybe even for the rest of her life but even so, he wants to do it with her. MC tells her how he knows this is dog shit but he not going to change his current self and that he decided to admit that he's trash and accept it. MC then with a serious face, asks her to continue her relationship with this trash, whether to be a girlfriend or a sex friend, the choice is up to her. Boram stutters, saying "i... Want to be.... Your girlfriend..." MC grins, saying he knew it but suddenly he words get cut off as a strong punch flew towards his face. Boram punched him hard. MC falls down to the ground in pain. Boram yells at him and shows her middle finger, saying did he really think she would say that to him, as she continues cursing him. Boram then says that it's not gonna work as she offers her hand to get him up, telling him that it'll be just this once. MC gets surprised as he holds her hand and gets up, asking her if it's okay to do just once? Boram blushingly says yes. Boram then tells MC that she don't like doing it here and just the two of them alone. MC says okay, telling her that he'll do what she says. MC then invites her to his apartment while thinking that the Operation is successful.
Scene shifts to his apartment. MC narrating how he didn't expect everything to fall over smoothly from the beginning and how once he enters that small 'gap', everything else will collapse from there. After entering his apartment, MC suddenly grabs her breast. Boram gets surprised, saying he suddenly like this... MC holds her face with his other hand, telling her that she is here to do it with him. Boram gets embarrassed, saying "but... That's..."
To be continued...

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E Romance 43 sumary

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Zahard, 03-16-2022, 07:58 PM

Chapter start just like always, with the last part of previous chapter where new girl is saying that she'll deepthroat Bongsu...

[Image: IoOeHi.png]

Title Drop

We get to see the best deepthroat ever!! and Bongsu thinking that being a prostitute suits her better than being an actress as she's way too good!
Then she said that because of a past relationship, she'll have sex with him raw (forbidden as he needs to use a condom)

They fucks and Bongsu thinking it's too much because she looks like Boyeon way too perfectly...

He refuse to think that but at some point he doesn't care since it's his imagination.

Then he thinks that "Miss Woo is so into it now" (Need to reTL the name but for now it's "Mia Woo")

He cums on her face and the police arrive (there's a crackdown)

Scene Change:

Boyeon & Hyukgeun in a car

Yunseo on phone call saying that she's going crazy because Bongsu disappeared just when Boyeon came back so she's annoyed as fuck

call end and Boyeon saying that she's fine and she'll be abl to focus on [E Romance]

Hyukgeun saying that there's one last movie with MJ production and it'll start in a month (both of them as main actors)

Boyeon sayin she wants to stop being an Ero actress and Hyukgeun saying it's fine and he'll be always by her side

Boyeon reaction:

[Image: AcuGDN.png]

Hyukgeun getting a phone call that Internet is going crazy about him

Boyeon Google it:

on phone: Kang Gogeun, known as an adult film actor, has been under controversy for trying to cast an actress through prostitution in preparation for the production of an independent film.

Scene change:

Mickael and staff talking about changing the main male actor (Hyukgeun)

Mickael saying it's impossible but thing is, he doesn't have a choice because of the article...

Mickael's girlfriend saying: "Idiot, I told you to refuse the money"

Scene change:

Yuni & CEO talking

CEO asking Yuni to help him because he's tossed aside, she replies by:

"Chairman Ahn has a clear line

If I think it’s mine, I’ll definitely push it forward, but if you turn your back on me, I’ll use all my connections to trample it thoroughly

It’s not a job to bribe reporters to release all kinds of taboos…"

CEO saying he'll give Boyeon to him on a silver plate

Yuni asking why does he argue with her when he knows she doesn't know how to survive by herself to begin with

Scene change:

Hyukgeun yelling on phone to write a correction article as he doesn't know what they talk about in the published one

Meanwhile Yunseo and Boyeon talking about how every cast members throw the project aside

Yunseo telling Boyeon that it's Bongsu's fault and he disappeared because he's ashamed

Boyeon then call someone in hope to help Hyukgeun

A director we don't know who it is (lol new character... FUCK IT)

"Boyeon, do you know Chairman Ahn personally? This boyfriend of yours is in deep shit. I thought you were good at using your brain, but you did all sorts of dirty things…"


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“Is there no goddess in my college?” Chapter 22 Summary

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Beatz, 03-16-2022, 06:45 PM

(Chapter translated with MTL, some parts aren’t accurate)

Chapter starts with Hayun thinking if Seolah found out about what she did with MC. 

Hayun: “I have to say that i…”

But Seolah just wanted to apologize about the group work they were doing together.

Seolah: “I tried to apologize with (MC’s name) but he didn’t accept yet. And now i want to make things clear with you too, Hayun.”

Three random girls appeared and made some questions to them. 

Main random girl: “What are you doing here with Hayun, Seolah? Is she bothering you Hayun?”

Hayun: “No, wait…”

Seolah: “This doesn’t matter..”

Main random girl: “Are you jealous because Hayun looks pretty?”

Seolah: “Who is jealous?”

Main random girl: “What did you say?” People outside of bathroom starting asking what is happening there. The others randoms said “is better leave…” 

“You will regret this later…” (Main random girl mas about Seolah)

Hayun asked why Seolah said that and she answered “they just don’t like me so if they knew you are by my side they would start disliking you too.”

Switch scenes to them walking outside and Seolah asking Hayun’s number and them made some plans to go out together (cute scene). MC saw them and thought if they always were friends like this. And he says “is not time to think about this, i have to study to the exams.”

Few days later, MC said the midterm exams got renovated. Yumin appears.

Yumin: “Hiii, (MC’s Name). Will you come to the party today? I will.”

MC: “Why the assistant would come there? A place where students who had a hard time with exams usually go…”

Yumin: “Let’s have a drink before the we go to scoring hell, okay?”

MC says he will go then…

Tonight in the party, MC is there with guys using their phones so basically he is alone. Best girl arrives, Yumin.

But at the same time Hayun arrives too. Both sit next to him.

Yumin in the left and Hayun in the right.

Both start looking to each other with an expression of “Who is she?”

Chapter ends.

(Threesome next chapter???) [Very unlikely, sad…]

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Hero Villain Chapter 12 - Summary

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Zahard, 03-16-2022, 02:34 PM

[Image: ucwXxe.png]

(Chapter translated with MTL, some parts aren’t accurate)

Chapter stars with Erina (elf) saying no and saying don’t get closer to my face but MC says “what is the problem? this is for the Hero. Let’s finish it quickly. Even the princess knows it well, this is a job for her(him).”

“Of course is better to finish it faster right? Or do you want to have fun with me slowly?”

Erina: “What you talking about? This is just one day”

[Image: Q9F1R6.png]

He takes off her clothes then his pants too, Erina got surprised with MC’s D.

“What is it? Is bigger than Hero?”

Erina: “Of course not, Hero is much bigger and thicker…” (avoiding eye contact)

MC thought “As far as i know, Erina is virgin” (translation not too accurate in this part)

He suddenly kiss her, suck her boobs and sex starts.

MC asks “Are you thinking in the warrior? Which one do you like better?”

Erina: “WHAT? Of course is…” she moans, “It is not good at all…” Heart eyes with ahegao.

Scene scenes to (flashback maybe?) to Hero writing a latter.

Narrator (Hero latter) “Im in another city now, sorry i came in a hurry but… A strong woman like you can’t sleeps without me…”

Sex scene with MC and Erina, they kissing.. MC asking her to get on top, she agrees.

Narrator (Hero latter): “Aren’t you crying because of me?”

More sex scenes….

Narrator (Hero Latter): “Erina… you love me i hope you don’t worry too much..”

More sex… and the last part of Hero Latter: “I will buy a gift to you Erina… I really love you” (She is crying finishing the latter).

Panel switches to Erina wasted with a lot of cum in her body, some panels of her getting pregnant.

[Image: 1EfTMI.png]

[Image: 3yjFtw.png]

Switch scenes to Erina reading the latter and crying, saying she will convince Hero she got pregnant by magic. She asks about the Demon King.

MC says: “Oh yeah… the promised Demon King [Evangeline]” (Is a female character, will appear later in story)

Erina: “Why didn’t you say such important thing before? She is the Oldest Woman in history books, the first person to bring demons to this land…”

MC thought: “Evangeline? Was there a scarier one like her? There is no such a thing in the game. When i kills the Demon King, it’s over…”

Switch scenes to a pirate ship and is Hero with a new character (Her name in novel is Eve, she is a half mermaid and appears in the manhwa cover ). Hero is a prisoner of her, she is holding a dildo and saying to her to call that person.

[Image: C59qOM.png]

Eve: “What was his name…?”

Hero: “Lucious..”

Eve: “Ok call him i want to meet him.”

Chapter ends.

By beatzz

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chapter summaries    No Replies

Zahard, 03-15-2022, 01:10 PM


[Image: M9MsjY.png]

The chapter starts when MC X FMC finish fucking Fmc: It felt good...I liked it too Fmc: But... Do you want to get off now? Mac: Yes! Sunbae Mc: wow Fmc turns around and looks at her pussy Fmc: Ah… you came a lot…

MC: Ah… Sunbae… you should take a shower Fmc: I don't feel like taking a shower here... Fmc: Can you get a tissue or something? MC: Ah... I can't find any handkerchief Mc: Hmm… MC: Ah... Sunbae, my apartment is right next door, so how about we go and take a shower? Fmc: Ah... to your apartment...? Panel change to MC x FMC arriving at his apartment Fmc: I... Jae-soo, I think I better go home MC: Sunbae, what are you talking about if you're already here? Fmc: Ah... No, it's late, to be in the house where a man lives alone... Mc grabs her by the waist and puts her in his apartment MC: Okay... you can come in Sunbae.

[Image: WvKBbF.jpg]

FMC: Ah... well... Panel change inside mc's apartment MC: Sunbae, now that you're here, take a comfortable shower Fmc: Ah... it's ok... Mc: Here is the bathroom. Everything you need is inside Mc: I'll be in my room MC: Do you want clothes to change into? Fmc: Ah... no, it's not... necessary MC: Then call me if you need anything

IN THE SHOWER FM: oh my god... Fmc: Ah...why do I keep doing this with Jae-soo... Fmc: Why did I come here... Fmc: No, it's not okay, I should take a shower and go home... Fmc: Since we've come this far, I'm just going to take a shower... Fmc: The more you do this, the more awkward and awkward it will be Panel change to mc leaving his room MC: Sunbae I told you to take a shower in my apartment, but...I didn't know it would be like this. MC: This means that the sunbae doesn't hate me. Mc: If you don't like it, would we have had sex twice? MC: Ah... I can't stand it when I think of the sunbae taking a shower inside

FMC PANEL CHANGE SHOWERING Fmc: Is it okay to do this…? Jae-soo is too young... Fmc: But recently, I felt young, I got excited without realizing it (she presses her breasts) Fmc: I felt like I was losing consciousness and I couldn't control myself... MC ENTERS THE SHOWER FM: Oh my God… MC: Hey... Sunbae... Can we take a shower together? Fmc: Ah… let's take a shower together… Fmc: Jae-soo, I don't think we can do this MC: Sunbae... But we've already done it twice, is there anything we should be ashamed of? MC HUGS FMC.

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Fmc: Ahh…. Mc: I recently found out that the person I really like is you. MC: Sunbae, can we get to know each other a little more? Fmc: Do you know how many years apart we are? Fmc: I don't think it's true, tomorrow you'll wake up and regret it Mc: Yes, I know... But I won't stop saying it MC: I like you... I'm sure you feel the same too Fmc: How sure are you that you like me? Fmc: But... seeing your thing, I guess it's true that you like me SHE LOOKS AT THE MC'S COCK AND GRABS HIM Fmc: But won't your thoughts change after this is over? MC: Ah, Sunbae… It's not just a wish. FM: Really? So you don't need me? Fmc: Should I go now? Mc: No, I meant that... But don't stop... Fmc: It's ok I'll continue but after this, think about it calmly SHE MASTURBATES THE MC MC: Ah… Sunbae… MC: So... can you do it with your mouth? FM: what? With my mouth…? MC: Actually, at the bar before, I caressed sunbae with my mouth... MC: I was going to ask you to do it too... but I couldn't because I was embarrassed Fmc: Okay, I'll do it for you. Don't you think of anything else? Fmc gives mc a blowjob

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MC: Ahh... Your mouth is so warm END OF CHAPTER

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chapter summaries    No Replies

Zahard, 03-15-2022, 04:18 AM

[Image: YNsKYF.png]

It starts with fmc and mc chatting on the bed, the mc tells him that she came multiple times, while he only came once, she tells him to shut up and adds that it wasn't such a bad experience.

The mc says: -I didn't know back then how important sex would be to her.

[Image: B4vG3N.png]
Spring has passed, it's midsummer. The mc is in a library, in his mind, he begins to comment that the development of the manuscript is quite fluid, the experience gained with Na-Hye and Hani was very helpful, however he has certain concerns, because he does not know how to express certain ideas.

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As he walks through the library he comes across short hair.

Outside the library, the short hair and the mc are in a park, sitting next to a fountain drinking something. The mc asks her if the selfies are related to her work, to which she says yes, then the mc begins to remember that he had sex with her. She asks him how the manuscript is going and he replies that relationships are quite difficult to write.

She asks him if he wasn't dating someone named Na-Hye, the mc tells her that they weren't dating and even had sex under the guise of the novel, however they reacted and had a cool head and went back to their old relationship, she told him explains that he had two options, return to his old relationship or continue with the relationship they had

After her talk the mc asks her if she would like to see her manuscript, she replies that she would be delighted.

At night she finishes reading it and comments that it is quite interesting.

She stands up and pulls the mc by the arm, asks him, what would happen if they shared their love in front of all those people?, she tells him to kiss her.

The mc is stunned as he thinks: I'm completely taken by her.


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