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New Town 31 - Sum

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Zahard, 03-21-2022, 05:52 PM

New Town 31

[Image: nxAewN.png]

Pureum thinks "It's ridiculous, why himchan and hyeyum ... !!!"

Hyeyum says "Teacher is so good ~ Aaah"

Pureum thinks "No ... you can't do this ... what to do"

Hyeyum in doggy style asks "I want teacher to go from behind too."

MC says "Chewy butt and fat ass ... haha" and fucks in doggy style.

"Whoa ~ It's delicious"

She asks "Teacher, is it delicious?"

MC says "Yep, it's super delicious."  She says "Then, please eat (fuck) a lot."

Pureum thinks "I have to stop it ... what should I do ... but I don't have the courage to go in ..."

More doggystyle panels

Pureum looking at mc fucking black hair and thinks "I have never seen it move like that"

She reaches to her pussy and gets horny.

More doggystyle panel and black hair says "Teacher ... I think I need to pee ~"

MC says "It's not that you want to pee Hyeyum. It's okay you can cum"

MC keep on fucking and she squirted. She thinks "It's my first time ..." "And it's different from when I masturbated ... !!!"

MC says "A lot more than I thought ... " "Good .. haha"

She says "I think I am the only one experiencing and hugs mc. She saw the door opening a little and surprised. "!!?"

MC asks "Huh??"

She says "Nothing, get ready teacher."

She about to ride on top of MC and says "I did this exercise a lot"

"By doing this" and inserts MC's d inside her. and starts riding.

She thinks "It came in too deep at once."

More riding panels. MC says "What ~ Aren't you feeling it too much by yourself?"

She says "I need to help you." and moans loud.

More fucking panels and they kissing.

She thinks "I think my tongue is melting"

MC grabs her ass while kissing her.

She says "Teacher, I think I am finishing" MC says "I am also gonna cum"

MC cummed inside her.

She says "Ah ... you cummed inside ! They are coming in!"

MC squeeze her ass and says "I will give it all to you ... !!"

MC took out the dick and her pussy full of cum.

#Later inside the living room

MC thinks "We might have been caught because I went so crazy ... where did Pureum go?"

MC says "Then .. ahem ... I am gonna leave."

She says "Please go carefully ~" and hugs MC. MC says "Your mom will find out if you do this ... !"

She says "It's okay, I don't think so" and she kisses MC on the cheek.

She says "I think I want to do 1 night 2 days class next time. Go home safely teacher" MC says "Ah .. ye yes"

#outside apartment

MC says to himself "Unexpectedly ... I did it ... again .."

Someone says "Jang Himchan ~! Wait a minute ~"  "Come here"

It's Pureum ... she is sitting on the swing.

MC thinks "Damn .. it's starting .. did I get caught?" MC says "coming" MC sat beside her.

MC says "Yes the class ended well . What's going on?"

She is thinking.

She says "Are you asking me because you don't know what it is?"

End chap.
[Image: g7kctl.png]

[Image: bJvjth.png]
[Image: vS1EBg.png]

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Sextudy Group Chapter 12 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-21-2022, 01:16 PM

Sextudy Sector D Chapter 12 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

Chapter starts reprising the end of the last chapter

Title Drop

MC x Blonde. He is sucking her boobs and she says “Don’t do only with my tits. Go downstair too.” He starts licking her and she says “don’t only lick, suck it too.”

He says he wants to put it in but she asks for a condom (sadly). She puts the condom in him but is too small for his D. Then she chooses to do it raw instead. 

Switch scenes to the low budget Levi and teacher. She repeating “Do you want me to do it with MC?”

“Just give on shot and tells me how was it.”

Teacher: “But Levi, i don’t want to.”

Mofo says “Ok then, do what you like, but then i won’t do it with you either.” (Bro….) He says this and leave “Think careful, Ahjumma.”

Teacher: “ I need to do it with such an ignorant kid…”

Switch scenes to MC x Blonde sex. She thinking his D is not joking, “His size is amazing.” She asks if this time he will long for more time than the first time they did it. He says “Actually i fapped two times in the morning cause since we did i couldn’t stop thinking about sex with my noona.” She says he is cute. She changes position to doggy style.

In this position, blonde says it even more awesome. MC asks if he is doing good and she affirms but then he thinks this position is hard and then change it (Right preview pic). She says that is good as fuck 

“I’m completely defeated.” (She squirts) 

Chapter end. 

(Sex continues in next chapter)

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Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 23 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-20-2022, 02:26 PM

Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 23 Summary
(Chapter translated with MTL)
Second round starts. Elf saying that needs to stop cause she just came.
Title drops
Some elf thoughts about her being smart since her birth, she learns stuff quickly, she knows about a lot of things. She completed her first job in a day so it was supposed to be the upper hand in sex too. More sex panels.
Elf’s thoughts: “An insolent toy… just a toy… Is because is my first time, it’s natural that women’s first is more disadvantageous than men’s first… So next time.. I won’t lose.”
Now MC looking to elf moaning and thinking he liked it (Or thinking she is liking it, i don’t know exactly). He cumms inside her again. She is completely wasted lol.
He says to her: “I’m still not satisfied with my toy..” Elf looks mad to him after that. He would put inside her again for a third round but elf stops him.
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Elf trembling: “Don’t do it and i said don’t touch me anymore.”
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Elf go away and while walking thinks about what happened and what Theodor said to her “Who likes a bitch like you?”
[Image: 0948fa38a5ab00348641606675970e62.png]
Elf thinks: “He is just a toy, doesn’t matter if he likes or not. But why i feel so uncomfortable then?”. Elf with a sad face “I look like a fool.” Elf kinda crying.
[Image: ab4bf1c4ac7cb07b88be4ab65a0f7553.png]
Chapter ends.

  Open Thread

Mother Hunting 74 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-20-2022, 01:52 PM

Mother Hunting 74 raw
[Image: IMG_6430.png?width=1025&height=361]

by Han sun woo

MC contesta el teléfono y dice "Hola".

Yoon Hee dice "Mucho tiempo sin vernos". "¿Cómo has estado?"

MC dice "He estado ocupado estos días... acaba de pasar". MC pregunta "Yoon Hee, ¿estás bien?"

Yoon Hee pregunta "¿Podemos vernos y hablar en persona en vez de por teléfono?"

"Te estaré esperando en la tienda" (su bar).

MC se levanta y dice "Entiendo Yoon Hee, iré ahora" y se prepara para salir al bar. MC piensa "Sea lo que sea, es una realidad que tengo que afrontar".

"Por mucho que hiera a Yoon Hee, vamos a ser castigados por ella dulcemente".

Título de la caída.

En el bar.

MC dice "Estoy aquí, Yoon Hee".

Yoon Hee dice "¿Estás aquí?" Ella está bebiendo vino. Ella dice "No te quedes ahí parado. Ven y siéntate".

MC pregunta "¿Por qué no bebes conmigo?" Ella dice "Sólo quería emborracharme hoy".  Ella sirve un poco de vino para MC y dice "¿Entiendes?" "Por cierto, ¿ha pasado casi un mes?"

MC dice "Sí. Es la primera vez desde aquel accidente".

Dice "Ni siquiera pude usar lo que compré ese día por lo que pasó". "No esperaba que pasara".

MC piensa "Yoon Hee debe haberlo pasado mal" y dice "Yoon Hee, ¿estás bien?"

Ella mira a MC, sonríe y dice "Bueno, no hay nada de qué preocuparse. ¿Por qué pareces tan triste?"

Ella dice "No sé si es bueno o malo, las víctimas no querían que el caso fuera más grande, así que el acuerdo salió bien". Panel de Yoon Hee disculpándose con los padres. parece que es a Jihyun a quien se está disculpando.

"Por supuesto, habrá algunas sanciones para las empresas afectadas". "¿Pero sabes? Soy rico".

MC dice "Entonces, qué pasa. Yoon Hee ..." Ella dice "Más bien, mi corazón está herido". "Quiero decir que yo no sabía nada mientras eso ocurría". "Debe haber sido por eso que era indiferente a Junbeom". Ella pone más vino en los vasos.

MC pregunta "Yoon Hee, ¿no culpas al distribuidor?" Ella dice "La culpa".

"¿No hay nada que culpar?" "Prefiero dar las gracias".

MC dice "¿Eh?" "¿Qué significa todo esto?"

Ella sacó un cigarrillo y dice "Debe haber pasado un día". "Es mejor aclararse ahora, ya es bastante tarde, sin embargo". "Aun así, ya he terminado con esto". Enciende el cigarrillo y empieza a fumar. Dice "He venido para poder ayudar".

"Estoy segura de que es mi culpa que Junbeom se haya puesto así".

"Así que ahora, voy a afrontarlo honestamente. Pedir disculpas a Junbeom y corregirlo".

Se alegran las copas de vino.

MC piensa "Me equivoqué con Yoon Hee". "Yoon Hee es una persona mucho más fuerte".

MC pregunta "Junbeom, ¿cómo ha estado?" Ella dice "Está en un motel cercano". "Mirando el detalle de la tarjeta de crédito, debe haber estado allí todos los días." "¿Puede estar teniendo su propia reflexión?" "Debe haber tenido tiempo para reflexionar".

MC piensa "¿Realmente está reflexionando sobre sí mismo?" "¿Todo va a terminar así?"

Yoon Hee abraza a MC por detrás y le dice "¿Qué estás pensando?"

MC dice "Oh, no importa".

Yoon Hee pregunta "¿Puedes quedarte conmigo esta noche?"

MC dice "Yoon Hee".

Empiezan a besarse. MC le agarra las tetas. MC le baja la blusa/vestido cubriendo sus tetas. Sus lenguas se tocan. Ella dice "Vamos, hazlo".

MC mira las tetas. Y empieza a chupar. MC dice "Si eso te reconforta, seré feliz".

MC se baja las bragas. Dice "Te estoy animando. Apúrate y métela. No quiero pensar en nada esta noche".

MC empieza a follarla. Ella gime. Y grita "¡Más, más fuerte!"

Ella dice "Realmente me gustas, Sanghyun ..."

Más paneles de follada.  Se besan de nuevo.

La copa de vino tirada en el suelo.  "Ja, ja... genial".

MC ahora haciendo el estilo perrito. Ella gritando "¡Dame más, sólo un poco más!"

Ella dice "Muy bien. Creo que voy a terminar". MC dice "Yoon, Yoon Hee, no puedo... "

Ella grita "¡Cumple dentro de mí!" "¡Sin dejar una sola gota...!"

MC dice "¡Cumple!" y se corre dentro.

Yoon Hee pone cara de ahegao.

Mientras tanto en el motel cercano.

Junbeom bebiendo en el suelo algo de soju. "¡Whew ... !"

".... todo"

miniatura a la izquierda

"No voy a dejar que todo se vaya".

Fin del capítulo.

by Han sun woo

MC answers the phone and says "Hello." 
Yoon Hee says "Long time no see." "How have you been?"
MC says "I have been busy these days ... it just happened." MC asks "Yoon Hee, are you okay?"
Yoon Hee asks "Can we meet and talk in person instead of on the phone?"
"I will be waiting for you in the store" (her bar).
MC gets up and says "I understand Yoon Hee, I will come now." and prepare to leave to the bar. MC thinks "Whatever it is, it is a reality I have to face."
"As much as I hurt Yoon Hee, let's get punished from her sweetly." 
Title Drop. 
At the bar. 
MC says "I am here, Yoon Hee."
Yoon Hee says "You are here?" She is sipping wine. She says "Don't just stand there. Come and sit."
MC asks "Why don't you drink with me?" She says "I just wanted to get drunk today."  She pours out some wine for mc and says "Do you understand?" "By the way, it's been almost a month?"
MC says "Yes. It's the first time since that accident." 
She says "I couldn't even use the thing I bought that day because of what happened." "I didn't expect it to happen."
MC thinks "Yoon Hee must have had a hard time" and says "Yoon Hee, are you okay?"
She looks at MC, smiles and says "Well, there's nothing to worry about. Why do you look so sad?"
She says "I don't know if it is good or bad, the victims didn't want the case to go bigger, so the agreement went well." Panel of Yoon Hee apologizing to parents. looks like Jihyun is the one who she is apologizing to.
"Of course, there will be some penalties for the affected companies." "But you know? I am rich."
MC says "Then, what's wrong. Yoon Hee ..." She says "Rather, my heart is hurt." "I mean I didn't know anything while those were happening." "That must have been why I was indifferent to Junbeom." She puts more wine into glasses.
MC asks "Yoon Hee, don't you blame the distributor?" She says "Blame."
"There's nothing to blame about?" "I'd rather say thanks." 
MC says "Huh?" "What does it all mean?"
She took out a cigarette and says "It must have happened one day." "It's better to become clear now, it's already late enough tho." "Still, I am done with it now." She lights the cigarette and starts smoking. She says "I've come to be able to help."
"I am sure it's my fault that Junbeom became like that." 
"So now, I am going to face it honestly. Apologize to Junbeom and correct him."
They cheers the wine glasses. 
MC thinks "I was mistaken about Yoon Hee." "Yoon Hee is a much stronger person."
MC asks "Junbeom, how has he been?" She says "He is in nearby motel." "Looking at the credit card detail, he must have been there all days." "May be having his own self reflection?" "He must have had the time to reflect on." 
MC thinks "Is he really reflecting on himself?" "Is everything going to end like this?"
Yoon Hee hugs MC from behind and says "What are you thinking?"
MC says "Oh, nevermind."
Yoon Hee asks "Can you stay with me tonight?"
MC says "Yoon Hee."
They starts kissing. MC grabs her tits. MC pulls down her blouse/dress covering her tits. Their tongues are touching. She says "Go on, do it."
MC looks at the tits. And starts sucking. MC says "If that's comforts you, I will be happy."
MC pulls down her panties. She says "I am rooting for you. Hurry up and put it in. I don't want to think about anything tonight."
MC starts fucking her. She moans. And yells "More, harder!"
She says "I really like you, Sanghyun ..."
More fucking panels.  They kiss again. 
The wine glass lying on the floor.  "Ha, ha .. great."
MC now doing doggy style. She yelling "Give me more, just a little bit more!!"
She says "All right. I think I am gonna finish." MC says "Yoon, Yoon Hee, I can't ... "
She yells "Cum inside me!" "Without leaving a single drop ... !"
MC says "Cumming!" and cum inside. 
Yoon Hee making ahegao face.
Meanwhile at the motel nearby. 
Junbeom drinking on the floor some soju. "Whew ... !"
".... everything" 
thumbnail left 
"I won't let it everything go."
End chap.

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Sister’s Friends Chapter 13 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-20-2022, 01:47 PM

Sister’s Friends Chapter 13 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

The same motherfucker from last chapter still knocking up the door calling for someone. Florist girl appears with a dark face saying “Hello, i’m here….” The delivery guy freeze with fear but then she makes a cute face and says “Oh… is the flower i requested…”

Switch scenes to night at MC’s house. Blonde is playing with MC but he wins. She got angry and asked why he did that but MC is in another world thinking about what happened early. 

A short flashback of MC x Florist Girl. She gives her number to him and says tomorrow is a day off so they can go to a date.

Chaerin (Purple Noona) arrives with her baggage and MC goes there to help her.

She thinks he missed her already and he is cute because he is happy she is there. They go to talk and MC says about his date with florist girl next day. She gets angry and jealous thinking “After all you did to me last time, you now thinking about that girl…” She says she will help him with the date. (She trolls him of course) 

Next day in the morning, Yoga Noona was there with some vegetables for the breakfast (She is with a cute hairstyle). When MC opens the door he is with a hiking outfit saying this is what people use for a date. Yoga noona helps him

Later, MC is there waiting for florist noona and he is handsome. He thinks why she didn’t answer but then she appears behind him.

Chapter ends with both looking to each other.

(Sex probably in chapter 15)

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A Wonderful New World 135 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-20-2022, 01:47 PM

A Wonderful New World 135 raw
[Image: IMG_6428.png?width=1025&height=356]

by Rj

El capítulo comienza con la recapitulación del último capítulo con la conversación telefónica de TL y el tutor. Luego cambia a FMC (¿es siquiera FMC en este punto?) practicando poses para su audición.  Ella no está segura de su ropa (una escasa) y se siente presionada para la audición. Contempla la posibilidad de llamar a MC pero decide no hacerlo, pero dice que estaría bien que él la acompañara a la audición.

Título (Foto del gato Nasori)

Cambio de escena a MC en la oficina. MC se pregunta si debería comprar un nuevo teléfono. Nasori entra sigilosamente por detrás. Después de una pequeña broma, Nasori le entrega a MC un nuevo teléfono. MC pregunta por qué le ha comprado uno. Nasori se pone en modo "dere" y le responde que MC lo perdió el día que Nasori le pidió que fuera de compras con ella, así que se sintió responsable. MC se queda atónito y dice que no se lo puede creer. Nasori vuelve a ponerse en modo tsun tsun y empuja el teléfono (que está en una bolsa de papel) a MC y le dice que deje de hablar y lo coja. Mientras Nasori se va, le recuerda a MC que no pierda el teléfono, si no lo va a matar. MC dice que gracias y que realmente usará el teléfono. La escena termina con una hermosa Nasori sonriendo mientras mira hacia atrás diciendo "Hoseung, eres un tonto..." (en un tono que creo).

El día pasa y el MC está explorando cómo usar su nuevo teléfono. Glasses se arrastra por detrás (lleva una bolsa de halloween, ¿quizás un disfraz?) Glasses le pregunta cómo está. MC dice que no tiene mucho que hacer. Cuando Glasses estaba a punto de invitar a MC a algo, ve a la jefa de equipo mirando de forma inquietante a través de la puerta. TL le indica a MC con la mano que se acerque a ella. MC entonces cambia su respuesta diciendo que tiene que hacer algo.

Cambia la escena a la oficina de TL. TL regaña a MC ya que era obvio que estaba a punto de irse a casa temprano del trabajo. MC lo niega y dice que obviamente iba a seguir trabajando. TL dice que no le cree. Mientras toma TL se apoya en la mesa exponiendo su enorme trasero. MC pone en perspectiva que últimamente no ha prestado atención a TL porque está muy ocupado con las otras chicas. Se pregunta si TL está celosa. Mientras TL sigue agachada (está buscando algo), MC admira la figura divina de TL mientras se le ven las bragas. Mientras MC vacila sobre si TL lo está seduciendo, finalmente decide ir por la jugada mientras va detrás de TL. Le dice a TL que deje de buscar. Se dice a sí mismo que TL está definitivamente frustrado (sexualmente). TL le pregunta a MC qué está haciendo. MC responde que no tiene que fingir más mientras MC le tira de la braga. MC dice que debería habérselo dicho enseguida (que lo necesita). TL dice que no está de humor. Pero MC baja agresivamente la braga de TL revelando su coño mojado.

El capítulo termina.

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Chap starts off with the recap from last chap with TL and tutor's phone convo. Then it switches to FMC(is she even FMC at this point?) practicing poses for her audition.  She's unsure of her outfit (a skimpy one) and she feels pressured for the audition. She contemplates on calling MC but decided not to, but she says it would be nice if he can go with her to the audition.

Title Drop (Nasori Cat pic)

Change scene to MC in the office. MC wonders if he should buy a new phone. Nasori creeps in from behind. After a bit of banter, Nasori hands MC a new phone. MC asks why would she buy him one. Nasori just turns into dere mode, and cutely answers that MC lost it on the day that Nasori asked him to go shopping with her so she felt responsible. MC is stunned as says he can't believe it. Nasori turns to tsun tsun mode again and shoves the phone (that's in a paper bag) to MC and tells MC to stop talking and just take it. As Nasori leaves, she reminds MC to not lose the phone, else she's going to kill him. MC says thanks and he'll really use the phone. Scene ends with a beautiful Nasori smiling while looking back saying "Hoseung, you're such an dummy..." (in a tone i believe).

Day passes and MC is exploring how to use his new phone. Glasses creeps in from behind (she's holding a halloween bag, maybe a costume?) Glasses asks him how is he. MC says he doesn't have much to do. As Glasses was about to invite MC to something, he sees Team Leader eerily glaring through the door. TL signals MC with her hand to come to her. MC then changes his answer that he has to do something.

Change scene to TL's office. TL scolds MC as it was obvious he was about to go home early from work. MC denies and says he was obviously going to continue working. TL says he doesn't believe him. While taking TL is leaning on the table exposing her huge ass. MC puts into perspective that lately he hasn't paid any attention to TL because he's so busy with the other girls. He wonders if TL is jealous. As TL is still bending over(she's searching for something), MC admires TL's godly figure as her skimpy panty shows. As MC vacillates on whether TL is seducing him rn, he finally decides to go for the move as he goes behind TL. He says to TL to stop searching. He says to himself that TL is definitely (sexually) frustrated. TL asks MC what's he doing. MC answers that she doesn't have to pretend anymore as MC pulls her panty. MC says, she should have told her right away (that she needs "it"). TL says she's not in to mood. But MC aggressively pries down TL's panty revealing her dripping wet pussy.

Chap ends.

  Open Thread

Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 22 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-19-2022, 09:22 PM

Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 22 Summary

(Chapter translated with MTL)

“Is different from what i have saw in books… This shouldn’t be like this..”

Some panels of him trying. He managed to put inside and elf reacts with pain. 

“Hmm wait…Why i feel that’s ripping? Wait… no way… Virgin?” 

Title drops

MC’s thoughts: “I’m sure you have been with a lot of men, with this pervert nature… How a 250 years elf is virgin? Anyway i can’t stop here.” “Seeing you cry like that, isn’t it obvious you want more?”

Elf tries to say something but MC didn’t hear cause she was moaning more than saying.

MC: “I guess she likes it.”

Elf’s thoughts: “Stop, i have to stop this..”

“I can’t believe it… Theodor… What is wrong with me?” (elf with heart eyes) “I feel good.. for a long time… a little more.”

MC creampies her. But starts to ask himself if that was enough to satisfy her, so for safety he will do it one more time. Elf looks exhausted. 

Chapter ends with him putting inside again. 

(Round 2  next chapter)

  Open Thread

Elf who likes to be humiliated Chapter 21 Summary (English)

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Beatz, 03-19-2022, 09:17 PM

Elf who likes to be Humiliated Chapter 21 Summary 
(Chapter translated with MTL)

[I won’t do a summary for chapter 20 because today (3.19.22) will be released the translated version on toptoon plus. But basically is a chapter with Dremes explaining about the elixir, some panels of elf thinking about the sex that will happen. More happened but not worth for a summary]
Starts with elf blowing MC and she asking if is good enough. MC thinking “This elf with this pervert nature is no joke, she must have did this a lot of times…”
Elf’s thought: “It’s painful… disgusting but i can’t stop here…” “ I’m sure you will think i’m a pushover… It’s not me who’s volunteering right now but you”
She starts doing a paizuri. He cums inside her mouth and she shallows..
Elf’s thought: “Don’t leave you think this is a reason to think i’m an easy!”
MC thinks he couldn’t handle enough, he was planing to make her suffering not ejaculating this fast but he already did just with a blowjob.
He says it was good enough for a slave like her and said “Now go to bed…” Thinks: “I will satisfy you, Elf.”
Title Drops
A little flashback of MC talking with Dremes (the other witch), she gave him a gift (Is something to increased the excitement of the person u put it on, u need to put in her nipple).
He puts the tool in her nipple and “humiliates” her. “Now let’s see if you are ready” (fingering her). He was about to put his D inside her but he didn’t know how to do it.
Chapter ends.

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Understanding of flirting 15 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-19-2022, 08:58 PM

Understanding of flirting 15 raw
[Image: IMG_6378.png?width=1025&height=361]

by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con fmc intentando decir algo al mc, entre palabras entrecortadas dice: -Mientras estabas en el ejército.... El mc inmediatamente piensa que ella está tratando de decirle que tiene novio, se pregunta cómo debe reaccionar.
Antes de que el fmc empiece a hablar el mc recibe una llamada, le pregunta al fmc si puede esperar un momento, él contesta que es su madre le dice al fmc que tiene que irse ya que su madre vendrá de visita.
El mc entre pensamientos dice que no está preparado para escuchar que el fmc tiene novio
Se despiden y mientras el mc se aleja el fmc le dice: -Mientras servías en el ejército, estaba esperando para decirte esto..

[Image: 81cdb6329b617cccaba3256229e1d439.jpg]
Cambio de escena estamos con la peliverde y un amigo en una habitación, la peliverde está triste porque se puso en contacto con el mc, sin embargo él no ha respondido. Tienen una pequeña discusión al respecto.
[Image: 151719431ca9ba73e29aa0a9a0e357a9.jpg]
Empieza a ponerse triste porque cree que es irrelevante para el mc, y también empieza a considerar que el mc tiene novia (pensando en la escena del mc con las tapas de noonca detrás). Su amiga intenta animarla diciéndole que es guapa.
[Image: e3b7b81099f06e38adad285a061fa868.jpg]
En ese momento recibe un mensaje del mc diciéndole que si pueden quedar esta noche, rápidamente empieza a prepararse y, siguiendo el consejo de su amiga, decide ponerse una ropa interior "mona" y dice: -Esta noche no voy a ir sólo a ver el partido (probablemente vayan a un sitio donde se practique deporte o algo parecido / o quizás sea un malentendido por mi parte, pido disculpas por ello).
[Image: 334829ba7e484f1e3c3c470ac1dd2d62.jpg]

by Larazzy

The chapter begins with fmc trying to say something to the mc, between broken words he says: -While you were in the army.... The mc immediately thinks that she is trying to tell him that she has a boyfriend, he wonders how he should react.
 Before the fmc starts talking the mc receives a call, he asks the fmc if he can wait a moment, he answers it's his mother tells the fmc that he needs to go since his mom will come from visit.
 The mc between thoughts says that he is not ready to hear that the fmc has a boyfriend
 They say goodbye and while the mc walks away the fmc he says: -While you served in the army, I was waiting to tell you this..
[Image: 81cdb6329b617cccaba3256229e1d439.jpg]
Change of scene we are with the green hair and a friend in a room, the green hair is sad because she contacted the mc, however he has not responded. They have a little discussion about it.
[Image: 151719431ca9ba73e29aa0a9a0e357a9.jpg]
She begins to get sad because she believes she is irrelevant to the mc, and she also begins to consider that the mc has a girlfriend (thinking about the scene of the mc with the noonca caps behind). Her friend tries to cheer her up by telling her that she is cute.
[Image: e3b7b81099f06e38adad285a061fa868.jpg]
At that moment she receives a message from the mc telling her if they can meet tonight, she quickly begins to get ready and, following her friend's advice, she decides to put on 'cute' underwear and says: -Tonight I won't go to just watch the game (they probably go to a place where sports or something similar is practiced / or maybe it's a misunderstanding on my part, I apologize for that).
[Image: 334829ba7e484f1e3c3c470ac1dd2d62.jpg]

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Boarding Diary 84 raw

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UchihaKanon, 03-19-2022, 08:35 PM

Boarding Diary 84 raw

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by Larazzy

El capítulo comienza con Noona diciéndole que lo harán todo el día. Sorprendido, él le dice "¡¿Lo haremos todo el día?!". Ahora, preocupado, piensa que no tendrá suficiente energía para hacerlo todo el día. Preocupado, piensa que si lo hace todo el día, podría perder el conocimiento <<Se imagina una escena en la que está a punto de morir y se despide de Minji y la noona>>. A Junwoo no le queda más remedio que satisfacerla de otra manera, así que decide usar su lengua, por lo que le dice que se suba encima de él (en su boca para ser más específicos ~69~).

Ella ahora se siente muy avergonzada porque en esta posición, él podrá ver todo su coño, recalcando que nunca se lo ha mostrado a nadie. Él, excitado, señala que le gusta lo que ve, además de gustarle la esencia que emana de su coño. Comienza a lamerla en esa posición, mientras ella le dice que pare, porque si sigue así no podrá soportarlo. Ahora piensa que aunque no puede ver la cara de Junwoo, y que está muy avergonzada, esto le gusta extrañamente. Ahora tanto ella como él empiezan a ser más intensos, especialmente él, que empieza a lamerla más intensamente. Ella grita que está al límite y que no puede más, y procede a correrse en la cara de Junwoo.

Mientras Junwoo estaba bañado en los fluidos de la noona, ella le pregunta: "¡¿Qué has hecho?!". Dando a entender que es la primera vez que se corre así. Junwoo ignora este comentario y procede a penetrarla. Él le dice "¿qué esperabas al venir a mi cama tratando de despertarme así?", ella piensa que esto se siente diferente a lo habitual, señalando que nunca se había sentido tan bien, pero que le encanta este nuevo tipo de sensación.

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Pasamos a otra escena, donde vemos que Mikyang y Minji están en una sala de masajes. Minji se sorprende al ver la cara de su madre, ya que está más guapa de lo habitual. Además, le dice a su madre que le cuente lo que hizo ayer. Haciendo que Mikyang recuerde que ayer tuvo sexo. Ella muy avergonzada le dice que es sólo una nueva loción, a lo que Minji le dice que no mienta, y que probablemente esté tomando vitaminas o suplementos. Mikyang piensa que no puede decirle a Minji que tuvo sexo con Junwoo. Ahora, mientras Minji disfruta de los masajes, piensa que su hermana cometió un error al quedarse en casa.

Volvemos a la escena del MC con su noona. Ella siente que todo su cuerpo se derrite. Le encanta que Junwoo lo haga de forma dura y brusca. El MC dice que no puede aguantar más y que se va a correr dentro de ella. Ella le ruega que no lo haga... hasta que le dice que puede hacerlo.


by Larazzy

The chapter begins with Noona telling him that they will do it all day. Surprised, he tells her "SHALL WE DO IT ALL DAY?!". Now, worried, he thinks he won’t have enough energy to do it ALL day. Worried, he thinks that if he does it all day, he could lose consciousness <<He imagines a scene where he is about to die and says goodbye to Minji and the noona>>. Junwoo has no choice but to satisfy her in another way, so he decides to use his tongue, so he tells her to climb on top of him (on his mouth to be more specific ~69~).
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She now feels very embarrassed because in this position, he will be able to see her entire pussy, emphasizing that she has never shown this to anyone. He, excited, points out that he likes what he sees, in addition to liking the essence that emanates from her pussy. He starts licking her in that position, while she tells him to stop, because if he continues like this she won't be able to stand it. Now she thinks that even though she can't see Junwoo's face, and that she is very embarrassed, she strangely likes this. Now both she and he begin to be more intense, especially him, who begins to lick her more intensely. She yells that she's at her limit and that she can't take it anymore, and proceeds to cum on Junwoo's face.
As Junwoo was bathed in the noona's fluids, she asks him, “What did you do?!” Implying that it's her first time cumming like that. Junwoo ignores this comment, and proceeds to penetrate her. He tells her "what did you expect by coming to my bed trying to wake me up like that", she thinks this feels different than usual, pointing out that she's never felt this good before, but she loves this new kind of sensation.
[Image: 86eb53f9fa056742cd2e07480a015482.jpg]
We go to another scene, where we see that Mikyang and Minji are in a massage room. Minji is surprised to see her mother's face, as she is unusually more beautiful than usual. In addition, she tells her mother to tell her what she did yesterday. Making Mikyang remember that she had sex yesterday. She very embarrassed tells her that it's just a new lotion, to which Minji tells her not to lie, and that she's probably taking vitamins or supplements. Mikyang thinks she can't tell Minji that she had sex with Junwoo. Now, while Minji is enjoying the massages, she thinks her sister made a mistake by staying home.
[Image: 76884a87d37a914b5b5b189936f05c00.jpg]
We go back to the scene of the MC with his noona. She feels like her whole body is melting. She loves that Junwoo is doing it hard and rough. MC says that he can't take it anymore, and that he will cum inside her. She begs him not to do it…until she tells him he can.

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